nothing seems to be working



  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    I have been taking this weight loss supplement called HCG drops and I have been on them for about 2 weeks almost and I have lost 20 pounds so far. If that is something you are interested in. They give you a packet to follow they tell you what to eat, what not to eat, and they give you a low cal diet plan. But it worked great for me and still working. I am still taking them and will continue taking them for a while. :smile:

    Don't do this.

    thx, i won't as tempting as it is, i really am trying to do this naturally... so i can keep it up for a life time :)

    That is very good to hear. I know it can be frustrating not seeing progress as quickly as you would like, but if you stick with it you will see progress eventually.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    First off, I don't find cardio to be a waste of your time. Yes, strength training is beneficial, but so is cardio. If not for weight loss, then for the health benefits cardio offers. I have a history of heart issues in my family - most of which show up around my age. I had an EKG done in August and was told it is "textbook perfect". They asked me if I do cardio regularly and I told them yes. They told DO NOT STOP. Even if you no longer want it for the weight loss benefits, keep doing it for the cardiovascular health. So, cardio is NOT a waste of your time. I lost my weight walking and then running on the treadmill. When I got closer to my goal weight is when I added in strength training, but I still do cardio EVERY single time I go to the gym.

    Strength training will help tone your body and make you look leaner. But, I still think cardio is important.

    Make sure you are logging your food correctly. Measure and weigh stuff. Unfortunately, we all have a pretty skewed idea of what a serving size of something is. Read labels and learn what is a true serving size vs what you think is a serving size.

    Make sure you are eating a well balanced "diet" with veggies, fruits and lean meats.

    Congrats on giving up the pop. That's a big step.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    I have been taking this weight loss supplement called HCG drops and I have been on them for about 2 weeks almost and I have lost 20 pounds so far. If that is something you are interested in. They give you a packet to follow they tell you what to eat, what not to eat, and they give you a low cal diet plan. But it worked great for me and still working. I am still taking them and will continue taking them for a while. :smile:

    PLEASE do not try this..... do your research!
  • mrrad
    mrrad Posts: 46
    Yes I did say cardio is waste of time, which I agree with you it is important for cardio-vascular health. However I see a lot of people at the gym just doing their set time XX mins on the treadmill whatever and not sweating or appearing out of breath. Yes better than sitting on the couch obviously but not the most efficient way of spending your working out time. If you are doing a program of strength training correctly this will also take care of heart health as you will be increasing your heart rate and getting out of breath.

    As this was a question of weight loss I still believe strength training is the way to go.
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    10 lbs? You may be doing too much cardio.......stagger your work outs and see what happens....also, you begin your day with a flood of insulin triggering carbs.......I would focus on more protein and less carbs throughout the day. If you are interested,
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    I didn't lose anything for the first few weeks or so and then all of a sudden the evil scale decided to give in. Give it some time. It may take some time for the extra fat to budge.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    thx again, that is what i hope. i was telling my hubby about this site and he said that he notices a bit of a difference on me ( on my butt ,lol) even if the scale doesn't show it yet. so i guess that's good. I know he's my hardest critic so if he sees something then there is something happening. :) He also is being pretty supportive with some of these changes i'm making especially in food since we ate fish last night,lol and then i made pancakes this am but made them whole wheat. so little changes that i know will be good in the long run. I am going to keep at it and hopefully the exercising will show up on the scale to make me feel relieved!
  • lovulll
    lovulll Posts: 9 Member
    It sounds like your body has gotten too used to your workout. Keep doing what you are doing, track all of your food (including portion sizes, and really measure them) and look to add some strength training, yoga, or something different to your routine. Your body gets used to one type of thing (in this case, elliptical, etc) and you may need to just change things up a bit. If you belong to a gym, take a class, or add sit ups, etc.
  • techgeeksquared
    techgeeksquared Posts: 30 Member
    I agree. We need a bit more information to assist you properly.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i don't belong to a gym ( can't afford) so i use what i have at home. I don't see how it could have gotten used to the workout when it's been only a month? Wouldn't i have seen a few lbs come off and then stabilize? A P.P. mentioned that i am starting my day off with insulin trigging carbs? I'm confused b/c everyone i talked to told me to start my day of with oatmeal to keep me fuller longer in the am? so if i shouldn't be eating oatmeal then when is the right time? should i be eating my eggs then and not at other times? i tend to make eggs for lunch at work, it's quick.... when i don't do oatmeal or cereal i will do a weight watchers egg mc muffin. is that ok? i am so confused b/c i did so much reading last night and one program says to do it one way then another says to do it completely different.. totally contradicting each other all the time, i have no idea what is a good or right way of losing my flippen 10 lbs....
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    I agree. We need a bit more information to assist you properly.

    what other info do you need? i gave tons on the 1st page? or do you want different info?
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Once you start logging your food - you should be able to see where you fall as far as fats, carbs, protien, sugars and sodium....they all play important roles in your body and synthensizing your food to work the best for you.

    Things like too many carbs and too much sodium can have a big hinderance on weight loss - process foods (even the "diet" ones) can play havoc on your system and can cause you not to loose weight.

    Cardio is important but strength training is where it is at. Using your muscles and getting them a good workout will in the end allow you to burn more calories at rest. There are A LOT of strength training things you can do at home - a lot you can use your own body weight to do or invest about $20 for a set of handweights and a medicine ball. You should be able to google strength training exercises and find a ton - You can also check out some DVD's that are available - the Biggest Loser ones are good for beginners and show you modifications if you can't do all the moves. If you have an iphone or an ipad - download Nike Training - totally free and full of great workout routines. With strength training you should be able to start seeing a difference in your body shape after a few may not see it on a scale...but body fat takes up far more room than muscle - I have lost about 7 lbs by eating a fairly clean diet and doing mainly strength training workoouts with a little cardio - it has been slow going on the scale but the changes in my body have been big...
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    thx. i do have a medicine ball and just never knew how to use it correctly, so i will google it. I want to keep up with my 5 days a week cardio just b/c if i cut back right now i think i will fall off the band wagon FAST! It's becoming a good habit right now for me to exercise and i am enjoying it right now so i need to keep that i will do 5 days and the 2 days i take the break i will do some sorta of strength training, once i find a few online....
  • lovulll
    lovulll Posts: 9 Member
    Strength training can also be resistance work such as dips, sit ups, plank and push ups (even modified). Check out either the app or online the website Everyday Health. They have a great set of exercises you can do (and I do) in my living room. It's the same stuff you would do in yoga, with a trainer at a gym, etc. If you don't have weights, use cans as hand weights, I do dips on off my couch, and lunges and squats require no extra stuff at all. If you did that 3x a week for 20 minutes (in front of the tv some nights), you might have some success.

    I also agree that keeping food log will help you a lot. I have been using this website as a maintenance tool for three years and it has really helped.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    ok a Q... how do you eat enough calories to your recommended amount when your not hungry? Again today i am having a hard time hitting 1200 especially once i exercised and have "extra"..
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Scale weight loss and fat loss aren't the same thing. Start tracking your body fat percentage and if you weigh yourself once a week, every two weeks or once a month, use this formula to see how much fat you are losing.

    Weight x Body Fat Percentage = Pounds of fat
    Weight - Pounds of fat = Lean body mass

    Things you need to know:

    1. Your scale weight is divided into two categories. Pounds of fat and lean body mass

    2. Your lean body mass is the requirement for your body. You don't want that number to drop. It's possible that it can, but you must do everything in your power to maintain it or raise it.

    3. Your pounds of fat is not the amount of scale weight you have to loss or even how much pounds of fat you need to lose. Every body requires fat. Women lowers amount of fat is 10% and men 2%.

    Remember scale weight loss and fat loss aren't the same thing. It's possible that a person can lose 2 pounds of scale weight and 3 pounds of fat.

    I can show you other formulas that can help you see the difference between scale weight loss and fat loss. You are welcome to send me a private message, if you like.
  • Sdiaz1989
    Sdiaz1989 Posts: 19 Member
    Y do u ppl keep saying not to try this? I did my research and my doctor approved it. So whats the problem?
  • Sdiaz1989
    Sdiaz1989 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been taking this weight loss supplement called HCG drops and I have been on them for about 2 weeks almost and I have lost 20 pounds so far. If that is something you are interested in. They give you a packet to follow they tell you what to eat, what not to eat, and they give you a low cal diet plan. But it worked great for me and still working. I am still taking them and will continue taking them for a while. :smile:

    Don't do this.

    thx, i won't as tempting as it is, i really am trying to do this naturally... so i can keep it up for a life time :)

    That is very good to hear. I know it can be frustrating not seeing progress as quickly as you would like, but if you stick with it you will see progress eventually.

    Y do u ppl keep saying not to try this? I did my research and my doctor approved it. So whats the problem?
  • Sdiaz1989
    Sdiaz1989 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been taking this weight loss supplement called HCG drops and I have been on them for about 2 weeks almost and I have lost 20 pounds so far. If that is something you are interested in. They give you a packet to follow they tell you what to eat, what not to eat, and they give you a low cal diet plan. But it worked great for me and still working. I am still taking them and will continue taking them for a while. :smile:

    Please do some serious research on this. If nothing else, go to the unofficial MFP FAQ group. HCG drops are a waist of time. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    OP, You do not give enough information to help you with much of anything.

    Y do u ppl keep saying not to try this? I did my research and my doctor approved it. So whats the problem?
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I have been taking this weight loss supplement called HCG drops and I have been on them for about 2 weeks almost and I have lost 20 pounds so far. If that is something you are interested in. They give you a packet to follow they tell you what to eat, what not to eat, and they give you a low cal diet plan. But it worked great for me and still working. I am still taking them and will continue taking them for a while. :smile:

    Do you realise that HCG is the hormone that women produce when they are pregnant? The more they progress into pregnancy, the higher it gets? :huh: