Embarrassing moments with ex partners or current partners pa

MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
My embarrassing moment was with my ex partners father (makes my face red even thinking about it)
Before everything was digital in regards to photography.
We have all been there when we have had a few pics to use up on a roll of film before we can get them developed.
Well my ex partner took a pic of me in the bath just my top showing Thank Goodness!

Anyway my ex partners father was taking in some rolls of films to be developed himself, so took ours in also.
By this time i had totally forgotten, only to realize when my ex got a phone call from his father when he come out of boots saying he looked through our pictures and how he had seen the said picture!!!!

I was mortified!!! And the next time i saw him i didn,t know where to look!

One more that comes to mind but this nowhere near embarrassing was when i first met my ex,s parents because it was so hot in there house.
I turned round and said wow im so hot im going to take my clothes off!!!
I meant coat off :0/


  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    We went to see my boyfriend's parents last summer, and I guess we didn't realize how thin the walls were. Because my bf told me that when he got up before me that morning and has breakfast with his dad, his dad said "it sounded like you had fun last night!" :blushing:
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    We went to see my boyfriend's parents last summer, and I guess we didn't realize how thin the walls were. Because my bf told me that when he got up before me that morning and has breakfast with his dad, his dad said "it sounded like you had fun last night!" :blushing:

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • Iwillbemeagain
    Having fun in the car and the cops showed up and pulled us out of the car.. to make sure I wasnt in danger.. lol ;)
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Lmaooo! With the clothes one haha!!

    Right a few months ago when i was going out with a lad, One day he came over as my mum was out and brother was in school. We were both in my bed ;), and i left my curtains open as i didnt have time to close them and next minute the window cleaner popped up in my bedroom window, and caught us doing you know what!!! I was soooo embarasssed! My ex didnt see the window cleaner, but i happend to open my eyes and i saw him! And i had to stop immediately and stay still under covers! Soo embarasssing!! And i see this window cleaner all the time, as he still cleans our windows, and he pops into the shop where i work at to clean the shop windows. And i go red as soon as he walks in!
  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    I worked a nightshift the night before I was going to see my ex boyfriend. I hurried to shower and get ready to catch one of the first ferries in the morning.Well the next morning, I went to have a shower at his place and noticed that I had only shaved one arm pit! I burst into his room laughing hysterically and asking if he even noticed!? He replied no, but I was totally embarrassed! lmao.
  • chrissyw63
    chrissyw63 Posts: 147 Member
    Oh those are rough stories! At least you have funny memories :)

    At my ex's brother's wedding, they did that giant mexican wedding march thing (I don't knwo what its really called but its pretty traditional here in NM) and since I have no cooridination of any sort, I just stood watching. My ex's dad was filming the dance ... fast forward to a couple weeks later. We were all (his WHOLE fam) sitting around watching the video from the wedding and that part comes up ... apparently his dad was behind me while filming and zoomed in on my butt for entirely too long! Everyone looked at him, he laughed and said "I was just showing why you keep her around" ... they laughed ... I, on the other hand, was about as red as can possibly be and couldn't make eye contact with everyone for like weeks after ... That is now forever documented as long as that video survives ... at least we all still get along I guess ...
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
    We went to see my boyfriend's parents last summer, and I guess we didn't realize how thin the walls were. Because my bf told me that when he got up before me that morning and has breakfast with his dad, his dad said "it sounded like you had fun last night!" :blushing:

    i love your COEXIST sticker! im so gonna steal that idea if you dont mind! lol
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    Im so glad i,m not alone in this.
    Its awesome that we can laugh about it :0)
  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 304 Member
    When my hubby and I were dating (8 years ago) we were in high school and of course lived with parents. Well his mom walked into his room and I was shirtless and she just said OMG ELI and walked out. LOL of course we both had to get over it now that we have been married for over 4 years. We never once brought it up haha
  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 304 Member
    Oh those are rough stories! At least you have funny memories :)

    At my ex's brother's wedding, they did that giant mexican wedding march thing (I don't knwo what its really called but its pretty traditional here in NM) and since I have no cooridination of any sort, I just stood watching. My ex's dad was filming the dance ... fast forward to a couple weeks later. We were all (his WHOLE fam) sitting around watching the video from the wedding and that part comes up ... apparently his dad was behind me while filming and zoomed in on my butt for entirely too long! Everyone looked at him, he laughed and said "I was just showing why you keep her around" ... they laughed ... I, on the other hand, was about as red as can possibly be and couldn't make eye contact with everyone for like weeks after ... That is now forever documented as long as that video survives ... at least we all still get along I guess ...

    LOVE THIS! ^^
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    At the beach with my boyfriend and his Mum when I was 15, no skin revealed to him (or obviously her!) prior to this moment.

    Borrowed friends new flashy bikini to look my best, and was leaping around doing my best Baywatch leaping through the waves (it was the 80's), with them waving to me from the shore. I waved back for a bit until I realised that they were trying to draw my attention to the fact that both boobs out of stupid poxy bandeau bikini. I'm 40 now and still mortified at the thought of it :-)