Menopause and weight loss

I am relatively new to this site and extremely new at writing on any site about myself. I am 45 and been dealing with menopause symptoms for about a year now. I went from about 155lbs in January to 180lbs this morning. I have tried, off and on, for the last 10 months to diet and exercise, only to give up after about a week with no results. In my head I know that this is going to take longer than a week to see results, but it just sucks! So now I am trying again, albeit with a better attitude, I think. I would like to hear from others who have lost weight during this time in their life, just to know it's possible. My goal is 130lbs. I am about 5'4", so I don't think this weight is out of the question. Actually, my high was 183lbs yesterday. But I have a feeling most of what I have lost is water. I have been exercising, walking and jogging in place for 30 minutes and some push ups and sit ups.
Thanks for the support,


  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    Best of luck to you. There is a group called 'Women of a Certain Age" that you may want to check out. I haven't been through any of the symptoms yet, but I know it's coming. I was fortunate enough to lose the weight before any of that stuff starts.

    We're here if you need us!!
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    KrKavanagh, I am struggling with the similar issues. I finally approached menopause with all the bells and whistles, slow metabolism and all. Oh well, we just have to deal with it, and be happy that every women either has, is going thru it or will some day. I am pushing my self to stay active with cardio for my heart's sake. hopefully the pounds will melt off if i can maintain my over eating splurges. you can freind me if you like...we can support each other! happy night sweats!!!
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    I am 56, 5'5". and was able to reach my goal weight of 125. I'm menopausal and am taking hormones. It IS possible to lose weight :wink: Good luck!
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    I am in perimenopause, I I had gained alot of weight. I have been on here about 5 months and have lost 37 pounds. I am almost to my goal weight of 127. I am only 5' but that is the weight I am most comfortable at. You can do it. Just take one day at a time :)
  • dsc32209
    dsc32209 Posts: 40 Member
    Good for you for trying again! I am 60 and have been on this site for a few weeks. I have 80 lbs to lose and have lost 16 so far. For me, I had to come to the realization that I cannot eat like I used to and have to exercise. Logging your food accurately has been the key for me.

    Best of luck!
  • I'm 49 (50 next month!) and un-officially done with menopause (last TOM was 11/9/10 :laugh: ) I joined MyFitnessPal in March and lost 30 lbs in 6 months!! :bigsmile: I've been in maintainance for last 6-7 weeks and I feel AMAZING!! :happy: I'm also in the best shape, both physically & mentally, than I've ever been in!!

    You can do this-don't let menopause be your excuse!! Friend me if you need someone in your corner!!
  • BLaurieJ
    BLaurieJ Posts: 7 Member
    I have been having the same issues - since I started tracking my food and exercise here I have seen results - but much slower than I would have hoped and sometimes huge fluctuations day to day - I can't make any sense of it because my period has started to come at random times (sometimes 3 weeks sometimes 6 weeks) - but it is at least now a downward trend instead of upward (-: Try sticking with it for a month. I count my wins my maintaining or losing. Most weeks I win. Some weeks I lose. But as I said at least I moving downward!! I started at 186 and am down to 180, so there is hope (and I still have a long way to go).
  • I've had the same issues with a thyroid problem on top of it. At 53, I've been struggling for years with my weight. Hit my high at 199.1 last week & just can't believe it. If you are excercising and watching your intake, you are doing just as you should. Keep up the good work. For us 'old' gals, it just takes consistency and perseverence. I kept falling off the wagon & weight just comes back quicker than it takes to lose. You just have to make it a life long commitment.
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    I went through the very same thing over the last few years. I was desperate to lose the pounds I had put on after going through menopause, but was really clueless as to how to go about it properly. If you follow the diet and exercise plan on this site and are completely honest about all your diary entries, you will succeed. You can do it!
  • I am relatively new to this site and extremely new at writing on any site about myself. I am 45 and been dealing with menopause symptoms for about a year now. I went from about 155lbs in January to 180lbs this morning. I have tried, off and on, for the last 10 months to diet and exercise, only to give up after about a week with no results. In my head I know that this is going to take longer than a week to see results, but it just sucks! So now I am trying again, albeit with a better attitude, I think. I would like to hear from others who have lost weight during this time in their life, just to know it's possible. My goal is 130lbs. I am about 5'4", so I don't think this weight is out of the question. Actually, my high was 183lbs yesterday. But I have a feeling most of what I have lost is water. I have been exercising, walking and jogging in place for 30 minutes and some push ups and sit ups.
    Thanks for the support,

    I am 43 1/2, 5'4", and have the same goal weight (and about 40 pounds to lose to get there). I also have hypothyroid (underactive). I've been slowly gaining weight for the last year. Finally joined this site, then made an appointment with the Endocrinologist. Couldn't get in until Dec 9th, but I've been patiently trying to "maintain" without gaining more. You should make an appointment ASAP! Good luck!
  • I'm 43 and I don't think I've started menopause yet, but I've dealt with endometriosis until I had a supracervical hysterectomy last year. I'm also 5' 4" and my highest weight was 183 lbs. I tried all sorts of kinds of exercise before my surgery, signed up on MFP in April, started jogging again in July and still with no success and was really fed up this August. I finally mentioned to my doctor that I had been feeling down, and he suggested prozac. Since then I've lost 30 pounds and can jog for about an hour 3x a week. I've just started adding gym workouts 2x a week.

    I'm not saying you need prozac or any anti-depressant, but I can't help but wonder if it was the perfect storm of hormonal balance + consistently increasing cardio (I did Couch to 5K) + logging calories + prozac, but something finally clicked. You might ask your doctor to do a complete hormone level check.

    The prozac helped me not worry about the results of my exercising and quelled my anxiety enough I could control my portions much better. Now the jogging has become a reward in and of itself.
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 47 and metabolism does slow down with age. I've lost 23 pounds in the last 3.5 months. I focus on eating sensible, healthy meals, moderate cardio exercise (mostly walking), occasional lite weight lifting (should do more as I hear this is most beneficial at our stage of life), and paying close attention to my body for hunger signs (i.e. eating 4 or 5 times a day and staying in my calorie range instead of focusing on 3 or 6 meals as a standard). Good luck and add me as friend if you like.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    I am 45 also, but haven't started menopause. I do have a very low metabolism as well as a few other health issues that have caused me to struggle with weightloss. However, it can be done! I started my journey 12-30-10 and have lost 34 pounds. There were months that I've seen no weightloss but I never gave up. Feel free to friend me if you'd like and good luck on this journey. You'll find MFP friends very helpful and encouraging.
  • rachel41
    rachel41 Posts: 354 Member
    WOW! That's sounds like me,I am 45 an dealing with menopause to.I wish I could give you advice ,I am the same as you.Off and on dieting but recently,I found out that I have pre diabetes.I don,t want to get the full blown diabetes so that is encouraging me to stick with my cals and exercise.All I can say stick with it.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    I'm 53 and started peri menopause about 8 years ago. Although I was already overweight it seemed like I gained easier from that time on. I have been on here since Sept. 9th. Starting weight was 208.5 Current weight is 189.4 (I haven't entered it yet as I'm trying to wait til my regular weigh in day to do that). It may be harder to lose at this time in our lives but it is possible.

    I am a member of the Near or post-menopausal Group. I haven't checked out the other group yet, But I'm sure they are as wonderful and supportive as the one I've joined.

    Feel free to send a friend request if you'd like.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. :smile:
  • Thank you all for your great words of support. I really hadn't thought of all the other women out there going through the same things. It also doesn't help that my husband is 3 years younger than me and can eat everything in the house, sleep on the couch and practically lose weight, *kitten*! LOL

    Thanks again, and I will be back!
  • I understand where you are. And, as much as I hate to admit it, menopause has really thrown me for a loop. I'm 50, and just recently went through it. Everything, and I mean everything, they said about hitting my 40s and 50s and lower metabolism is true. It takes a lot of effort to burn calories. I don't have much advice. One thing I've seemed to learn is that it is more the food you eat than the exercise. It's all about calories in - calories out. The exercise can give you a few more calories a day, but food can really make a difference. You're going to do it, you know you are. I've also found (and read this quite a few times) that if you try to eat the same things for breakfast and lunch that are low calorie, you usually are a little more successful. For example, I eat a hard boiled egg and toast with some type of protein (slice of cheese or peanut butter on the toast) every morning. I just started that this week and lost a pound. However, tomorrow I will not have a hard boiled egg. After 4 days of hard boiled eggs, I'm tired of them. You're going to do it! KC
  • I liked your comment, and just had to share this. One time, my older sister told me after loosing a great deal of weight, "It is just as hard to keep the weight off as it is to lose it." I know I used to think it, "if I could just lose it........." But, the truth is, you have to always eat in moderation -rather it is to lose it, or to maintain it.
  • I am 46, 5'5", and currently 180 lbs. Chemotherapy caused my early menopause about a year and a half ago. I gained about 18 lbs. Since I have been eating right and exercising I am losing on average 1.5 lbs. per week. Unless, of course, I screw up my good habits. You can do it! I have found that eating the same stuff for breakfast and lunch keeps me on track. Dinner is usually something different and yummy! Good luck!