Weight loss without exercise?

I seem to have this issue with my body and exercise. I lost 8 lbs in the first 3 or so weeks from not doing much exercise mybe 30 mins otherwise I was just watching what I eat. Well in week 4 I started exercizing around 150 mins this week and still watching what I eat. 6 out of 7 days I'm still under my calorie goal without putting in my exercise but I seem to be at a standstill and lucky if I will loose 1 lb this week. Any thoughts?


  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    The first few weeks your body lost water weight and you probably lost a few pounds because you were eating less than you normall do. Once you start working out, you will retain water to repair your muscles so you may not see any movement on the scale for 1-2 weeks. Don't fret, just stay at it and your body will catch up and you'll be pleasantly surprised when the scale starts to move again. Also, highly recommend you take measurements (neck, bust, waist, hips, thighs, etc.) because there will come a time that the scale won't move but you'll lose inches and measurements will help you see this when the scale won't.

    Keep it up and don't look back! :flowerforyou:
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I don't really know, but I haven't really exercised yet either. I've been on the program for one month and only exercise sporadically. I've been lucky so far and lose about 2 pounds per week. I've lost 14 pounds in one month. I decided when I stop losing i am going to add exercise. Maybe you need to eat your calories. Your body may think it is starving and slowing down your metabolism. Let us know what you do to start moving in the right direction again.
  • dkbaron
    Hi... Several thiungs may be happening. You are not eating enough calories and with the exercise, your body may think you are starving it. Get your calories up to their max and continue to exercise and see what happens. When we don't eat enough opur body goes into starvation mode and starts reserving calories in order to function.
    Another thing to consider, as you exercise you start building muscle mass, and muscle mass weighs more than fat. This should correct itself. Do not get discouraged.
    Make sure you get pleanty of lean protien and cleansing vegetables...no sugar and tons of water. I am foloowing the 17 Day Diet by Dr. Mike Moreno and his program is so easy and I never feel deprived. He lays it all out for you.
    Good luck and don't get discouraged. I hit a plateau last week for three days then lost 2 pounds. Also, have you taken your measurements? Sometimes when exercising we will lose inches and not pounds due to the shift from fat to muscle.
  • mrs_madame
    mrs_madame Posts: 48 Member
    Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat in the same amounts, and since you're just starting exercise, you are holding on to nutrients and water to build muscles, which are adding weight. But muscle weight is ok :) measurements are a better way of monitoring progress!
  • dkbaron
    Looks like we were all typing at the same time... :-)
  • world2c
    world2c Posts: 178 Member
    Agreed with everything listed above (yes you may stay static for a couple of weeks - you are changing your body's compisition, yes, eat back your excerise calories).... Stay with it, you'll start loosing, and definitely take measurements - you can even add extra ones (thigh, neck, wrist, ankles etc) to what they give you here when you're in the check in tab. Hopefully you will be as surprised with the results as I was...Still baffled by the number of inches I lost....
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    the fact is that it's mostly about nutrition. if you keep your calories in check you'll lose. the main reason I exercise is to help my body repair itself. I don't have extra $$ to throw at excess flab, so I keep that in mind when working my program. not to mention the powerhouse of energy that exercise produces. :explode:

    I would get some good protein in after every intense workout, esp w/weights, and half my weight in water.

    when you get to be my age, you can't afford to go w/o exercise for so many more reasons than not....
  • Chrissymmartin
    Chrissymmartin Posts: 22 Member
    I agree with the above posts... Take your measurements and go by those changes more then the scale. I hit a scale plateau before and was getting upset, but once I took my measurements, I saw I had shed a few inches from each spot. This is simply the muscles building and the fat shedding away. But since muscle weighs more than fat, the scale looks like you've stayed the same or sometimes even gained.... Don't rely on the scale so much, and definitely don't stop working out. It does the body good to move!!
  • phresh21
    phresh21 Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks for all of the input and support. I have lost an inch on my hips and waist since starting. Just gotta keep my head high :)