Jillian Michaels?

kgilm767 Posts: 6
edited October 5 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone tried Jillian Michaels workouts? How are they? I just found a bunch of her workouts on demand for free. Are they fun? That's really all I need to keep motivated :)


  • They are a great workout. They mix strength training with some cardio. I had worked with a personal trainer a while back and this was the way she taught. I am now a group fitness instructor and I do this in my bootcamps. I am on here for support to my daughter and friends. I am also doing this so that I can learn more about the nutrition aspect. I really desire to help people on their weight loss journey.
  • I just started doing the 30 Day Shred at the beginning of the month and I have roughly lost 5lbs doing the level one for 5 days a week, along with cardio. I started developing some good, solid muscle already. December I'll start level 2 and I'm already looking forward to it. I def give her workouts a thumbs up.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    they are crazy effective workouts, but she is the most annoying thing ever. just make sure to mute your tv and get a good playlist.
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    On day 3 today of her 30 day shred. Feeling it all over my body. A bit sore but it's manageable; I'm not in pain. I actually feel good about the workouts. Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 and Level 3 for 10. However, you can do each level as long as you want or until you're comfortable to move on to the next!
  • She's annoying but her workouts are a good burn. I love 30 day shred and the results are really nice, even if weight isn't lost.
  • She is awesome. I do agree that she can be annoying to listen to. I am currently doing the 30 DS. I am on day 9 of Level one so about to switch to Level 2. I definitely have lost inches so very happy with the results so far. After I finish all the levels I will be investing in more of her workouts but definitely will check out On Demand since you said they are free. ;o)
  • I love her workouts and Bob Harper. I have all their dvds and do them daily. Great stuff. Been using them for 9 months so far.

  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Started out doing 30 day shred in february march this year, after not doing almost no resistance training in over a year. This was a good start for me, but im still no beginner when it comes to the moves. This one is still imo the best one if you are a total beginner or been laying of for a few months, its a good start to get the form down since almost every move in it will appear in the other dvds JM has done. I did it with 2 lbs dumbells, then changed to 4,4 lbs and thats when I started seeing a change.

    After 30 DS I tried No more trouble zone and Banish fat boost metabolism. I hate cardio and dont like BFBM because its just tooooo much plymetrics. Its ok a little now and then but it gets boring really fast. No more trouble zone is really fun but make sure you get the form down first before adding more weight. If you want to tone or build muscle this one is great.

    Ripped in 30 is a lot like 30 ds, only the transitions between the different parts of each circuit and the circuits are shorter and the tempo is a bit higher. I would suggest start with 30 ds and then do Ripped, just to get familiar with the 3 2 1 system.

    6 week 6 pack focuses only on the abs. For me, it helped a lot to first do Ripped and 30 ds so i have a constant contraction of the abs, also if you do it, try actually doing it for six week straight for the best results. Doing the same workout for 5 times a week for three weeks might end up beeing a bit dull but the results make it worth the effort.

    Killer buns & thighs is the most recent and imo by far the toughest of all Jillians dvds. I like it a lot, but I would suggest that if you are a beginner, dont move on to the next level to soon, form is critical.
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 523 Member
    I've got 30ds and banish fat boost metabolism. I think they're both really effective. I like the boot camp style of them coz I'm really un-cordinated so struggle with dance type workout videos. A lot of people find her annoying but I don't think she's that bad.
  • kreisad
    kreisad Posts: 12 Member
    How do you all log her DVDs in My Fitness Pal? Do you count it as circuit training? Do you count the time of the entire workout (warm up and cool down included)? I love her DVDs, I just want to make sure I'm logging them accurately. Thank you! I also have her DVD set, "The Biggest Winner." Love it too!
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