Still No Weight Loss after 2 weeks.....HELP!!!



  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Here is what I noticed. Other than probably not eating enough, a number of processed foods I saw on their said their sodium was 0. Which means who ever put it in the calculator didn't know/take the time to put that you could be way over on your sodium a number of days and not even know it may be water weight. With soup and prepackaged stuff be very careful and drink lots of water. Could make a big difference! :-) Good luck!
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    I have the exact same issue. I actually went to a dietician the first part of August. She did a resting metabolic rate test on me. It came back I only need 1000 calories a day for my body to function. There is no way I can eat less than 1000 a day without starving. I starve at 1200-1300 a day. Hopefully things will start changing for us both soon. I know how discouraging it is. I am really afraid of what will happen with the holidays coming up!

    thank goodness someone else has the same issue. i will persevere for a few more weeks and if no results then will defo go and see someone in the new year! roll on the holidays - turkey only for me - very low in fat!:laugh:

    So just going to disregard the advice to watch your net calories then? That's the whole key...

    Absolutely not disregarding any advice. It seems that everyone thinks I am not eating enough and so I will try to eat more next week and see what happens and increase my net calories - at the moment it is anything from 630 to 1200 - apparently not enough. I have also added sodium and sugar to my food diary so I can measure this as well. Fingers crossed! It is difficult to take everyones advice on here as there is so much and very often complete opposite opinions as well.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I would NOT eat more during the week, IE eating back exercise calories.

    Our bodies run in 24-25 hour cycles and a deficit is a deficit and a surplus is a surplus. I like to work with these cycles and have 6 days of a deficit, and one day of a calorie surplus to balance my hormones and spike my metabolism.

    Say your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) This includes base metabolism and all activities and exercise.

    Is 2,000

    You don't eat back exercise calories and consume 1,200 calories, you have a 800 calorie deficit
    You DO eat back exercise calories and consume 1,500 calories, you have a 500 calorie deficit.

    So your telling me if she eats 1,500 she will lose more weight? No way!
    Her body needs to convert 300 more calories from stored energy to make up the difference. So obviously she will lose more weight ,not eating back her exercise calories.

    So now if your talking about Starvation Mode, and the slowing of her metabolism because she doesn't eat back the exercise calories.

    First, it takes several days to weeks before starvation mode is really an issue.
    Second, she could and will go into a starvation mode even if she does eat back her exercise calories, because she is still at a calorie DEFICIT.

    IMO, it's just a wash if you eat back your exercise calories. I'd rather my hard work go to making me look better than to reward myself with more calories. That is just my opinion, I do understand some people like to workout more eat more that day. I just don't really like exercise so I'd rather workout less and eat less.

    If her metabolism has slowed down, it's because of her hormones and she needs to have a day of a calorie surplus. A SURPLUS is what knocks us out of starvation mode and spikes metabolism.

    Now you might be worried,
    Won't eating a surplus make me fat?
    No way will having one day of a surplus make you fat. It's all in the numbers and knowing how our body stores energy. According to Dr. Michael Aziz, excess calories are first stored as glycogen and when that is full the left-overs are stored as fat. Well guess what, when your dieting your glycogen is always well depleted meaning the excess calories are stored, bringing your metabolism back up, but they are stored as liver and muscle glycogen and not bodyfat.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I would NOT eat more during the week, IE eating back exercise calories.

    Our bodies run in 24-25 hour cycles and a deficit is a deficit and a surplus is a surplus. I like to work with these cycles and have 6 days of a deficit, and one day of a calorie surplus to balance my hormones and spike my metabolism.

    Say your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) This includes base metabolism and all activities and exercise.

    Is 2,000

    You don't eat back exercise calories and consume 1,200 calories, you have a 800 calorie deficit
    You DO eat back exercise calories and consume 1,500 calories, you have a 500 calorie deficit.

    So your telling me if she eats 1,500 she will lose more weight? No way!
    Her body needs to convert 300 more calories from stored energy to make up the difference. So obviously she will lose more weight ,not eating back her exercise calories.

    So now if your talking about Starvation Mode, and the slowing of her metabolism because she doesn't eat back the exercise calories.

    First, it takes several days to weeks before starvation mode is really an issue.
    Second, she could and will go into a starvation mode even if she does eat back her exercise calories, because she is still at a calorie DEFICIT.

    IMO, it's just a wash if you eat back your exercise calories. I'd rather my hard work go to making me look better than to reward myself with more calories. That is just my opinion, I do understand some people like to workout more eat more that day. I just don't really like exercise so I'd rather workout less and eat less.

    If her metabolism has slowed down, it's because of her hormones and she needs to have a day of a calorie surplus. A SURPLUS is what knocks us out of starvation mode and spikes metabolism.

    Now you might be worried,
    Won't eating a surplus make me fat?
    No way will having one day of a surplus make you fat. It's all in the numbers and knowing how our body stores energy. According to Dr. Michael Aziz, excess calories are first stored as glycogen and when that is full the left-overs are stored as fat. Well guess what, when your dieting your glycogen is always well depleted meaning the excess calories are stored, bringing your metabolism back up, but they are stored as liver and muscle glycogen and not bodyfat.

    No one is talking about speed, it is about healthy weight loss and she would lose more with the larger deficit of course, but more of it will be muscle if her fat stores are not large enough as the less fat you have the harder your body hangs on to it. It is healthier to have the smaller and slower weight loss so at the goal weight she will have a lower BF%.

    My suggestions are based on eating a deficit everyday. there are other ways but MFP is set up the way it is for a reason, and it works.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I would NOT eat more during the week, IE eating back exercise calories.

    Our bodies run in 24-25 hour cycles and a deficit is a deficit and a surplus is a surplus. I like to work with these cycles and have 6 days of a deficit, and one day of a calorie surplus to balance my hormones and spike my metabolism.

    Say your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) This includes base metabolism and all activities and exercise.

    Is 2,000

    You don't eat back exercise calories and consume 1,200 calories, you have a 800 calorie deficit
    You DO eat back exercise calories and consume 1,500 calories, you have a 500 calorie deficit.

    So your telling me if she eats 1,500 she will lose more weight? No way!
    Her body needs to convert 300 more calories from stored energy to make up the difference. So obviously she will lose more weight ,not eating back her exercise calories.

    So now if your talking about Starvation Mode, and the slowing of her metabolism because she doesn't eat back the exercise calories.

    First, it takes several days to weeks before starvation mode is really an issue.
    Second, she could and will go into a starvation mode even if she does eat back her exercise calories, because she is still at a calorie DEFICIT.

    IMO, it's just a wash if you eat back your exercise calories. I'd rather my hard work go to making me look better than to reward myself with more calories. That is just my opinion, I do understand some people like to workout more eat more that day. I just don't really like exercise so I'd rather workout less and eat less.

    If her metabolism has slowed down, it's because of her hormones and she needs to have a day of a calorie surplus. A SURPLUS is what knocks us out of starvation mode and spikes metabolism.

    Now you might be worried,
    Won't eating a surplus make me fat?
    No way will having one day of a surplus make you fat. It's all in the numbers and knowing how our body stores energy. According to Dr. Michael Aziz, excess calories are first stored as glycogen and when that is full the left-overs are stored as fat. Well guess what, when your dieting your glycogen is always well depleted meaning the excess calories are stored, bringing your metabolism back up, but they are stored as liver and muscle glycogen and not bodyfat.

    Well put Russ, I couldn't agree more. Having one spike day a week definitely spikes your metabolism and aids in weightloss, not to mention is down right fun!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    well....went to gym (again!!) and weighed change...again...can't understand it at all. I have been logging everything - even the booze at the weekend! I worked out I have eaten an average of 1385 calories per day and have exercised 6 days out of 7.

    My total for the week was 9692 calories and my total goal was 11478 (including exercise calories) - a deficit of 1786......totally bemused and demotivated! Anyone got any suggestions??

    My BMR is about 1450 and normal calorie goal is 1250.

    I will make my diary public for a while so you can all see it - appreciative of any comments/advice please.

    Firstly- you do realize that you need rest days in between workouts? I do circuit training with weights 4 days a week 1 cardio day and 2 rest days (Sunday and Wednesday)
    Secondly- I do not eat back burned calories. You might want to try that. But make sure you eat all budgeted calories.
    Thirdly- Alcohol is a trigger for me. That may be what is holding you back. I do however treat myself to 1 drink a day (with a meal) as long as I have the calories to spare and have met my protein intake goals.
    You would be surprised just how many calories really are in alcohol/ mixed drinks/beer.
    Good luck hope this helps.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I would NOT eat more during the week, IE eating back exercise calories.

    Our bodies run in 24-25 hour cycles and a deficit is a deficit and a surplus is a surplus. I like to work with these cycles and have 6 days of a deficit, and one day of a calorie surplus to balance my hormones and spike my metabolism.

    Say your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) This includes base metabolism and all activities and exercise.

    Is 2,000

    You don't eat back exercise calories and consume 1,200 calories, you have a 800 calorie deficit
    You DO eat back exercise calories and consume 1,500 calories, you have a 500 calorie deficit.

    So your telling me if she eats 1,500 she will lose more weight? No way!
    Her body needs to convert 300 more calories from stored energy to make up the difference. So obviously she will lose more weight ,not eating back her exercise calories.

    So now if your talking about Starvation Mode, and the slowing of her metabolism because she doesn't eat back the exercise calories.

    First, it takes several days to weeks before starvation mode is really an issue.
    Second, she could and will go into a starvation mode even if she does eat back her exercise calories, because she is still at a calorie DEFICIT.

    IMO, it's just a wash if you eat back your exercise calories. I'd rather my hard work go to making me look better than to reward myself with more calories. That is just my opinion, I do understand some people like to workout more eat more that day. I just don't really like exercise so I'd rather workout less and eat less.

    If her metabolism has slowed down, it's because of her hormones and she needs to have a day of a calorie surplus. A SURPLUS is what knocks us out of starvation mode and spikes metabolism.

    Now you might be worried,
    Won't eating a surplus make me fat?
    No way will having one day of a surplus make you fat. It's all in the numbers and knowing how our body stores energy. According to Dr. Michael Aziz, excess calories are first stored as glycogen and when that is full the left-overs are stored as fat. Well guess what, when your dieting your glycogen is always well depleted meaning the excess calories are stored, bringing your metabolism back up, but they are stored as liver and muscle glycogen and not bodyfat.

    No one is talking about speed, it is about healthy weight loss and she would lose more with the larger deficit of course, but more of it will be muscle if her fat stores are not large enough as the less fat you have the harder your body hangs on to it. It is healthier to have the smaller and slower weight loss so at the goal weight she will have a lower BF%.

    My suggestions are based on eating a deficit everyday. there are other ways but MFP is set up the way it is for a reason, and it works.

    Well then I totally agree with you, dieting shouldn't be like a living hell. I thought the issues was her plateau, and some not you, have told people to eat more, to lose more because of starvation mode. I realize I say something similar, but I want more as in a one day surplus and allow the deficit days to burn the most fat possible.
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    MFP already includes the deficit in your goal, so by coming in under every day, you are going into a larger deficit. This is likely why your results aren't going as predicted. Start hitting that goal every day.

    Do you mean hitting the goal including the exercise calories or just the normal daily goal of 1250?
    1250 already includes a deficit to lose your goal amount of weight, so you should eat all 1250 plus eat back what you burn from exercise to ensure your deficit is at your goal amount.

    I finally freaking understand about eating your exercise calories now. UGH! All I have ever heard was to eat them. Never an explanation as to WHY? Thank you. I have an AHA moment. lol
  • Your calorie deficit for last week was enough to lose half a pound. How accurate are your scales?
  • Ultimately, if you've made a change in your eating and exercise habits and you're not seeing an impact after a month or so, you need to see a physician. This could be an indication that something else is creating part of your weight issue and you won't be able to fix it on diet and exercise alone. I'd give it another week or two and then go see a medical professional.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    In all these exercise calorie debates, I hardly EVER see anyone take into account human error. People wonder why they aren't losing weight when they are supposedly in a deficit, but are they really in a deficit? If you underestimate your caloric intake and overestimate you caloric output and then eat back you exercise calories, you may not really be in a deficit at matter what the numbers say at the end of the day--if it's not accurate then it's not accurate. Bottom line--if you burn off more than you take in, you WILL lose weight. If you are not losing, take a look at the accuracy of your logging.

    Btw...I lost 24 pounds by NOT eating my exercise calories back (gasp!).
  • "In a case that your liver is busy metabolizing alcohol, your fat metabolism stay on hold. Also alcohol inhibits fat burning and therefore we cannot recommend any drinking of alcohol!"


    From what I read your body stores "sugars" from alcohol in your belly area for later use, as it is a fast source of energy. It is not a sustainable source and pulls your body away from burning fat.

    If you are burning too many calories a day you are doing more harm than good. You need to eat enough calories to sustain the workout. As a rule I try never to go below 1200 calories a day but I eat balanced meals of proteins, vegetables, and low/moderate carbs. The Biggest Loser has a good book if you are interested.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Alcohol also effects your absorption of nutrients.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    No one else seemed to touch on this... you said you weighed yourself at the gym. So, chances are, you weren't weighing yourself first thing in the morning after using the bathroom, wearing minimal or no clothing.

    Any other time of day you weigh yourself, you're also including the weight of any food or liquid you may have consumed that day, still sitting happily in your intestines, plus the weight of your clothes and shoes. It's not going to be terribly accurate that way.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    No one else seemed to touch on this... you said you weighed yourself at the gym. So, chances are, you weren't weighing yourself first thing in the morning after using the bathroom, wearing minimal or no clothing.

    Any other time of day you weigh yourself, you're also including the weight of any food or liquid you may have consumed that day, still sitting happily in your intestines, plus the weight of your clothes and shoes. It's not going to be terribly accurate that way.

    Good point! :)
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    No one else seemed to touch on this... you said you weighed yourself at the gym. So, chances are, you weren't weighing yourself first thing in the morning after using the bathroom, wearing minimal or no clothing.

    Any other time of day you weigh yourself, you're also including the weight of any food or liquid you may have consumed that day, still sitting happily in your intestines, plus the weight of your clothes and shoes. It's not going to be terribly accurate that way.

    Good catch Lori
    Scales also very. You should weight yourself on the same scale each time.
  • hi there! if you want to try something different, in case you're in the middle of a plateau, then i'd like to suggest trying jillian michaels ripped in 30 dvd - i'm only on week three and i haven't felt this good since high school (i'm 32). it's a four week program and each week gets increasingly more difficult. it's pretty amazing actually because, so far, each time i've started a new week i can barely do the movements because i'm out of shape and didn't have the muscle, but at the end of each week i can actually do the movements (though i might stay on week 3 for another week because it's kicking my tail lol)! i've literally gotten stronger and can see it in the mirror and on the scale.

    aside from that i started reading 'skinny b*tch' (that i picked up for a dollar at a farmer's market just out of curiosity) and it's really helped me understand food better. it's a super easy read/short book. i haven't finished it yet (and be forewarned it can be pretty slanted in it's views at times, so just take and leave what you want), and it's totally not what i was expecting, but between the book, ripped in 30 and MFP i've lost 7 lbs in only a few weeks. i took the stairs at work today like it's nothing. it was awesome. i've tried the gym and dvds before, but the ripped in 30's a keeper. anyway, good luck no matter what you do!
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for all your advice. Everyone seems to have varied views on this matter. I have decided to up my calorie intake to 1400 per day and ignore exercise calories and see what happens........if that don't work then I'll try some of the other suggestions on here.

    Thanks again!
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    MEASURE YOURSELF! AND DO THIS SOON! Track it. And make sure you have someone else do it so you can get the most accurate number. I am a certified Zumba Instructor and I have a group of about 16 of my followers on a November challenge right now. And first, I made sure they realized that the measuring was more important than the weight. We even had a huge discussion about it! I try and recondition their thinking. This is not my first monthly challenge. The last one, I told them my weight at the end and I blew them away. They were expecting me to say something around 130. Far from it. I am 5'3" - I wear a size small in everything and am a size 6 jeans. Almost size 4 dress. Have the measurements of 36 - 28 - 38. Are you ready for my weight????
    I weigh 160. By telling them this - they embraced their measurement loss so much more! And realized what I had been trying to tell them all along. That we were reshaping them - reconditioning them - not just trying to make a thinner them! Does this help? I'm willing to share my woes and be as transparent as possible to help those trying to reach their fitness goal. Just like when trying to reach ANY goal. So many obstacles can get in the way. Dont let the "weight" frustration get you down! PUSH ON SISTA!

    ditto, people cant believe i weigh 62 kg! They think i weight a lot less and in the 50's. Its because I workout and have muscle. I'm more compact.

    Also the other day at work I was talking to a lady who is my height 5 foot 2 and she said she weighed 56 kg. She has a tummy on her and is chubby. I look so much thinner than her even though I weigh an extra 6kg. When you get closer to goal like I am, you'll understand numbers are not everything. It is your measurements and body fat % and lean body mass that are important. I'm trying to get to 60 kg but if I cant I dont care as long as my measurements and body fat keep decreasing I'm happy!