I quit before i even really started...

So I was super excited to get fit and lose weight...and then after a week I just quit. Not for any reason. I still want/need to lose the weight. I am still getting married in a year (so i still need to look hot in my wedding). I just stopped watching waht I ate and stopped exercising!

It is STUPID!!! It isn't even that hard! This program allows me pleanty of calories. If i eat healthy foods I sometimes even have a hard time eating all the calories. It's not like i am hungry. I just quit and I don't know why. Now I have even less time to reach my goal.

How can I motivate myself, and KEEP motivated?!?!


  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    So I was super excited to get fit and lose weight...and then after a week I just quit. Not for any reason. I still want/need to lose the weight. I am still getting married in a year (so i still need to look hot in my wedding). I just stopped watching waht I ate and stopped exercising!

    It is STUPID!!! It isn't even that hard! This program allows me pleanty of calories. If i eat healthy foods I sometimes even have a hard time eating all the calories. It's not like i am hungry. I just quit and I don't know why. Now I have even less time to reach my goal.

    How can I motivate myself, and KEEP motivated?!?!
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    you'll get there !! it isnt that easy to change what we are comfortable in,

    i just tell myself i dont have a choice, that is the way it is, a bit like going to work in the morning, or taking a shower or doing your laundry, its a fact of life, no 2 way about it.
    its no fun to get up for work, you wish you could just not have to go and win the million but you just do it,

    but i know you can do it, take a picture that you espacialy hate and put it up on the fridge, take a picture of a sexy wedding dress and put it up. you'll do it .. :)
  • cegeland
    cegeland Posts: 25
    Everyone fails before they succeed and that is what I truly believe. It took me 3 separate attempts to quit smoking but I finally did. If you feel like you didn't succeed the first time treat it like a stepping stone and build upon what you learned the first time eventually you will achieve what you initially wanted to.
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    You sound like me...I fell off the healthy diet wagon a couple of times before I was able to re-motivate and take care what I eat...like everything else, it takes practice.

    You'll be a beautiful bride no matter what you weigh but you'll feel beautiful and confident if you take care to eat healthy and exercise!

    Fat Dancer
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    You NEED to want it. If you go into it only half way, you will probably fail. I have heard that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. You need to give yourself time. A week is not long enough. Think of this as a lifestyle change and not a "diet". A diet, in my opinion, is a temporary thing. But if make a conscience effort to change your ways, the likelyhood of them lasting is greater.

    Give yourself time to change and you will succeed. I was always one to go head first into a diet and crash and burn. I don't know what's different in me this time but I have really changed how I think about food. Before you eat something bad for you, think about it for a minute and ask yourself if you NEED it or WANT it.
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    Ah yes, the elusive motivation. Honestly, I think you have the motivation--you're getting married in a year and want to look good in the dress, or as you said, "You really want to look hot." What you need now is the behavior to match the goal. A week is not enough time to replace an unhealthy habit with a new one, you need more practice. And you practice until it's automatic. Little story, a few year ago I was ordered to attend a certain program. I hated it, everyday of it. One day I asked, "How long do I HAVE to do this." They said, "Until you WANT to do it." I said, "That's really stupid because when I WANT to do, I won't hate it anymore." They smiled and said, "Exactly." Life is like that, and it doesn't matter if it's changing eating habits or learning I new skill or going to school or whatever. You will put energy into the things you TRULY want to do and will brush aside the other things. My advice is make the committment each day to do what will help you reach your goal, and then put energy into those things, compliment yourself each night for what you did right, forgive yourself for what you did wrong, and start again tomorrow. YOU CAN DO THIS...when you want it badly enough. :happy:
  • corin42
    corin42 Posts: 5
    I am like you, I started with heaps of motivation and then lost track. But you can do it! :happy:
    I used to beat myself up whenever I stopped, thinking I was a failure..until my fiance pointed out that it wasn't failure when I stopped but only when I did not *restart*.

    Be a little kinder to yourself and write up a little action list of what to do when you do or feel like stopping. The quicker you get back on track, the easier it will become to stay on track.

    Also I find its easier the better prepared I am, e.g. if I have salad prepared I won't get so hungry that I think I need junk food.

    So that's my 2 cents, hope that helps! :bigsmile:
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    I would say as for one lady to another, you already look nice. Your motivation might be just what you said........to look hotter in your wedding dress. The pictures you will keep for the rest of your life and show your children and grandchildren, and would say ....WOW you were so skinny then:happy: Besides , it is better for your health to take care of your body while your so young. :flowerforyou:
  • picklesins
    I can completely relate to what you've been going through. I start exercising for a week or two and then I get sick or something happens and then I completely abandon all that I have accomplished. This is my numerous attempt at losing weight and all I can do is take each week (or each day) as it comes. If I have a bad day, then I start over again the next day. I'm trying to motivate myself with my accomplishments, no matter how small they are :)

    Good luck! I know you can do it!