Fat and fifty, but want to be fit and fifty!!!!

Hi, I could really do with some friends to keep me going. I lost a stone before the summer, but have slowly put it back on again. Tomorrow I need to get back into it and could really do with some help.
Thanks everyone
Bev :-)


  • darkevix
    Hi Bev! This is a great community, even if you don't participate a lot (like me) just reading the comments from other people helps you remember that it's possible to achieve your goals!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    It's all about the " F " today, eh ? Ok .. got it !

    Why not be Fabulous, Fit, Fantastic and Fun at Fifty ! You have the potential to be anything you want ... it's all in the mindset ! So forget the " fat " word and focus on positive motivation ... find your spirit and get moving ! You got this ! :)
  • rrrbecca11
    I am fit and fifty-four! lol. Lots of 'f's there...add me if you'd like.

  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Love Laney's post! Great mental attitude.. and one I'll snatch ahold off if you don't mind.. though I'm soon to be 40. Just wanted to say that this is a great site in so many ways, I have some great friends on here and hope you will soon too. :) Feel free to add me if you fancy another buddy. x
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I am fifty four, formerly fat, and forging forward to be fit! Thought I'd try a few more fs! My profile and blogs are open if you want to look around and decide if I am what you are looking for! I've been there and done that. Getting "fit" is my new frontier! Another f!

    Susan = D
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    fun-loving fifty-ish fit-focused forever fat-free
    feel free 2 friend :bigsmile:

  • mainscott
    mainscott Posts: 36 Member
    I just turned 50 and my wife and I are doing this for now 20 days. Feel free to add me if you want. Scott
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    Hi !

    I 46 but really want to be fit and feel better than I have in years before 50 gets here, and if I keep going the way I have this past year the only thing I will accomplish is doing some major damage to my health.

    Feel free to friend me and we can help each other.
  • ckoudsi617
    Hi, I could really do with some friends to keep me going. I lost a stone before the summer, but have slowly put it back on again. Tomorrow I need to get back into it and could really do with some help.
    Thanks everyone
    Bev :-)
    Welcome, Bev! I turned 53 this year in August. I used to weigh 217 lbs. (2/29/08) and got all the way down to the 150's within one year; then I slowly crept up to the 170's by October of this year; so I had to jump in again and GET TOUGH! I'm about 165 right now and want to get down to 10 stones/140 lbs. (or less) by aiming for one pound per week loss. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am definitely in for the long haul and will always reply! Cheers from Carole in Boston, xO