
I have done so great with sticking to my plan all week and I am dreading the weekend! I don't know about all of you but it's always my pitfall. It seems like everything is based around food and alcohol, especially this time of year. I know I am going out to eat a couple times so I have already looked up the menus online to preplan what I am going to order so I think thats good. Does anyone have suggestions as to how to stay on track during the weekend when spontaneous outings and unsupportive friends tell you "one cupcake/one beer/one calorie loaded meal won't kill you". I am just starting out here and one cupcake will kill my diet until I really get ahold of things and know one cupcake won't turn in to a whole weekend of cheating....


  • hornseagirl
    hornseagirl Posts: 32 Member
    There are plenty of non alcoholic beers /lagers out there that are very low in calories.the other tool is will power! ha ha
  • mom2ab
    Looking for the same advice! The weekends just plain ol' ruin everything for me. I am doing so well and want to keep it up!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    If you have been cutting calories for a while then a cheat weekend would benefit you.
    If not then avoid the triggers!
    Be the designated driver.
    Have a snack in your bag thats healthy.
    Eat your calories!

    Cheat meals should be in everyones diet on a weekly basis!
    It shocks the metabolism!
    Because we are cutting calories and the body adapts you need that shock!
  • kelseyessex
    If you drink go for vodka & diet coke which is the lowest calorie drink and 0 carbs. But limit yourself to 4 drinks and have a non-alcoholic drink in between each one. Make sure you eat something before you start drinking too, maybe something a little more calorie heavy than you are used too like chicken and veg as the protein soaks up the alcohol so you won't get drunk and go off track. Don't starve to have a drink whatever you do cos you will only end up getting drunk and binging :) x
  • missle30
    missle30 Posts: 40 Member
    Bacardi and Diet is a good one. Not too many calories or carbs. Or diet red bull and Vodka. Those are my two go-to diet drinks. As for the cupcake - if it's going to be a slippery slope, better to just say no, altogether. :)

    Good Luck! :)
  • matthewdill83
    Youve already done a great job in looking up what you can eat at the restaurants.. As far as the pressure of "One time wont kill you", thats just gonna take that will power. You gotta put it in your head that you are working hard, and dont wanna ruin it.. Whenever I slip, I make myself exercise like im preparing for a freakin marathon.. Definitely teaches my butt a lesson haha
  • melmarler
    Volunteer to be the designated driver = non-alcoholic drinks for you.
    "I don't know what is going on with my body. Sugar has been making me SOOOOO sick lately. "(give a KNOWING look that does not invite questions) = no cupcakes, etc
  • aurie024
    aurie024 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm not so worried about the drinking... I'm not really a big drinker and if I do drink it's usually a glass of wine or beer with dinner. I guess I am more worried about the eating and the calories. I have only been at this for a week and am just a little nervous about the unstructured weekend.
  • What works best for me is one cheat meal of anything I am craving on the weekends (within portion size) such as pasta at Mac Grill or 2 Slices of Pizza, Coldstone(like it size) something small but not what I would normally eat. I only have ONE cheat meal a week this just helps keep me sane. If I am going out other times, I will stick to a lean protein like grilled chicken, fish, or just order a salad and ask for Vinegar on the side or Balsamic. I always check calories before I go out too to make sure I am staying in my calorie goal, this helps, and sometimes even wearing a tighter shirt when I go out! HAHA that sounds really silly but it really helps remind me that I don't want to walk away feeling like I am bulging, I want to feel and look my best and keep my eye on my goal. You can do it : )