Hi there! I'm Shoni

shoshona26 Posts: 7
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!

My name is Shoni and I a 27 y/o female. I am a former Naval officer and due to some medical issues and a fair amount of my own unwillingness to accept the reality of my situation, I have gotten way off track with regards to my fitness. I started this process about 7 weeks ago and have lost just over 13 lbs so far, but I've got a long way to go! I am on the Roca Labs No Surgery gastric BYpass formula and have already made some friends on youtube and here, but hope to grow my support network as I think I feel not only accountable to myself that way, but also to all the people who support you through the process.

My vlog is available on youtube under the channel: "ShonitheMoney" (when you say it out lous it sounds like "Show me the money" - Cuba Gooding Jr. in Jerry Maguire. Link available here:


Anyway, hope everyone is doing wonderfully and I look forward to supporting one another through this process!

All good things,


  • Hi Shoni,

    My name is Stacy. I wanted to "introduce" myself...I "found" you via the Net when I purchased the Roca Labs Mini Gastric Bypass program and have wanted to connect with you, but I'm not much into the global network per say.

    Just to give you some background, I'm 41 [soon to be 42] and the mother of 2 small children. I am a 3rd grade teacher and from Indiana. Have been overweight my whole life, and at the my highest [210ish] since the birth of my son, 17 months ago. I'm about 5'3".

    I really wanted to ask you about the Roca Labs. I ordered it months ago, started out fine, then went on vacation. From there, not so successful and am wondering if I should go try to go back on the program. What are your thoughts on the success of this program?

    Hope to hear from you!
  • Hi Shoni,

    My name is Kathy, and I have just started the Roca Labs program. Looking for any hints you may have!

    I am 60 years old, and grandma to 6 great grandkids. I have about 40 lbs. to loose, menopause was not kind to me, and I have tried numerous times to loose weight, only to gain in all back. I would love to be able to loose and keep it off this time!
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    I just started this week! (the formula, not here at MFP) I am really glad to see this thread as I have been having a hard time finding other users still on the program. I did find a couple of people on a thread at WebMD and found a Facebook group.

    I took my first "shake" last Saturday. I took Sun/Mon off because it was the holiday weekend and I was on a mini vacay celebrating 3 years of being with my fiance. I started back on Tuesday.

    I can tell I am less hungry and when I start to nibble, I am full right away.

    I have tried everything known to man to shed this weight.

    Renewed my gym membership for the next 3 months. I have a home gym set up for the crappy winter that we get here in MI and I hate driving on crappy roads. I was using that and videos before we decided to join the gym.

    I have found that letting it get like jello doesnt work for me. I have a hard time "eating" it. So, I mix it with juice, water and a crystal light pack, or water and a tiny pinch of a sugar free jello powder mix and I drink it while I drink 1 L of water. I have a bottle handing while I drink. It seems to work well. I drink a lot of water during the day.

    Yesterday I tried doing a half dose later in the afternoon and that seems to help.

    I purchased a 1 month pack off eBay to try before I dished out so much money for the program. I dont have the anti craving formula so I can't really say too much about that.

    So far it is too soon to tell scale wise. But I do feel full and feel I am eating less.

    Now I just need to get back to exercising!
  • Hi Shoni,

    My name is Dilan, from the Philippines! Weighed 156 lbs and i'm 5'2". Been overweight all my life. I've been into several failed relationships in the past the reason why it did not go successful was because of my weight issues, I really hate this feeling of depression and low self-esteem. I tried to exercise and do some diets but I always failed. :(

    My aunt from the US usually send me a lot of weight loss pills and refers me to a lot of websites where it can help me change my life back. she recently introduced me to this formula where it can create a bypass effect in your stomach. good thing she said that because I was reconsidering myself to have a surgery here in the philippines.

    I would really love to hear from you guys. Please help me and i might help you as well on my journey. Lets help one another. thank you so much!

  • Hi SHoni!!

    Have you started the program again? I have been on it for 1 month only and lost 12 pounds but I want hear from other people that have used for longer than that...I had some mild headache the first week but then it went away...im taking once a day and I mix with apple juice so it goes down easier...How do you like the taste?
  • Hello,

    I heard so much good things about this RocaLabs product, I went to their website once and talked to a representative once she told me that when using the formula on an average you can lose around 15 lbs a month and 1 order will last around 5 months I said wow that's wonderful I did some research on the web and saw a handful of positive feedback some of them are not that good but you can't pleased everybody right?lol and view video testimonials at YouTube and saw many satisfied consumers using the product so I'm thinking I will be trying this thing out hope it will work for me as it worked for all of you. If I have time I will be updating my progress. Thank you
  • WoW there are a lot of you out there who discovered Roca Labs just as I did, and I'm gald to see that all of you have had significant progress. As for my self, my initial goal was to loose up to 50 pounds, I've lost 15 so far and I've been using this stuff for 2 weeks now, I do hope to keep this weight loss rate and especially I hope that I won't regain it once I finish the treatment. I'd love to hear more about your experiences and if you have any tips and tricks to maximize the effect I'm all ears :)

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • I'm thinking about ordering some of this Roca Lab stuff and wondered how it works. Can you tell that there is something in
    your stomach. Are there any negative side effects? Thanks for your time.
  • I just started this this morning. I am a 29 year old mother of 2 (2 & 4) and I am back up in weight way higher than I want to be. I can kinda tell that my stomach doesn't have as much space in it, but it's not crazy noticeable. I got the regular formula (30-50lbs loss) so I have the anti-craving stuff with it. I drank my formula this morning without any flavor pack (the stuff smells like fruit punch drink mix) but I will be getting some crystal light and juice today to mix in tomorrow. I have started a blog (http://ladyj1015.blogspot.com/) and vlog (http://www.youtube.com/user/LadyJ1015) to keep track of my progress. I plan on sending my stuff into Roca Labs so I can get some of my money back.
  • MissKrema
    MissKrema Posts: 1
    I'm really happy to see that there are a lot of people discovering Roca Labs! My co-worker is currently using the Roca product for a month now. I can say her aura has changed, and she's more confident now. I wish everyone the best on their weight loss journey with Roca Labs!
  • Athenna99
    Athenna99 Posts: 1
    Hello Shoni, I just joined here, and just about to start my Roca Labs (program), if that would be the correct term for it. I just ordered and will receive it next week. I m very excited since I've watched and read a lot of blogs regarding Roca Labs. I want to lose more than 30 lbs, so I hope Roca will help me achieve my weight goal! Have a happy life!
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