how do you handle potlucks?

I will be going to a pot luck tonight. How does one handle all the choices that will be there. I have plenty of calories left yet today but don't want to go overboard


  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Small portions of special things that you really like and may not get to eat often. Avoid anything more normal, i.e. something that you can eat any time. Example: on Thanksgiving I plan to enjoy the turkey stuffing as I don't get that often but ignore that mashed potatoes because I can have those anytime.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I make sure to bring a healthy item so if everything there is calorie-heavy, I can eat my own dish.

    I also try to talk to some of the people beforehand to see what they are bringing. Sometimes we're able to coordinate healthy foodies.

    Just take a look what's there. Many time people bring food and veggie plates that you can enjoy without the dressing.

    My last tip, is dance, dance, dance is that's an option!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    I handle them with two plates and seconds. Quick add 1,500 calories. Better luck to you!
  • as1789
    as1789 Posts: 46
    bring your own lower calorie dish. that's what I'm doing for the family Thanksgiving!
  • What funkycamper said! Make thinking about it part of your eating process.
  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    I handle them with two plates and seconds. Quick add 1,500 calories. Better luck to you!

    Exactly the way I handle them too!

    Life is for enjoying so I don't care if I go overboard on the calories once in a while :)
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I woudnt be able to handle it. I would stay home.
  • If you're eating less than you would have otherwise, you're consuming less calories. Its better to make better choices than to completely abandon your goal.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    I just try to live my life for me and I don't feel very tempted by a room full of food anymore! Just serve yourself what you would eat if you were at home preparing dinner. Choose smartly! You can do this...its sort of a mental game :)
  • i like to utilize self control
  • I eat a small amount of lean meats..and load up on veggies and easy on the breads or deserts...I quick add 500 cals....I really go for tiny servings of what looks good and fairly healthy...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I handle them with two plates and seconds. Quick add 1,500 calories. Better luck to you!

    Exactly the way I handle them too!

    Life is for enjoying so I don't care if I go overboard on the calories once in a while :)

    Same here, but I wouldn't even bother logging that day. One day of going over your calories isn't going to make any more of a difference long term than one day of going under your calories would.

    My outlook was, "I'd rather get to my goal weight a week or two later and enjoy myself along the way."
  • tmtolbert
    tmtolbert Posts: 59 Member
    i always follow the old single girl advice... don't go on a date hungry! eat before you go so that you aren't feeling hungry and can just have a bite of a couple of things that look good.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    someone always brings veggies and dip, I make sure to take more of this, (no dip) and avoid the sweets and the saucy stuff.
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 164 Member
    Carry your drink with you when you're filling your plate. Using one hand will be awkward and slow and you might end up with less on your plate, and you may find yourself carrying just one plate.

    I agree with the previous point that you should avoid things that you have access to regularly, i.e. rolls and butter, chips, candy.

    Bring your dish in a disposable container... that way you won't wind up with a tupperware of everyone's leftovers on the way home.
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    Eat before you get there. For me it's just like going grocery shopping if I eat before I go I put less junk in my cart if I go hungry I want everything I see.
  • I make something heathy that I really like and bring it as my dish to share. I also bring along some raw vegies and I nibble on them on the way to make sure I don't arrive too hungry. When going through the potluck line I take a portion of my own healthy dish and fill in with fruits, vegies, green salad stuff. I try to leave space on my plate and not load it up too much like I used to....I do 'treat' myself with a taste of one or two bite size servings of something I don't generally eat so I am satisfied and don't feel deprived. (I log every bite.)

    When I arrive with a plan I am able to stick with it and enjoy the event more. I hope you hear some ideas that will help you. Most of all remember to enjoy the get together.
  • portion control is extremely important...remember most people are overweight due to carb addiction, excluding people with thyroid issues etc...its hard to eat just one chip...stay with the turkey, hold off on the gravy and each might be tough but if you pig out you will regret it later and hate yourself for be tough, stick to your lifestyle change :)
  • mochalovies
    mochalovies Posts: 192 Member
    hmm I used to struggle with the whole potlucks thing -- some helpful tips are to drink lots of water before hand so you are full to start with.

    Everytime I am tempted to grab something I ask myself what do I want more? lose weight? or that piece of cake? losing weight always wins -- I am a visual person, so even looking at pictures of toned bodies before heading out to the **jungle** helps keep me in check.

    I also agree with everyone who said bringing a healthy dish -- my faves are veggie platters, cucumber salads n things like that. It gets to the point where you are labeled as a 'health nut' and maybe even then people think " we need something healthier for so and so"

    and if you reach for it... portion control is your best friend

    Or if you have time -- get "ready" for the potuck -- work out an extra 30 minutes to gain 300 calories or something like that.

    Hope this helps! and good luck ;)