Needing to lose 25 lbs. Needing support too :)

Hi everyone!!

I'm Brittany, 22 years old... joined MFP about one week ago.. started insanity 13 days ago.

I'm starting to feel like I can't eat anything but chicken, fruits and vegetables. Wanted to know if anyone has any good suggestions for any healthy food out there that's not too expensive?

Also, I used to weight 204 lbs. and got down to 155. That was three years ago. I went to the dr. in april of 2010 and was back up to 183. Once again I dieted and got to 167.. I gave up dieting but maintained that weight until this summer..I've been dieting and working out off and on and today I am weighing in at 153. I never seem to be able to get below 150 so hopefully *fingers crossed* I can finally get over that peak. My goal is to be at 125-130, basically whenever I feel good about myself and how I look.

I would just love any advice and support and want to share this experience with other people that are going through the same things that I am going through.

I'm always here to give advice and support too.. so if you'd like to be friends, add me :)


  • Hi! I ate so much chicken I was afraid I’d start growing feathers. Then, I bought a cookbook MIX and MATCH at Barnes and Noble. Great investment. Recipes are all 500 calories or lower. Recipes are good; make adjustments for how many they serve. It really helped me to try new things, and to eat balanced meals. Also, look in to things like lentils. Just google up lentil recipes. They make a great soup, are good in other dishes. Don’t give up. Learn. Trust you can do it. Trust. You CAN do it.
  • tenacioustears
    tenacioustears Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Brittany,

    I'm Cassie and am 23 trying to kick 50 pounds. I feel the same exact way about the foods I've been eating, boring and with no variety. I have, however, found it nice that I dont really have to think about what I'm going to eat. I'm really trying to change my mindframe from 'food is delicious' (and lets face it, it really is) to, 'food fuels my body' which seems to help a bit. Let's be friends, we'll do this together :)
  • thank you skmarler.. i was just at barnes and noble today, darn it. But that sounds like a great recipe book, i'll def check it out!
  • that is so true about "food is delicious." Sometimes I literally salivate just thinking about a piece of chocolate cake but what you said makes perfect sense. The food I'm eating is only going to help me realize my weight loss goals. And I agree, let's be friends!
  • Boca burgers!!!! I usually just eat the patty, not an actual burger, or I just cut it up and mix it in with more veggies or a salad. They are SO good!!
  • hmmm ive never heard of them. I'll def keep them in mind next time i'm grocery shopping. thanks!
  • I find myself thinking about food all the time. i truly enjoy eating. i think i am addicted to eating! i am having a hard time finding good healthy foods to eat too....
  • I find myself thinking about food all the time. i truly enjoy eating. i think i am addicted to eating! i am having a hard time finding good healthy foods to eat too....
  • i love the Cook Yourself Thin cook books...

    they have recipes for foods that are usually high in calories and have re-worked them into healthier versions...and i have to say that everything that ive cooked from it tastes delicious...

    some of my faves are cheese fries, turkey chilli crunch and sweet and sour pork...most of the meals once prepared are about 400 calories...

    there are desserts in there too...i love the chocolate muffins...

    i got the books on

    they are Cook Yourself Thin and Cook Yourself Thin Faster...
  • well you know the foods we love aren't going to get us to the bodies we love lol but you have to remember that you can't give up everything. try like every friday, or just sometime once a week, to splurge a little bit (but always keep in mind portion control). hope this helps!
  • thanks for sharing! i'm going to put them on my christmas list haha
  • You could try lean turkey. I switch between eating turkey and chicken most days.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Pick up one of Preventions cook books!
    Flat Belly Diet and Flat Belly Diet for Families are real easy to use!
    I love the food!

    Jamie Olivers books are nice but he does use a lot of butter!
    He's English!!!!