MFP counting vs. Cardio machine

is the mfp calorie count more accurate then the actual machine...the treadmill I use does not allow for weight to be would you recommend using what the machine says or mfp?


  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    The MFP is definitely going to be more accurate. If you want to know exactly how many kcal you burned, i recommend it.

    I personally don't care. I just go with the estimates. Because as long as i eat right n keep my kcals reasonably low i know i'll lose weight.

    Its up to you!
  • is the mfp calorie count more accurate then the actual machine...the treadmill I use does not allow for weight to be would you recommend using what the machine says or mfp?

    MFP count is not accurat at all.. I have heard people saying it is over calculating it - some saying it is under calculating it. The machine is the better choice.

    I ended up buying a HRM to get the exact calories burned number and it has been such a great feeling to not have to think about which one is right.
  • jweidner33
    jweidner33 Posts: 83 Member
    Neither is very accurate. The best thing you can do for your workouts is invest in a HRM.
  • which is the best HRM to purchase? And do they all come with the chest strap, or just the wrist band ?
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    I agree. My HRM totals are completely off from MFP and the machines.
  • I know of a lot of people who own the polar devices. Thats the brand I have with the chest strap, and it works great. It got to a point where i hated "hoping" that the #s mfp were giving me matched me personally, so thats when I went out and got one. Its amazing the differences in numbers that ive seen.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I would never go by MFP, I have a Polar FT40 with the chest strap. I wear it for every workout. Some of the "calories burned" by other MFP'ers are ridicilous, I mean seriously!!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jweidner33
    jweidner33 Posts: 83 Member
    which is the best HRM to purchase? And do they all come with the chest strap, or just the wrist band ?

    Polar FT4 is one of the most popular and its the one I use. My buddy bought one from wal-mart for $50 and it seems to work fine.
    Except his freaks out in the car. Just make sure you get one with the chest strap.
  • I would never go by MFP, I have a Polar FT40 with the chest strap. I wear it for every workout. Some of the "calories burned" by other MFP'ers are ridicilous, I mean seriously!!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Yeah, I've seen some pretty crazy "calories burned" numbers on here, so far I've just logged what my machines tell me, although my machines ask for my age and weight at least. I'd say MFP really over estimates, and I want to be as accurate as possible. Just need to figure out which is the best HRM to buy. I don't want to waste money.