What do you do on a grumpy day?

I was grumpy much of the day. This could have been due to the fact that I wanted some "me" time but did not want to stick my mother with the kids again. AND they had to clean their rooms. AND I was hungry because I did not eat a salad with lunch that helps so much to keep me full....

So I went for a walk, by myself when the kids went to bed. New shoes fit well except the arch seems funky. Avia is a brand I have used before and I don't remember this being an issue.

Oh and I don't feel grumpy any longer!


  • omgzstef
    omgzstef Posts: 157
    Love when that happens! When I'm upset/angry I go to the gym and blow off some steam & come back home a whole new person (most of the time) :)
  • goblue443
    The gym is always a good option. I know you said you couldn't find alone time but for me even just going into a bathroom/other secluded space for 5 minutes and closing my eyes can help so much when I am in a grumpy mood. I also try to remind myself that things could always be worse.

    I hate those days though. Sometimes you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed for no apparent reason.
  • ecalonge
    Yeah, it can be really hard to feel good sometimes when you have to not only care for yourself, but also for a family. It was good you at least were able to go for a walk - apparently that helped huh. It might be a challenge to put some time aside for yourself every day but (especially since now that we are determined to take care and comfort ourselves in a healthy way and not through food anymore) you did exactly what you needed to keep on track and fight the grump. Maybe even a hot bath, or sitting out in the backyard later in the evening/early morning when it's quiet would help too during those times. We all have off days and its ok to feel overwhemled and grumpy, just continue to do something nice for yourself when that comes up and of course log in here and talk to all of us! It definitely helps me. Have a great rest of the evening.