I'm new here....

Ok - I started working out again after a few years of not doing much... got the exercise part down. Spinning, Pilates, sculpting and weight room - but now I MUST get control of the eating. Gonna start logging all my food - hope that will get me some control.


  • I've just started this online program also. I have a wonderful gym at my disposal here at the workplace and have been working out three days a week for the past year. My goal weight is within the <10 pounds to go and I've been at a plateau for the last three months. Any suggestions?
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,757 Member
    Welcome! I wish you luck with your goals. I found it interesting the way this site made me view what I was putting in my mouth, and how that's changed over time. When I first started on MFP, I'd look at something and not want to eat it because I didn't want to log the calories...not necessarily because it wasn't a healthy option. I finally got past that point and now I eat nothing that I don't think about whether or not it's a healthy choice, or how many calories I'm about to consume...I'm finally holding myself accountable for what goes in my mouth! That's been the biggest part of this challenge for me, so far.
  • I'm new here too! I started on Monday and I love it! I was on Weight Watchers on line and their food list is much better! I'm finding everything I look for which is amazing. The greatest thing about this site is that it is free where I was paying almost 70.00 every three months! I can't wait to weigh in next week to see if there are any changes because I have really stayed within my calorie limit and exercise on my lunch, walk to and from work! I hope I'm not disappointed