Need Advice for Half Marathon

boxingday2010 Posts: 26 Member
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I just finished a 13 mile long run on Thursday night (11/17) and I am doing a 10-week Half Marathon plan. I am just starting Week 9 and my plan calls for one more long run (10 miler) next weekend Friday/Saturday (end of Week 9). But with the Thanksgiving holiday coming up, the iffy weather and I will be going home for Thanksgiving I am not sure how much time I will have to get out and get that last long run in. So I was thinking of going for my last long run this Tuesday (11/22) and then just doing short runs until my Half Marathon. The only problem is my half marathon is not until the following Sunday night (12/4), so that leaves over a week and a half without a long run, is that TOO much time in-between long runs? I mean I will be doing some shorter runs in-between that time and I know you should taper your runs before your event but would that be too much tapering?? Should I just hope for the best and make time this upcoming Thanksgiving weekend so there is only my normal 6-7 days in-between runs rather than 11-12 days in-between?? Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks everyone!


  • skyguy747
    skyguy747 Posts: 17 Member
    if you've followed the training plan, you should have no problem extending the time between your last long run and the event. As you did 13 on Thursday, you already know you can do the half with no problem. I think your plan is a good one.

    Congrats on reaching your goal!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    My 10 week plan had me do my last long run two weeks before the race, The scheduled run the week before was a tempo run of only 6 miles. I think 1 1/2 weeks is great. Good luck with your race!!!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    a 2-3 week taper from the last long run to the race day is pretty standard for most training plans. Since you've already done the distance, you will be just fine doing that last long run and then getting in a few short and easy runs the week before your race.
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    If you've been keeping up with your training so far - and it sounds like you have - I highly doubt this will be a problem. I'm not an expert runner or anything, just two half marathons and one full, but in my little/short experience with running I think you'll be fine. A taper is normal, and your body is in shape and knows what's up!
  • ausped
    ausped Posts: 58 Member
    We did our last long run..only 12 miles...2 weeks before the half. Then we only did 6 the weekend before. It was my best race. You should be fine. Good luck! Great job sticking to your training.
  • BKR1977
    BKR1977 Posts: 43 Member
    As one person already stated that you've already ran the distance. A two week taper is standard, so running your last long run 10 days prior to the race is par.
    Get your runs in when you can. Nothing hard at all.
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