45 Days in and looking for more MFP friends!

I've been using MFP for just over a month and a half. So far I have lost a little more than 7 pounds (I wish I could say I've lost more by now!) and I have quite a bit of weight left to lose. My goal is to lose a total of 59 pounds by October 7, 2012 [my one year mark for being with MFP].

I'm really hoping to expand my MFP family to ensure my success and help with the success of others! I've logged in every single day since I've started using MFP and I plan to stick with this for the rest of my weight loss journey. If you're looking for friends and support, add me as a friend! I love being able to share my stories with other MFP users, but I enjoy hearing others' stories even more. I want to make the best of this experience and I believe creating more friendships is the best way to do that! I need all the support I can get! :happy:

A little info about me and my weight loss...I'm 19 years old. I'm a full time college student and a waitress, if you haven't guessed, I'm a busy girl! However, I'm finally dedicated to making time to take care of myself and using MFP has proved to be the best way for keeping me on track and committed to my weight loss goals. I am 5'7" and currently 202 pounds. My starting weight on October 7th was 209 pounds. Like I mentioned before, my final weight loss goal is to lose a total of 59 pounds by October 7th of next year. My first big weight loss goal is to get down to 195 pounds by January 1, 2012. This means I have to lose 7 more pounds within the next month and a half. Judging by my progress so far, I should be able to accomplish this goal----BUT I really want (and need) more support!

ADD ME if you're looking for support too--I'm on here to help others and myself, so I will do what I can to help you in your weight loss journey too! :smile:


  • rcpayton
    Welcome to MFP! Sounds like you are off to a great start!
  • Court222010
    Thank you! I'm happy that I've had success with MFP, although it seems like such a small number lol. I'm trying not to be so discouraged though, because I figure that it took me a while to get to this weight, so losing it will not happen overnight! I'm really looking forward to seeing major transformation over the next year because I have a significant amount of weight to lose within that time. I'm only 19 and I want to feel and look like it too! :tongue:
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I'll add you and help support you! I lost a lot of weight when I was 19 too and I wish I had stuck with it instead of continuing to yo yo and spend most of my 20's overweight...
  • reallyneatgirl
    reallyneatgirl Posts: 8 Member
    7 is a HUGE number, when you you realize that every single pound that you lose means something to your body and to your self esteem.

    I add requested you. You are off to a great start and I hope to join you. I just got started today!
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    You are off to a wonderful start....keep up the great work....7 pounds is great. Feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • Court222010
    I'll add you and help support you! I lost a lot of weight when I was 19 too and I wish I had stuck with it instead of continuing to yo yo and spend most of my 20's overweight...

    That's a major driving factor for me. I really want to enjoy my young adult life, and struggling with my weight is just getting in the way of that! I've gotten to the point that I don't want to try ignoring my weight anymore-- I'd rather deal with it now than later in life when I could be even heavier and the weight loss would be much harder. It's time for change, and I'm ready to go! Thanks for adding me!
  • Court222010
    Thank you for the encouragment and kind words! Maybe the 7 pounds seems so small because I haven't really seen a big difference in my appearance---I'm also looking forward to being less than 200 pounds again (maybe then I'll feel like I've made major strides in my weight loss lol). THANK YOU ALL ONCE AGAIN :wink:
  • jesssoto
    I am sure you can do it!
  • goodmonster
    The friends really do help! I'll add ya =D keep it up, 7lbs may seem like a small amount but really it's 7 steps towards a healthier you!!
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    Just have to remember that everyone is different! I see some people drop 40lbs in like 3 months and I think "Why can't I do that?"
    But I'm happy with my slow losing :) I've been at this for 11 months now!
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    You can do it!!! :). I'm a full time college student to, so I know how busy life can be. :).
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Thank you! I'm happy that I've had success with MFP, although it seems like such a small number lol. I'm trying not to be so discouraged though, because I figure that it took me a while to get to this weight, so losing it will not happen overnight! I'm really looking forward to seeing major transformation over the next year because I have a significant amount of weight to lose within that time. I'm only 19 and I want to feel and look like it too! :tongue:

    Welcome. Great job so far. Reality is, we all have to start somewhere. When i started back last Nov 26th, all i could think about was how much weight i had to lose and how long it was gonna take me! Yes, it caused me to become discouraged at times but i hung in there as should you and now it's going to be my year anniversay in under 2 weeks. I still have 56lbs to go but it was so worth it, i feel like a new woman! I spennt most of my 20's and all my 30's being fat but not my 40's. So keep it up, we can and will do this!
    "Believing Is Seeing"! Always remember that!

    add me as a friend if you like.