Birth Control and Hunger

I was off birth control for about 2 months. I just restarted again this week with a different brand and no matter what I eat, how much I eat, I'm ALWAYS hungry. Like stomach growling hungry - even right after I eat.

Could this be from the birth control?! I'm going nuts.


  • Wrappedinbacon
    Wrappedinbacon Posts: 49 Member
    yes it can. I have the same problem everytime I go in to get my depo shot. I think it has something to do with the hormones
  • dancecentral
    dancecentral Posts: 50 Member
    Maybe.. I think I've noticed the same thing.
  • StatutoryGrape
    It could be. I'm on a monophasic pill, which I take three months in a row (then a week off). There are definitely times when my body is shouting at me to eat up everything in the damn house!

    ETA: It was way worse when I was taking a triphasic pill, though. Those weekly hormone shifts can do a number on you.

    What kind of BC are you on?
  • bluebutterflyzz
    bluebutterflyzz Posts: 41 Member
    Degeneress. I think it's a new product. I'm on my 5th day and I've felt really hungry for probably the past three.