Calorie Loading

It's been two weeks since my last "re-feed" phase. I look so forward to these days after being so diligent for so long. I will probably consume upwards of 4000 calories for this load phase. This seems to work so well for me to jump my loss of any bodyfat I have left. I will go up for a day in weight, then by Monday I will usually be a pound or two lower than before the load. Trick is, I only load like this when I feel myself not progressing at the gym or staying stuck on the same weight when lifting. It's deinitely not harhazardly done. I was reading alot of article by a guy named Scott Abel. He recommends this to serious's called biofeedback. Definitely works!


  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    i've been curious about this... and some mfp friends who do the refeeds. thanks for the info
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i instituted structured refeeds during my cut, along these lines
  • Theory13
    Theory13 Posts: 12 Member
    This does work wonders when you hit a plateau. I lost 80 pounds a couple of years ago and whenever I would hit a plateau that lasted longer than a week or two I would take two days and double my calorie intake and then on the third day go back to what I was doing before and it would always get me back losing again!
  • dieseljay74
    It really is great. Definitely geared more towards people who are near their goal weight and lifting pretty seriously.
  • dieseljay74
    This does work wonders when you hit a plateau. I lost 80 pounds a couple of years ago and whenever I would hit a plateau that lasted longer than a week or two I would take two days and double my calorie intake and then on the third day go back to what I was doing before and it would always get me back losing again!

    Who knew losing weight could be tolerable huh!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    During my cut and recomp I had refeeds at least once a week. 500-1,000kcal over maintenance.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    It's important to note that this strategy is only useful for someone dieting to very low bodyfat
  • dieseljay74
    During my cut and recomp I had refeeds at least once a week. 500-1,000kcal over maintenance.

    Looks like it worked!

    I have gone up a little in weight but lost inches around my waist. Doing something right!
  • dieseljay74
    It's important to note that this strategy is only useful for someone dieting to very low bodyfat

    Absolutely only for that exact scenario. Not going to help if you have a long road ahead.......
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    It's important to note that this strategy is only useful for someone dieting to very low bodyfat

    Very true, based on OP's pics, I felt comfortable throwing out that advice since he looks fairly lean.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    It's important to note that this strategy is only useful for someone dieting to very low bodyfat

    This is not true in the least. I have many, many people doing spike days and breaking their plateus, some of which hadn't lost in months.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Love refeeds. I normally do a refeed when I see a change on the scale (2 different weigh ins per week averaged) and in body composition. I also notice when I've been diligent in having a deficit for 7-10 days (already 16%ATM), I start to get colder feet/hands which prompts me sometimes to only have a small refeed. My refeeds have put me anywhere from 3-5k above my normal days eats and hasn't ever hindered my fat loss. This week will be my first week not having one and it feels a little weird and I'll miss it, but I bumped up to maintenance after 8 weeks of going hard this last week and having made goal weight sooner than expected, next week I'll be back into the deficits again and we'll see if I deserve that Friday refeed again. Only looking to lose 4-6 more lbs of fat over the next 10 weeks. I read on Pauline Nordin's blog a bit more about how she gauges her refeeds on body temperature and a whole lot of other crazy things, she does blood tests on herself like a science experiment, it's kinda cool, but maybe a bit too hardcore. :D
  • dieseljay74
    It's important to note that this strategy is only useful for someone dieting to very low bodyfat

    This is not true in the least. I have many, many people doing spike days and breaking their plateus, some of which hadn't lost in months.

    Oh man...must be a professional...he has the word "SPIKE" in his ticker........

    Come on man