My results in two months

008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
I have spent years and years trying to find the right diet. Yes, I am back on my diet this week having been VERY VERY naughty over the past four weeks or so. I thought however, I would share my results from doing a Total Food Replacement Diet between 22nd March and the 28th May this year. People say, doing TFRD you will pile it all back on right away. Truth..I didnt! Its only these past four weeks as I have been absolutely piggin it our on vacations, social events, and just eating down right stupidly! Once I lost all my weight, between May and October, I just ate sensibly and maintained my weight. I am gluten/wheat free and sometimes I think it makes it easier to stay at weight. I gained 9lbs on this stupid blow out recently, but will be back on my TFRD tomorrow with a vengeance. I am aiming to lose in total, another 23lbs by January 12th.
The hardest part of TFRD is the first week. The loss however is so rapid, that motivation does kick in very quickly. Did I ever feel ill? NOPE not once! In fact, I was bursting with energy and vitality. I used a UK company called Be-Yu. Their foods were so much better than alternatives out there. I found the variety of food (not just soups and shakes) a lot easier to work with. My favorite is red Bean chill to which I add my own chopped chilli peppers and garlic. I would pile my plate high with rocket leaves, add my chilli and a dust of parmesan. My typical food for the day would be, strawberry shake for breakfast, soup or white chocolate and lemon yogurt bar for lunch, red bean chilli and caramel pudding for dinner. Throughout the day I drank their water additive called "quench" which is a cranberry flavoured water.
Doing TFRD one does have to be careful. Ideally, one should be checked out by their doctor first, and have them approve it for you. BUT, if you have a special event, and need drastic measures..then..with commitment and 100% dedication, believe me it works!!
I dont have many pics around of me in "fat" mode (always behind the camera!)..these before pics were actually taken a year ago now and I gained weight since those pics were taken. In March this year, I weighed in at around 210lb. By 30th May, I weighed 154lbs.
Here are my befores:
[img] pics/fatpic.jpg[/img]

[img] pics/PB090465.jpg[/img]

[img] pics/PB090453.jpg[/img]

And here I am ready to go to a birthday party this summer, proud to be in FRONT of the camera for once!!
[img] pics/DSCF0014.jpg[/img]

As I say, its not for everyone. It takes a lot of hard work, and you do have to get your head around it. BUT..the results speak for themselves!


  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I have spent years and years trying to find the right diet. Yes, I am back on my diet this week having been VERY VERY naughty over the past four weeks or so. I thought however, I would share my results from doing a Total Food Replacement Diet between 22nd March and the 28th May this year. People say, doing TFRD you will pile it all back on right away. Truth..I didnt! Its only these past four weeks as I have been absolutely piggin it our on vacations, social events, and just eating down right stupidly! Once I lost all my weight, between May and October, I just ate sensibly and maintained my weight. I am gluten/wheat free and sometimes I think it makes it easier to stay at weight. I gained 9lbs on this stupid blow out recently, but will be back on my TFRD tomorrow with a vengeance. I am aiming to lose in total, another 23lbs by January 12th.
    The hardest part of TFRD is the first week. The loss however is so rapid, that motivation does kick in very quickly. Did I ever feel ill? NOPE not once! In fact, I was bursting with energy and vitality. I used a UK company called Be-Yu. Their foods were so much better than alternatives out there. I found the variety of food (not just soups and shakes) a lot easier to work with. My favorite is red Bean chill to which I add my own chopped chilli peppers and garlic. I would pile my plate high with rocket leaves, add my chilli and a dust of parmesan. My typical food for the day would be, strawberry shake for breakfast, soup or white chocolate and lemon yogurt bar for lunch, red bean chilli and caramel pudding for dinner. Throughout the day I drank their water additive called "quench" which is a cranberry flavoured water.
    Doing TFRD one does have to be careful. Ideally, one should be checked out by their doctor first, and have them approve it for you. BUT, if you have a special event, and need drastic measures..then..with commitment and 100% dedication, believe me it works!!
    I dont have many pics around of me in "fat" mode (always behind the camera!)..these before pics were actually taken a year ago now and I gained weight since those pics were taken. In March this year, I weighed in at around 210lb. By 30th May, I weighed 154lbs.
    Here are my befores:



    And here I am ready to go to a birthday party this summer, proud to be in FRONT of the camera for once!!

    As I say, its not for everyone. It takes a lot of hard work, and you do have to get your head around it. BUT..the results speak for themselves!

    can't see the pics but well done on your loss.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Tried fixing the images for you, they must not be uploaded properly
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    waagh what am I doint wrong lol!!! Which thingy in photobucket do I copy and paste?
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Are you resizing the photo or something? Might be causing the problem
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member

    The problem is I think that you have a space in the album name but when you copy the img code photobucket fills the space with %20

    If you delete the %20 from each link and replace it with a space they work. :smile:
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    There we go fixed
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    OMG BIG IMages LOL!!! I knew I'd be hopeless, thank you for helping out. I would never in a million years have shown anyone those before pics, they horrify me!! But nice to remind myself now to chuck out those bars of white chocolate in my freezer!!!
  • Oh my look absolutely fabulous. What a difference. Congratulations on a job well done.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    OMG BIG IMages LOL!!! I knew I'd be hopeless, thank you for helping out. I would never in a million years have shown anyone those before pics, they horrify me!! But nice to remind myself now to chuck out those bars of white chocolate in my freezer!!!

    Now that the problem with getting the pictures to display is fixed....

  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    AMAZING you have done so well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It is nice to know we can do this no matter where we are in our life... xx I am finding it harder now I have turned 40...... Thank you for the motivation xxxxxxx
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    Respect! :-D

    I am the slowest loser ever and I totally admire people who are able to do the hard work to lose it fast. I have a friend like that and I know it IS possible when you find a style that suits you what ever it is.

    Getting fast results is motivating and another challenge will be maintaining them too. Best of luck to you on both projects!!!
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you everyone! I also, once every three weeks, allowed myself a "day off". Usually an Indian meal with white wine. But next day, right back on it again. It IS hard, no denying it, and you need total self discipline. I think though the fact you lose around 14lbs in the first two weeks, it really motivates you. AlsoEVERY time you step on the scales, there is a loss of some kind. I am trying today just to get my head around it all again. Clearing out the naughty cupboard and preparing my TFR cupboard. But here goes, last leg I hope of my journey! Thanks everyone, and anyone who is thinking of doing TFRD please please please make sure you get checked out by a doctor first. I consume some days less than 500 cals,. but its 500 cals of prepared nutrition. Its not for everyone, and please get checked out first and make sure you are healthy enough to do this kind of diet. For me, it has been a winner, and the habit wasnt long in forming. Your head just becomes so focused you just ignore real food around you. My biggest challange is always wine. I miss my glass of wine at night... Instead now, I have a fizzy grape water, in a really large glass with lots of ice cubes to make my head think its wine lol! Here goes!!
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    OMG you rocked it !!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    You look smokin' hot! Well done!
  • 707janette
    707janette Posts: 77 Member
    Damn Girl!!! You are really Hot now! geeze, look at you:) hot, hot hot.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Well done with your weight loss you look great. I have lost 26lbs doing weight watchers and I started 2 moths ago and my sister in law joined lighter life she has lost 3 and a half stones and looks fantastic, She actually looks and feels amazing. It has totally worked for her. I have had results with dieting and think I have done a good job. As long as it comes off and you maintain thats great. I bet you feel a million dollars well done honey xxx
  • Alka97
    Alka97 Posts: 74
    you look great :D
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    Hold head just got 14 lbs bigger ;-) Thank you everyone - seriously, I dont like blowing my own trumpet, just wanted to motivate anyone out there who like me really really struggled on conventional diets and needed drastic action. Luanwalton, I tried lighterlife but ooooh its a TOUGH one! For me, not enough variety.... I couldnt do soups and shakes every day. I had spagetti bolognese, and cottage pies (ok they are sure not gourmet)..but spice them up a bit and they were hmmmm edible lol!! I think its a mind over matter with TFRD. You just gotta see food as fuel..and a weight loss tool...oooh I am gonna struggle this week, first week back on again...
    Anyway, thank you everyone for the more than generous compliments!!! xxx
    OH BTW!!! MY original goal for May, was that my husband and I were renewing our wedding vows. I DID do THAT dress, I DID marry him all over again, and I DID feel FABulous not Flabulous! Three stones lighter on our renewal wedding day.. it felt good :-)
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    OMG you rocked it !!

    HI HONEY!!How are you?? YOu look FAB!!!! Still rocketing those miles??? xoxoxox
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