Do you coupon?

My mom has been couponing for as long as I can remember. I always knew when she would lug her monstrous coupon box to the car that it would be a long shopping trip and I'd inwardly groan. Her couponing has recently gone to new extremes now that my dad has been laid off several times and is still looking for a job to support our family of five. Now that I'm a poor college student, I fully understand the importance of saving money and getting the most out of my weekly budget.
One week I decided I wanted to start couponing. I came to this decision after days of reading tons of blogs and researching to see if would be worth it. I bought my first Sunday paper that week and I was hooked from week one. I can honestly say that although Sunday is cleaning day, it's one of my favorite days now because I'm so excited to get my weekly coupons and plan the next shopping trip. My mom always thought I'd be the last one to pick up couponing as a hobby because my brothers were always more interested in it than me. My mom was so shocked.
I live in a campus owned apartment with 3 of my friends and I have been providing them with an overflowing envelope of coupons for about 2 months now. They have only recently started to actually use them, but I'm glad they are even though I doubt they will be clipping their own anytime soon. My best friend, whom I also live with gives me a lot of grief for my "addiction to coupons" but after a couple of battery and hot pocket coupons she's starting to come around.
My best deal to date was buying chapstick on Saturday. I have a sincere chapstick addiction (I always have at the very least 18 tubes in my room) so I'm sure you can picture my excitement after finding a coupon for blistex (my favorite brand and the love of my life) in the paper. It was for a dollar off two. I went to store and picked out one for 98 cents and also one for a dollar and 52 cents. The second one included a bonus mini tube. So I ended up buying 3 tubes for 52 cents, that's about 17 cents per tube! I love increasing my chapstick stash so much.
My question for you guys is what motivated you to start? What was your best deal or couponing story? And anything else that you love about coupons because let's face it, they are a lifesaver.


  • Krisengel
    Krisengel Posts: 161 Member
    I love coupons! Last week at the grocery store I saved $50. Happy clipping :drinker:
  • hayliemarie427
    hayliemarie427 Posts: 12 Member
    I just started! Please friend me and share tips and sources!!
  • Figuringoutme
    I need tips!
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    I started couponing when after I gave birth to my second child. First I was just getting coupons for her formula and diapers/wipes and then like you I started getting the Sunday paper and clipping everything that I use.
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    I cant seem to figure it out ~ I feel really slow LOL ~ but I would love to. In this economy every lil bit helps.
    Swear I'm not as stupid as that sounds, to put it a bit more clearer, it doesnt seem like I can find coupons that are for anything that I use. Its frustrating :/ Either that or what I usually buy is cheaper without a coupon for something else.
    I would love some tips!!
  • Ashley06118
    I don't have a lot of tips since I am just starting, but you can find a lot of coupons online. All of them need a download first, It's often quick and won't screw up anything so it is completely safe to download. I have found this website to be so helpful since I started This site tells you what inserts are going to be in the paper that week and what coupons to expect. I signed up with my email address so I get emails every week about the preview and I know when it's not worth getting a paper (not often, but its nice to know before I buy it). Beware that there may be some regional differences between what is actually IN your Sunday paper compared to what is mentioned on the preview site.

    I started combing through blogs to learn how to use coupons effectivly and one of my favorites is Krazy Coupon Lady She uses newbie terms, and explains about peak sales and when its best to use coupons. There are tons of other blogs and sites too, Google will be your new best friend if not already.

    I also donate some of my coupons to military bases. Families living on bases can use coupons up to 6 months past the expiration date. They have a few restrictions, the coupons have to be for products not for certain stores and many request you sort the coupons into food and non-food envelopes. I send an envelope every 2-3 weeks. It's not much, but it's something. They always have a need for baby item and toiletry coupons. They don't have the option to shop around at different stores like we have the luxury of doing and often the stores they do have are over priced. Every little bit helps, so please donate if you are able to. If postage is going to be a problem, there are many drop off places to place your coupons. Use Google to find one near you.
  • Ashley06118
    I cant seem to figure it out ~ I feel really slow LOL ~ but I would love to. In this economy every lil bit helps.
    Swear I'm not as stupid as that sounds, to put it a bit more clearer, it doesnt seem like I can find coupons that are for anything that I use. Its frustrating :/ Either that or what I usually buy is cheaper without a coupon for something else.
    I would love some tips!!

    Some things print more coupons than others. Cereals usually have a lot. Milk is in every so often. Candy coupons come around every major holiday(Christmas, Easter, Halloween). I have always read on the blogs as I was researching that they come in a cycle so it may take a few weeks to get a coupon you really want. A big part of couponing is being willing to try new products. I will never stray from my Aussie shampoo (my hair becomes a frizz ball without it), but I am willing to try different brands of deoderant, toothpaste and food depending on the coupons I use that week. If you can't find a coupon for a name brand product that week, it might be cheaper to buy generic but there is always next week. Some coupons double which is the absolute best part. I don't have a lot of experience with doubling because Wal-Mart will not double and that's the only place the campus shuttle goes, but the blogs will be able to explain it. I forgot to mention before: ALWAYS know your stores coupon policy BEFORE you get there. You don't want to have any surprises at the register. A lot of the blogs suggest printing a copy of the polict and carrying it with you. I have never done this but it is a good suggestion.
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    I cant seem to figure it out ~ I feel really slow LOL ~ but I would love to. In this economy every lil bit helps.
    Swear I'm not as stupid as that sounds, to put it a bit more clearer, it doesnt seem like I can find coupons that are for anything that I use. Its frustrating :/ Either that or what I usually buy is cheaper without a coupon for something else.
    I would love some tips!!

    Some things print more coupons than others. Cereals usually have a lot. Milk is in every so often. Candy coupons come around every major holiday(Christmas, Easter, Halloween). I have always read on the blogs as I was researching that they come in a cycle so it may take a few weeks to get a coupon you really want. A big part of couponing is being willing to try new products. I will never stray from my Aussie shampoo (my hair becomes a frizz ball without it), but I am willing to try different brands of deoderant, toothpaste and food depending on the coupons I use that week. If you can't find a coupon for a name brand product that week, it might be cheaper to buy generic but there is always next week. Some coupons double which is the absolute best part. I don't have a lot of experience with doubling because Wal-Mart will not double and that's the only place the campus shuttle goes, but the blogs will be able to explain it. I forgot to mention before: ALWAYS know your stores coupon policy BEFORE you get there. You don't want to have any surprises at the register. A lot of the blogs suggest printing a copy of the polict and carrying it with you. I have never done this but it is a good suggestion.

    Thanks for both of those posts. I'm going to start trying to do this!! Every lil bit helps :)
  • Ashley06118
    Happy couponing you guys. Feel free to add me! I love extra support and to talk about my couponing addiction.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I made a list of brands we buy the most, and emailed all of them saying we like their product, and requested coupons. We got quite a few responses, and one company sends us a little booklet once a month. Yay! Now to remember to use them every time we go shopping...
  • Ashley06118
    I started couponing when after I gave birth to my second child. First I was just getting coupons for her formula and diapers/wipes and then like you I started getting the Sunday paper and clipping everything that I use.

    Congrats on the new addition to your family! I love kids, they say the cutest things. I am the oldest child and cousin so I was always surrounded by little kids as I was growing up. I loved every second of it and I can't wait to start a family some day.
  • Ashley06118
    I made a list of brands we buy the most, and emailed all of them saying we like their product, and requested coupons. We got quite a few responses, and one company sends us a little booklet once a month. Yay! Now to remember to use them every time we go shopping...

    That's a great tip, I haven't done that yet. I know what I'll be doing tomorrow between classes haha!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Pssst... don't forget facebook! See if your local grocery stores have a fb page...mine does and they run a big coupon every Thursday for the weekend. Usually it is something like $5 off a $25 purchase, or a free item with $10 purchase....good for fresh fruits and vegies! Last year I paid a grand total of $6.85 for our ENTIRE Thanksgiving dinner for 4 people because of the fb coupons. My fav store will double manufacturers coupons up to .99 per item, and offers a military discount (my guy is a vet). They even give you the sale prices for over lapping ads on Wednesdays. If I go shopping around 9pm they are marking stuff down in the meat and bakery departments, I just take the stuff home and freeze it anyway.

    The biggest thing about couponing is not to let it get out of hand. If you don't NEED or USE the item, don't buy it just because you have a good coupon! This time of year I do generally over purchase items for the local food bank though. :wink:
  • november03
    november03 Posts: 205 Member
    saved $68 this week. Can save 40-60% off bill with a little work. The bad thing is fresh fruit and veggies you can't use coupons.
  • Ashley06118
    Pssst... don't forget facebook! See if your local grocery stores have a fb page...mine does and they run a big coupon every Thursday for the weekend. Usually it is something like $5 off a $25 purchase, or a free item with $10 purchase....good for fresh fruits and vegies! Last year I paid a grand total of $6.85 for our ENTIRE Thanksgiving dinner for 4 people because of the fb coupons. My fav store will double manufacturers coupons up to .99 per item, and offers a military discount (my guy is a vet). They even give you the sale prices for over lapping ads on Wednesdays. If I go shopping around 9pm they are marking stuff down in the meat and bakery departments, I just take the stuff home and freeze it anyway.

    The biggest thing about couponing is not to let it get out of hand. If you don't NEED or USE the item, don't buy it just because you have a good coupon! This time of year I do generally over purchase items for the local food bank though. :wink:

    I didn't even think of Facebook, I haven't really been on since they changed that whole sidebar thing haha.Thanks for the tip. This year we are going to donate more than usuall to the food bank because of the mass amounts of fliers my mom somehow pulls out of thin air. Under 10 bucks for Thanksgiving dinner is FANTASTIC! I am completely jealous.
  • Ashley06118
    saved $68 this week. Can save 40-60% off bill with a little work. The bad thing is fresh fruit and veggies you can't use coupons.

    That's true, but you can use the money you save with coupons for veggies and get more bang for your buck (Tacky saying I know) We always buy from local farmer stands when possible and my brothers started a garden a couple of years ago to save even more. It's a lot of work to build a garden ,but if you have the space it's definately worth the payout.
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    saved $68 this week. Can save 40-60% off bill with a little work. The bad thing is fresh fruit and veggies you can't use coupons.

    There are sometimes coupons for frozen vegetables/fruit, and last week there were some great nut coupons.

    Also if you have coupons that will give you overage you can apply that overage to your produce and meat.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    My big motivation for originally starting to coupon (4.5 years ago, while pregnant with my first child) was diapers. I started stocking up before he was born, now he's out of diapers (except for 1 pullup at night) and my younger child is 19 months and so far I've never paid more than $1 for a pack of diapers. I've slacked off a bit lately but that's why there's a nice stash in the closet, so I don't have to stress about it every week. LOL

    One of the grocery stores in my area does 'super doubles' or sometimes 'triples' every month or two. I can usually get several good freebies when they run these promotions. No overage at this store, though. They 'fixed' the registers years ago to avoid giving overage. Although I can still get overage at Walmart and Target when I plan ahead.

    My biggest couponing addiction is the drugstores. Love me some drugstore freebies. I haven't been as frequently lately since I've been putting more of my energy into working out and losing weight, but that's nice too b/c the last time I went to one of my favorites after not going for awhile, one of my favorite cashiers commented on how much weight I'd lost. :-)
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I always clipped some coupons, but I got into it seriously after browsing through a drugstore ad. I saw toothpaste was free after rebate and I new I had a coupon for it. Immediately thought "Wow, they are going to pay me $1 to try their toothpaste." I haven't paid for a tube of toothpaste since. In fact, I won't even bring it home unless they pay me to do so.

    I really can't think of one particular deal that was my best. Before Extreme Couponers started to ruin it for everyone, I used to come home with several bags of stuff for each of the major drugstores in my area. Most weeks I made money to bring the stuff home. All done within the rules of the stores and restrictions on the actual coupon.

    Of course there are people out there that aren't happy until they ruin a good thing. They would open store cards in their cat & dog names. Make pdfs of internet coupons so they can be used more than the one time they were restricted to. This abuse took place prior to the tv show but the show has caused many to think walking out of the store with three shopping carts of free stuff is the norm. Not only isn't it the norm, most of the people featured on the show are committing fraud. The stores they shop at are facilitating it. There are several articles on the internet that detail the downside of what these scumbags are doing.

    For those of you that would like to learn how to coupon, I recommend www slickdeals . net

    Just hope you learn how to do it within the rules and don't become one of the scumbags you see on tv.
  • hayliemarie427
    hayliemarie427 Posts: 12 Member
    I recommend starting with the local paper. There will be inserts with coupons. Clip for anything you might need in the next month. Then start going through the sale papers for stores and try to build your grocery list around the information you're given.

    Also sign up for any kind of free membership you can get. For example, I signed up with Rite Aid a few weeks ago and they always have amazing sales for their members. If you can find a manufacturers coupon on something you need there to go on top of a sale, you will save quite a bit of money.
    Example: Rite Aid has a coupon going right now for $2 off an $8.99 hair dye. Redplum (GREAT coupon magazine) has a manufacturers coupon for $3 off. With those combined, you end up paying $3.99 for your hair dye. You save $5!
    (I think that manufacturers coupon is actually for a different brand, but you get the idea)

    I love finding combinations like that. It's quite a liberating feeling once you see the bill at the end.