UK newbie - bikini or bust!!

Hi all, i'm a newbie (downloaded the app a week ago) - 28 yr old female, from the UK and looking to loose around 3 1/2 stone (around 50 lbs) before June next year. I've just got married (2 weeks today!) and lost a little before the day but am really looking for a life change rather than just fitting in to clothes. I'm sick of just 'making do' with my weight and clothes, i want to be proud of my body and how i look :)

Quit smoking last year - my one year no-smoke-a-versary was on 13th Nov - and that was my first step to a healthier life. Incendently it was the single best decision i have EVER made, to quit after 16 years (yes i was VERY young when i started!)

Looking for friends going through the same changes (or different ones, hey we're all in this together right?!) to help with motivation.



  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I am in the UK and my non smoke 6 year anniversary will be on dec 27th

    I have just over 50lb to lose
    I am older than you I wish I had done it at your age :):)
  • Hey!

    Wow, 6 years :) well done for that and also for the weightloss so far. Something i learned from quitting smoking was to celebrate the small acheivements (3 days, 1 week, 1 month etc) which i think is something that will apply to weight loss too!

    I wish i'd kept the weight off at 22/23 instead of spending the last 5/6 years as a shadow of the me that i could be! Time for change then, for both of us!
