Cardio.. only jogging.. health problems..

Hi! After a few months of not being on here, I'm back! However, during these last few months I learned a lot about myself.. I had an MRI/CT and found out I have 3 blown discs in my neck, and will eventually require surgery. Right now they are being controlled by a small amount of pain medication.

I'm TRYING to get back into exercise, however, too much causes me to not be able to move for a week! SO I found that jogging doesn't bother me as long as I don't do it for more than 30-40 min. Is that okay? If I switch it up to stairs or ellipticals for whatever reason it bugs my neck. I can't jog on a treadmill.. just outside..

If I only jog, will my body not lose fat? I also am doing light weight lifting (10 lbs max), squats, lunges and other leg exercises. Also, how can I do crunches? or do abdominal workouts that wont destroy my neck. I have clearance to jog, and do light weight lifitng, no more than an hour a day (which I only do about 50-55 min a day, starting this week).

Any help would be great. I will likely need surgery in a year or so (fusion of the cervical vertebrae), and would like to be in tip top shape for my long recovery. I want to lose 40-45lbs. Would like to lose that 6 months, and tone the crap outta my body for the remaining 6 months.



  • omgzstef
    omgzstef Posts: 157
    Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that! What about trying the stationary bike? It's still cardio, but not using so much of your back? I'd try and stay away from the crunches because one wrong move can really strain your neck. You can do other ab exercises without crunches as well.

    Check out this site.. It helps you focus on one area of the body and shows you different moves to do so! Feel better!!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I started out just walking and then jogging for my first 120 lbs or so, just recently I have begun weight training you will burn and lose lots of fat just doing cardio, you will more than likely lose some muscle too, but the pros far outweigh (no pun intended), the cons.
  • ahaynes
    ahaynes Posts: 13 Member
    When I first begin to workout, i would lift and try to do cardio. Then I went to just lifting and it seems like I gained weight by lifting. I've gone to straight cardio and since then, I've lost probably the last 50 lbs or so by just cardio. Cardio alone will indeed help you burn fat and drop weight.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Ouch! I'm sorry about your neck.

    To be honest, I'd ask your doctors about the best strength training exercises for you. Rather than the typical situp type crunch, maybe reverse crunches or leg lifts would be better since it doesn't strain the neck as much. Or planks. Or pilates or yoga.
  • brittanylynne1209
    I have 2 torn ACL's, so Bikes hurt.. yeah.. I'm a hot mess! haha. I will ask my doctor about strength! Thanks!!