Eating till full

Hello.Im confused at times.There are times that I eat and I feel full and satisfied. Then there are times I eat and feel like I didnt even eat at all even if it was good portions but I dont want more food. I guess I just want to know if anyone else has this issue and what do you think.
Thank You


  • mrwall1
    My problem is that i am never full... and always want more.. what i have had to do is learn to focus on something else besides food,
  • amiabbott
    amiabbott Posts: 12 Member
    when I'm hungover I have the appetite of a mountain lion who ran two marathons. maybe it depends on the previous day..
  • Shaping_My_Destiny
    I'm just learning to eat until I'm satisfied, but not full. I'd become so accustomed to eating till I was stuffed, so I started eating less. And now, I can't eat as much as I used to. Then there are times when I'm not really hungry but my son is, so I eat because he's eating so we can eat together. But, in the past week, I've really focused on only eating what I need at the time. Tonight, when I ate with my son, I had a cup of veggie soup. Then after my workout, I was hungry so I grabbed half a tuna sandwich and another cup of veggie soup. I'm learning... :)
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Different foods have different calorie densities. So if you eat 200calories of peanut butter (which is a mere 2 tablespoons) you're probably not gonna feel very full. But if you ate 200 calories worth of vegetables (which is generally a large physical amount), you'd be stuffed!

    Plus, I find that protein and fiber rich foods tend to give a longer lasting fullness. Whereas if you eat simple carbs like sugar and white bread, you're just hungry again an hour later because your body processes them so fast.

    That's most of the battle of weight loss in my opinion. Sustaining long term calorie deficits by not burning out due to feeling hungry all of the time. Eat lots of complex carbs, fiber-heavy breads and veggies, and lots of lean protein (fat is heavy in calories so eat leaner beef, turkey, chicken, etc).
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Its quite common for me to Eat way past full. :p
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I always eat plenty of protein, lots of filling, fresh, veggies, and space my meals and snacks through the day. But I never feel full. It's just my nature. I can out eat my 275lb hubby, easily. There have been times I've already ordered more food than him, finished that, then killed what remained on his plate.

    Some folks unfortunately just have larger appetites and it's more difficult to actually feel full. And I'm not talking eat 'til it hurts, roll me to the door kind of full. I'm just talking about getting to the end of a meal and not still feeling like you want/need more food in your belly. It does make it rough to eat healthy, balanced, meals and snacks but it's mostly a matter of willpower and mental strength. I also only ever cook just what's to be consumed. Never anything leftover in the kitchen after a meal begging to be eaten instead of packed up. And I take specific snacks and food with me to work and add it all into my diary the night before so I know exactly what I have that day and how to space it out.

    But honestly, I could take everything I eat in a day and easily eat it in one sitting without blinking. The few times I get really full, I'm always crazy impressed, and it shocks the heck outta the hubby. lol
  • chnkydnknmomma
    I sometimes feel like a bottomless pit, and other times am surprised at how little I ate and felt satisfied. I'm trying to figure out what triggers my hunger and how to feel more satisfied so I don't continue to over eat. It's a constant battle for me.
  • Figuringoutme
    I used to be like that, i never got full. I could go to red robin and eat 10 baskets of fries (not kidding) and drink at least 2 gallons of iced tea. I would still be hungry. I really don't know how I could even hold all of that and not be completely sick is beyond me.
    I 'll eat a pound of asparagus with a huge salad and a chicken breast and still be hungry.
    What I started doing was I told myself I could only have a set amount of calories a day. I wouldn't go over. I was super super strict on my self for a few weeks. I ate super healthy. After the few weeks went by I noticed I wasn't as hungry, and was actually feeling full. It took a while to retrain myself that I do get full. My body is telling me I'm full I just need to listen