weigh-in not showing on profile

HELP PLEASE!! its 8am in england and Ive just done my weigh-in and new measurments but it's not showing on here. How do I up date it to change my profile??


  • HayleyDavison1
    HayleyDavison1 Posts: 38 Member
    Have you updated it on your phone or by computer? When I do it on my phone it never shows but on the computer always shows :D x
  • its not showing on my progress ticker but its updated in the weigh-in bit but doesnt show on my profile. I did it from my phone but now Im on the computer is there a way to edit it? thank you for your reply :)
  • HayleyDavison1
    HayleyDavison1 Posts: 38 Member
    Now your on the computer I would just put your weight back to what it was before you just changed it, save it, then update with todays weigh in :D then it should show up on your profile etc :) xx
  • thank you that has helpped :) it now shows on my news feed that I have lost 2lbs since last weigh in :D I have one other question my ticker hasnt moved is this because I still weigh more than my orig starting weight? thanks again for geting back to me :) xx
  • I think that is what it must be as i lost lots of weight and then put a bit back on and now when i note a weight loss my ticker doesnt move! im hoping once i get back to were i was it will go again! bit demotivating not seeing it move though!
  • I agree I was really looking forward to seeing it move (Ive never seen mine go yet) oh well I will just have to stick at it and work hard :) thanks for your help
    have a lovely day :wink: