Looking for young-ish female weight loss pals



  • dlongshot7
    I'm 22 also.. feel free to add me :))

    by the way love the piercings!!
  • petersendevan
    I am 21, and as well looking for a weight loss pal.. I know a lot about nutrition because I had to take a class well 2 classes about it.. plus health class.. I am a massage therapist.. you can add me if you want.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I'm 20, add me if you would like!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Omg your septum jewelry is far too big for your pretty face!

    I'm jelly. I don't think I have the nose for a septum. I've been fighting the idea for a little over 2 years now! :]
    ughhh me too :D everyone flipped when I got my eyebrow done so I'm afraid to make another move and spook them lol (Almost got my lip ring yanked out :p)
    anyyyyway I'm 20 :D and a female
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'll be 23 next month and totally know what u mean,

    SUPER cute hat/hood!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Omg your septum jewelry is far too big for your pretty face!

    I'm jelly. I don't think I have the nose for a septum. I've been fighting the idea for a little over 2 years now! :]

    I think the jewelry is ugly..
    And you're a negative nancy with nothing nice to say. Plus you aren't even of age to be on this site. You should leave and do us all a favor from reading your negative posts.

    Or stay off the message boards. You choose.

    I think its grose to ruin your body with junkk like that

    I think it's gross that you would tell somebody else what they should and shouldn't do with their body. Oh, and your grammar is quite disgusting too
  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    Hi I'm 20 and yall can add me if you want :)
  • AmandaR321
    AmandaR321 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi. :) I'm 23. Welcome to MFP!
  • KrisilynnAshley
    i'm 19. and i feel you! you may definitely add me!
  • dpartee1
    dpartee1 Posts: 14 Member
    Im 20, add me ladies! just dont look at my calories on Thanksgiving lol
  • wanda007
    I'm 55 but feel like I'm younger....LOL:laugh: ...good luck finding some young friends...theres a lot of good peeps here.
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    Im 20, add me ladies! just dont look at my calories on Thanksgiving lol

    Lol I feel you with this comment. I'm driving to visit my dad for Thanksgiving. I want to try to be careful about what I eat, but I don't want to seem rude since my stepmom LOVES cooking and is amazing at it. I'm just going to have to keep solace in the fact that she uses organic stuff and is generally health conscious.. so maybe I won't go over too much.

    Anyhoo, to the OP - I am 25 if you'd like to add. =)
  • alyssiawood
    alyssiawood Posts: 33 Member
    I'm kind of young-ish I'm 27 and looking for people to help motivate me to lose weight and I will try to help you too :)
  • egatta
    egatta Posts: 12
    I'm 19, feel free to add me!
  • laughingwasabi
    Omg your septum jewelry is far too big for your pretty face!

    I'm jelly. I don't think I have the nose for a septum. I've been fighting the idea for a little over 2 years now! :]
    ughhh me too :D everyone flipped when I got my eyebrow done so I'm afraid to make another move and spook them lol (Almost got my lip ring yanked out :p)
    anyyyyway I'm 20 :D and a female

    Eh...that happened to me too, when I came home with my cheeks pierced! They'll get used to it. Now, everyone tells me I look weird without all my old piercings. :)
  • laughingwasabi
    I am 21, and as well looking for a weight loss pal.. I know a lot about nutrition because I had to take a class well 2 classes about it.. plus health class.. I am a massage therapist.. you can add me if you want.

    I'm a nursing student, so I had to endure two semesters worth of pure nutrition classes, plus reinforcement from here to eternity. How do you like massage therapy?
  • laughingwasabi
    LOL, yes, it's slightly chaotic ! My step daughter is at her grandma's this morning, and my husband is doing laundry, so I figured I could get a work out in.. Get my water together, get a cardio work out put on the TV and my son wakes up and is very needy for attention today, and doesn't feel well, so he just wants to lay on me.. sigh.. I'll try again at nap time.. lol
    I'm 22, married mom of an almost 4 year old and step mom of a 4 year old. My life is so chaotic. I work full time, in the postal field, and between work and transportation, picking my son up from school etc. I am out of the house for 12 hours a day. Then I get home, cook dinner, bathe my son, and spend time with my husband. I barely get a chance to sleep let alone work out.. on the weekends, I have two children to care for... It's insane.. lol. I need someone to keep me on track. I want to lose 30 pounds by Valentines Day.. and 80 pounds total. My first goal is to drink more water and less soda..

    Wow! I thought I had a busy life. Kudos for being able to juggle that much, and kudos for having a realistic goal!!!

    Good luck!!!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Alright guys, I tried to clean up this thread, but it has become virtually impossible. Im locking this thread
This discussion has been closed.