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Hi everyone, i am new to MFP as of yesterday but i already have several friends because everyone on here is so awesome. anyways, i wanted to ask if anyone, specifically women (no offense men), who have hypothyroidism have shown signs of or have had thinning hair? this is embarassing and if i weren't concerned i wouldnt ask about it. I have been dealing with a more than normal amount of hair loss for a while now and i'm only 24! its freaking me out. my thyroid doctor said the synthroid would stop and reverse it, but it hasn't and i'm sure i'm probably due for an increase in dosage but i recently lost my job and my insurance, so i don't see that happening anytime soon. i was just hoping someone could relate to this and give me some advice. Please be kind :-/ this is something i'm sensitive about (i can't help it).


  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I've had thin hair for most of my adult life. I wasn't diagnosed with hypothyroidism until a year and a half ago (I'm 40 now), but it's probably contributed to it's continued thinness.

    As your levels get back into the normal range, your hair should respond and grow thicker again. Also, have your vitamin levels checked. It's common to have a B vitamin and/or iron deficiency with hypothyroidism, which can also contribute to thin hair.

    So, you're not alone, and you should get your hair back. :smile:
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I have it... if you are on meds you should see the thinning stop and at your age, hopefully, regrowth will be seen.
  • I work with a lady that had thinning hair and her doctor told her to take vitamin b complex. Her hair looks thicker now, she said it took a few months before she started to see a differance.
  • Autumn23242
    Autumn23242 Posts: 28 Member
    I alos have hypothyroidism and the medication makes a signifcant difference. I have have PCOS (polyscystic ovarian syndrome). I take metformin daily to help with the insulin resistance and have found that it also helps with the thinning hair.
    You should see it get better with diet and proper medication :)

    Hang in there!
  • I have hypothyroidism to. I was diagnosed with it in 1995. I don't know how you have been dealing with it, but I do know that it takes time for your body to adjust to the medicine and once it does your hair will come back to normal. Like brandiuntz said, have your vitamin levels checked because they can contribute to your thinning hair loss. You are definitely not alone my dear. I'm 55 now.
  • my daughter has it and her hair thinned alot until the doctors got her on the right dose and she continually took it, now her hair is thick again, she is 25.
  • lulukan
    lulukan Posts: 76 Member
    Feel free to add me as a hypothryoid friend. :)

    When my levels are low, I lose hair as well, but now that I am on track and last test said I was in the good range, I am growing hair back. I know it SUCKS to see hair falling out. My shower used to look so horrible from just one shower and coming through my hair with conditioner.

    Best of wishes to you.I really hope you can get the right dose for you and get insurance. I don't have insurance right now either ( i work part-time) and it sucks!
  • Hi there. I refused the Synthroid -- I fought to be placed on the ARMOR Thyroid. After all the reviews I had read. And once I was placed on the Armor - I have not had any issues with my hair thinning anymore. I have been on it for over 3 years now, Yes, I have had to increase my dosage. but I will continue to fight for the Armor.

    My doctor went so far as to tell me it was not longer made, unavailable. He was WRONG.
    I do still struggle with the keeping the weight off and i have to work very hard to lose any. Exercise daily and Smaller Healtier portions of food!

    Best Wishes and Good LUCK!
  • evansjune
    evansjune Posts: 27 Member
    I'm with the others! once you level out you will start to see a difference. Feel free to add me!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    High or low thyroid both affect hair. They not only affect the rate it grows, they affect its texture. Correcting a low thyroid can make it grow faster again, but it won't affect the abnormal texture of the hair you already have. It may still be breaking more easily until it has all been replaced by new growth.

    Low thyroid affects every part of your body. It's a bad idea to stop seeing your doctor while your dose is being adjusted. Let him/her know you have insurance problems. Ask the lab if they have a discount program. (For instance, Quest will let you get a discount card to get a lower price if you get your blood drawn in their drawing station and pay at the time of service.) You won't give employers a good impression if your thyroid is low.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    I too had the thinning hair. Not so much now after meds leveled out. I sometimes think stress can be a factor as well.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Tell your doctor that you are concerned that your dose is too low and tell him about your hair. I have had to monitor my symptoms and tell the doctor when I am having problems, The doctors base their decisions on generalized test results and if you don't tell the doctor they will assume you are okay. There are several signs that thyroid medication is not in balance, thin hair, dark circles under your eyes, ridges on your nails, fatigue and depression, oh and weight gain. If any of these issues are abnormal, you should tell your doctor. I was diagnosed 20 years ago and I have learned to be very proactive where my thyroid medication is concerned. My hair is not thick, but it is curly so I don't mind. If you think yours is too thin, you are the best judge of what is normal for you, so talk to your doctor.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    As your levels get back into the normal range, your hair should respond and grow thicker again. Also, have your vitamin levels checked. It's common to have a B vitamin and/or iron deficiency with hypothyroidism, which can also contribute to thin hair.

    So, you're not alone, and you should get your hair back. :smile:

    I agree with this completely. My iron and Vit B levels were very deficient and correcting both has helped me a lot. I would also suggest adding MSM in powder form to your diet. I mix mine in my protein shake and my hair / nails grow like crazy. I've been hypothyroid for over 10 years and it can be frustrating to say the least. Those of us that are hypothyroid have to work a little harder than the rest but you can and will get back to normal.
  • jmvh59
    jmvh59 Posts: 97
    my thyroid doctor said the synthroid would stop and reverse it, but it hasn't and i'm sure i'm probably due for an increase in dosage but i recently lost my job and my insurance, so i don't see that happening anytime soon. i was just hoping someone could relate to this and give me some advice. Please be kind :-/ this is something i'm sensitive about (i can't help it).

    I was diagnosed in the spring of 2010. My symptoms were pretty awful and I actually had to change doctors to find out what was wrong with me.

    I am sorry to hear about your job loss. I hope you find work soon.

    After your initial visit, you should be getting your blood checked every six weeks or so to see if your dosage needs fine tuning. Your doctor should probably not be charging an office visit for a blood draw (mine didn't) unless it coincides with a consultation, and when the tests come in, you should only need to be advised by phone if there needs to be a dosage increase. Most grocery chains offer every dosage above 25 in 12 or 13 microgram increments up to 200 micrograms for a synthroid generic at $4 for 1 month or $10 for 3 months. I don't even bother with my insurance's red tape to get my thyroid meds. You will need a prescription for each increase, and your doctor should be contacting your pharmacy each time.

    I hope that helps...
  • The right dose makes all the difference. If you don't think you are getting the right answers from your current doc, see another one. I different viewpoint can lead to a refreshing change. :smile:
  • olivetree_
    olivetree_ Posts: 75 Member
    Born with congenital hypothyroidism and I always lose hair. hahaha. ALL the time.

    I don't know if it has anything to do with hypothyroidism, though. I'm technically not hypothyroid anymore because of my synthroid pills... But if it matters, yes, I lose hair a lot. I have rather thick hair though.
  • thanks for the comments everyone they have been very helpful. its good to know that someone else understands and i'm going to contact my doctor about just having bloodwork done and seeing if i need an increase and also i will ask about the cost to check if i have any vitamin deficiencies. my iron may be low too, i know last time i went to donate blood they tested me a few times before telling me no. thanks again, i'm glad to hear that the synthroid or other medicines will reverse the hair loss, it really is devastating. as a woman you are always expected to have certain staples, lol hair being one of them, so having thinning hair is hard to deal with. thanks all for your advice!
  • your advice does help, thanks :-)
  • Low thyroid affects every part of your body. It's a bad idea to stop seeing your doctor while your dose is being adjusted. Let him/her know you have insurance problems. Ask the lab if they have a discount program. (For instance, Quest will let you get a discount card to get a lower price if you get your blood drawn in their drawing station and pay at the time of service.) You won't give employers a good impression if your thyroid is low.

    this is helpful, thanks :-)
  • Add me to the list. I was just dx last week and also found out my ferritin is low and vitamin d is low too. I was shocked n scared when I found out. Also the armour. Or NP. Thyroid by acella I have heard are better than synthroid, which I've read can cause more hairloss. Check out a website called stopthethyroidmaddness.com hoping once I get straight my hairloss will stop, its so heart breaking.