my friend is doing b12 injections

myurav Posts: 165 Member
hey everyone,

so my best friend has decided to do b12 injections after a coworker of hers lost 30 lbs on it (then gained it back). she and her mom have both decided to try it out. apparently, it's one injection every three weeks and appetite suppressant pills...

i sent her a link about how it's not been proven effective, but she's convinced she wants to do it. i'm concerned about her health - when she wants to lose weight, she tends to starve herself until she gets to her weight, then it usually creeps back up. i've mentioned that exercise and eating well is a cheaper and more permanent alternative, but she says she doesn't want to starve herself (even though i told her that i'm definitely not starving myself) and she is set on it.

she's an adult, so i don't want to bring it up anymore (i've already asked her about it a few times, and she gets annoyed if i push). but does anyone here have any experience with b12 injections or any information? i just want to be as informed as possible about this.



  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    i was on b1 injections for a while , many years ago. not for weight loss reasons but for fatigue.

    burns like a mo fo.

    didnt notice a whole lot of difference so i stopped
  • saffir27
    saffir27 Posts: 68 Member
    I did take b12 injections but it was for B12 deficiency. I noticed no difference with my weight. I think it should be okay but any injections should be done under a doctor supervision.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    I used to take B-12 injections when I worked at a weight-loss clinic.

    The only time I noticed a marked difference was when my period was about to start/right @ the beginning & the fatigue and potential b!tch-fest would subside.
  • b12 for wt loss??????? is this from a doc or what???? I am going to guess that the apetite suppressant is what is going to "work" and the b12 is to make them feel better after they eat a mico amount of cals ...anyway...

    I actually found this much better way to lose is almost like a is called "shut your mouth and move your butt" :noway: 100% success rate if followed correctly with the only side effects being more energy, longer life and generally better well being...:heart:
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    I'm a Pharmacy Intern and i still don't understand why they are using injections like that. It's not like you can't get b12 orally.
    My wife did the same thing a few years ago, injections, appetite suppresant, lost a ton of weight, and then, gained it all back.
  • newbride0312
    newbride0312 Posts: 13 Member
    B 12 injection help boost energy level. I'm not sure how well they work for regular weightloss by themselves. I have been on them for 3 weeks now with the appetite suppressants.
    Are you worried about the b12 affects or her tendency to starve herself for weightloss?
    With appetite suppressants - you have to force yourself to eat the requisite calories per day!
  • kiwicakes
    kiwicakes Posts: 65 Member
    Hmmm. A friend's friend did something like it, but b12 was only a supplement shot on top of the appetite suppressant&other shots she was getting. She did lose almost 30lbs in a month, that was 2.5 years ago, she's gained maybe half of that back over time. It does not sound safe to me but she said she felt fine while being on it. To each its own you know, best of luck to your friend!
  • I take B12 shots every month, but not for weight loss. I found out after dieting for a while the reason I was so tired all the time was that I was B12 deficient. I have heard of people taking it for weight loss and they swear by it. It really doesn't help me with that. If a doctor is prescribing it, it should be okay.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    LIke the others, I'm taking them and haven't noticed a difference (I get mine every other week). I have a B12 deficiency, but I know of a doctor here in Ontario that does them as part of his treatment (Dr. Bernstein for those who have heard of him).

    The only thing I can say is to do it under a doctor's supervision. With B12 overdose observed side effects such as hives, pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure, thrombosis, peripheral vascular disease, sometimes - anaphylactic shock. I don't know what would consitute an overdose, it might be something crazy like a shot every day........but still those are serious side effects.

    I'd suggest that the majority of their weight loss is due to the appetite suppressant with the B12 replacing some of the energy due to lack of nutrition being eaten. What about the other nutrients? Calcium, potassium, Vitamin A......super low calorie diets are often deficient with these and it doesn't seem that the "B12" diet would compensate for any of these....
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    thanks for your help everyone.

    i'll keep an eye on her, and just let her know that MFP is always here when she's ready!
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