200 pounds overweight and CAN'T have any substantial loss.



  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I always like to start any major change with a bang. I did a two week vegan fast to start off my healthy lifestyle.. Wow so much fruit and veg and smoothies and such had me bouncing with energy. Also cleans out toxins and such supposedly which sound logical to me. Maybe not a full vegan life to start off with for your cleanse but perhaps just adding in a ton more fruit and veggies and watching your sodium. Lower your calories to about 1500 and drink atleast 10 glasses of water a day more if you can but never more than 4 cups an hour :) best of luck and feel free to friend me :)
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Congrats on 8 pounds lost! (May they never be found by anyone again! :wink: )
  • AmythistRae
    I would drink alot more water and cut down your sodium...the reality is angel, your food choices are not much different then they were before, they are just the "diet" kind....which means full of crap.....Being someone who has 240 to lose I can tell you there has to be a complete change....few things....first losing the weight isn't going to make you a skinny girl...believing in yourself, believing in being healthy....wanting to live a different life because this one is killing you will....Tasting and enjoying real food will help too...you still eat high sodium carb rich food....what about a nice salad with orange tomato dill garlic dressing. Or a couple of cut up granny smith apples with if needed some natural peanut butter???

    I was always told I was a food addict and the truth was I was a crap addict. Boxed crap isn't food....I have learnt that I can love food, really love it and can enjoy it and lose weight..It is your life change....like a new career....first you need to learn then you need to go for it and then you need to give it your all because weight loss is your pay check and bonuses all wrapped up into one....

    Start loving the process honey it will change your life and everyone else's around you...You got fat and i say this as a fat person using no effort whatsoever...can you imagine if you actually put out effort??? went for a small walk...made your ice cream homemade with real strawberries and coconut milk? can you imagine sitting down and enjoying every bite you bring into your mouth and you are eating because you want too...can you imagine falling in love with the process?? It is amazing when you do...I go to the pool every day....eat whole natural foods.....real food....make cool recipes....and enjoy.....and the weight is falling off, more than that...I feel better.....look better.....you can do this...believe in yourself....be the real you....give you the same effort you give to everyone else...
