Similar goals? 20 pounds+ to lose..

Hello! I'm 37 and from the UK. I'm not exactly new to MFP but haven't participated in the community side of things until now. I've just used it to log food but have a tendency to slip in and out of the good habits and have gained back 5 of the 7 pounds I lost during the summer. I'm more determined to stay on track this time and have committed to at least a month off wine :ohwell: - not the best time of year for it I suppose but it has to be done! Let me know if you have similar goals or difficulty sticking to them!


  • lgammy
    lgammy Posts: 33 Member
    Yes, of course I do! I have had false starts many times in the past, where I am good for a month or two and then fall back in to bad habits. I feel strongly that I am ready to do it for good now, though, and my friends here are a huge help. Good on you for taking the step to return and stay on track. You can do it!!
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I have slip ups too. I find that joining a challenge on here helps. We are starting a new one on Thanksgiving. Here is the addy if you would like to join!

    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    It's the BEST time of year to do this ... The best GIFT you can give yourself for the Holidays is a NEW YOU ! Not only will you feel accomplished ... but you will feel amazing knowing you beat the odds ! This is my time to shine ... I will take this Holiday challenge and make it my BEST effort yet ! Come 2012 ... I will be in the BEST shape of my life ! Totally stoked ! :)
  • martinh78
    I've lost 25lbs since joining mfp, and think I am close to my goal weight, yet to start "maintaining" though, reckon that could be hard! Best of luck though, I couldn't have done it without logging on mfp and a few special friends :o)
  • victoria543
    victoria543 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi there i'm also a few steps forward then a few back kind of girl !! trying to loose baby weight from 3yrs ago would be happy to spur you on ive also got about 20 ish lbs to get rid off:smile:
  • leelee_1974
    Thanks for all the encouragement everyone! Now I've come out of hiding I feel accountable - but in a good way :smile:
  • leelee_1974
    Great challenge, covering my most tempting time of year! I've signed up. Want to lose 8-10 by start of 2012.
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I will see you at the challenge then...I will be in the 6-8lb goal but I will still see what you post and you'll see what I post...congrats on joining!
