Does anyone have a Mini Goal to meet my Jan 2012?



  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Mine is to lose 4" inches off my waist. I'm working on it! Good luck to us all.
  • I want to be down another 8lbs by Dec 22. When I closed out my food diary the other night it gave me a goal of being at 152.4 in 5 that's what I'm trying for :)
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    mine is really to lose 5lbs, but if I stay at my current given the holidays I would be ok with that. (although this is year I am making a strong effort to make all my holiday dishes healthier)
  • 3 goals.. To reach 275 (I'm currently 285), to run a total of 500 miles for the year (I'm at 408), and finally 10 pushups in a row

    I like how you have a miles per year goal. I think that's really interesting and something that I might want to look at doing. Thanks for the idea! :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Mine is no back pain from working out. Which means I need to figure out exactly what routines cause the pain and then alter them. Plus build up the muscles around my spine. I also want to be able to work out for at least 30 minutes at a time, vigorously, without, to put it politely, severe stomach upset.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    My goal is to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 152 since it will be one year on Dec 22. However, that's 12 lbs and I'm only losing half a pound a week right now.
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    I have three goals:

    Start a regular Weight Lifting Program 3 days a week.
    Sign up to start taking college classes to get my degree.
    On my weekend run, run 10 miles at one time by 12/31. (at 7 1/2 miles now. I increase my distance every two weeks by one mile)

    I will hit all of these goals, as hitting all of my goals is my new "Thing"

    My MFP adventure has taught me that i can can hit my personal goals if i set my mind to it. I never had issues hitting goals at work but never really set my mind to hit healthy lifestyle choices. I am now focused all the way around.

    I didn't list my hitting my goal weight as i'll hit that by this Thursday:)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Im averaging 2-3lbs loss per week lately... Im not going to keep my hopes up where we have the holidays.. but with careful meal/menu planning, I would be happy to see at least 10#'s gone by January 1st... I think that is reasonable to work with AND enjoy the holidays...Ive dropped 66lbs so far, so I know any loss will be a GREAT loss!
  • klynn81
    klynn81 Posts: 178 Member

    My goal:
    Out of the 240's.
    At 230 approaching 220's.
    In a consistent exercise routine.
  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 208 Member
    I'm going with 5 pounds by January. It's less than a pound a week but as I've gotten closer to my goal the loss has really slowed down.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    My 22nd birthday is in January! So I'm hoping to be in the low 160s. I'm 173 right now ... So about 10ish pounds.... I was hoping for 30 lol but I know that's a bit unrealistic lol

    I wish everyone success in thier goals :)
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    I would love to crack the decade I am currently in.
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    I would like to be at a "normal" weight. For my height that would be 140. I am currentlyl around 148 depending on the day. so 8 lbs. I have been struggling to lose this last bit of weight. So I need to focus on the behaviors that will get me there, not just the goal of losing 8 lbs. So to help me reach my goal by the first of the year. I will do 3 things.....

    1- log all my food, avoid processed foods and stay in my daily calorie goal
    2- Get 30 min of cardio 5 days a week
    3- Weight train 2 days a week.

    By focusing on the tangable I hope to reach my goal.

  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i want to be at 231 by new years.. thats 15.4 pounds and im not sure if im going to be able to hit it but im going to try my hardest :)
  • racha2424
    racha2424 Posts: 58 Member
    My goal is 10 pounds by Christmas and that would put me at losing 20 pounds in 3 months and that would be awesome.....I wanna lose a total of 90 pounds by Sept 2012 which is my 5yr wedding anniversary. :bigsmile:
  • You know, I didnt, but now that I read this and think and you say MINI well i do now!
    My mini goal is to just do well over the holidays. To enjoy with my family and friends,
    join them in party mode, but stick to healthy eating. Its a mini goal year after year and
    its been able to happen always but do want to meet it once again :)
  • My goal was 150lbs...that was a 10 loss from Nov 1st ..5lbs a month..but..I re-evaluated it after thinking about how miserable I was going to be over the holiday season .. and am now hoping to be 155lbs instead..a smaller weight loss is better than the weight gain I ended up with last year!!!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Do you have a goal, or mini goal to meet by January 1 2012???

    I do.. I'm trying to lose 16 lbs by then and meet my first goal of 200 or possibly 199 and be back in the 100's....ugh that would be AMAZING... havent seen a 100 like that in 2 1/2 years... YIKES!

    this is exactly the same for me :)
  • gemco
    gemco Posts: 129
    i'm somewhat optimistically aiming at a stone by my son's birthday in jan - that will have me back to my weight when he was conceived. but generally i'll be happy to lose rather than gain over christmas as i haven't been rocking the will power lately.
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    My goal is to be at 170 or out of the 170s by first week of January, 7 lbs to go!