I don't know what to do with my life!! help!!



  • rachjones2011
    rachjones2011 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm actually going through the SAME THING! I HAVE my associates in Electronics Technology and am working on my Electronics Engineering degree. I enjoy this field but I KNOW it's not my calling. I enjoy working with kids because I feel that it truly makes a difference! I've worked with disadvantaged youth and it is just amazing how one person can make a difference in so many kids lives. I see the kids almost a year later and they still remember me. All i can say is just search around. I thought I wanted to be a lawyer, but worked in a law firm and HATED it.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I'm actually going through the SAME THING! I HAVE my associates in Electronics Technology and am working on my Electronics Engineering degree. I enjoy this field but I KNOW it's not my calling. I enjoy working with kids because I feel that it truly makes a difference! I've worked with disadvantaged youth and it is just amazing how one person can make a difference in so many kids lives. I see the kids almost a year later and they still remember me. All i can say is just search around. I thought I wanted to be a lawyer, but worked in a law firm and HATED it.

    Ah it sucks doesn't it? some people on here suggested to take 'The Strong Interest Inventory' test, I am going to give it a try, you should too. It can't hurt us at this point =)
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Those are both highly touted and demanding degree paths! You should be proud of yourself and your enduring commitment to rigorous academics. Even if you don't want to spend the rest of your life in that field, you're still a highly desirable employment candidate for just about everything under the sun! Explore your options, don't be afraid to try new things, be a go-getting and a motivator!

    I have gone through a similar situation myself. I graduated with honors at Temple University with a degree in history and another in secondary education. I put in all my paperwork and got nationally board certified and cleared for teaching just about anywhere...However I had a sudden charge of heart and decided to apply and peruse an officer's career the U.S. Marine Corps. I suffered through Officer Candidate School for 10 weeks, and at the very end decided that it wasn't how I wanted to spend the next 4-8 years of my life, so I denied my commission and came back home. Due to the limited available of teaching positions available...I applied elsewhere and ended up landing a cooperate administrative position in a rather large company. I love having my own office, set M-F week, pension, advancement opportunities, co-workers, and great pay.

    The point of this story? Diligence, dedication, and discipline will take you anywhere you want to go. The only one in-between you and your dreams...is you.

    Best of luck, I'm sure you'll have no problems! Just stay positive and stay motivated!!
  • Goldmania
    Goldmania Posts: 4 Member
    hey, speaking from personal experience, I had that same feeling the first two years of my undergraduate years. I was studying Civil Engineering and when I was a junior I decided to change my major to Psychology. EVERYONE advised me not to do so... saying that I would be jobless and miserable for the rest of my life. Turned out that after switching majors, I was involved in a lot of non-profit work, traveled to more than 20 countries, did a lot of research that I am passionate about, presented at conferences and even got into a PhD program.

    The point is that no matter how much people think you should "finish something",you have to realize that you live your life for yourself and not for others. The decisions that you make and their consequences make you who you are, and ONLY you will have to live with them. Life is so short, find something that you're passionate about and follow it...

    I was a psych major ('08 baby!) and am currently working a bit of a dead end job that brings little to no satisfaction, but pays the bills. Can you be a bit more specific about what kind of work you got into that led you to where you are now?