Recommended Strength Training Programs for women AND MEN

I currently workout about 6 times a week 3 times running, 3 x boot camp, 1 times kick-boxing class. I'm about 2 kilos from my goal weight and in the process of toning up. Decreasing my mount of cardio upping my strength training.

My Fiance also wants to start working out. He is 6'1" Tall and very lean althetic build. He wants to bulk up. Although he never works out and is in the process of giving up smoking he can still run a 10 -15km no problems and lift quite heavy.

Fiance does not want to join the gym and would rather lift at home.

Is there a home workout DVD etc that the both of us can use to strength train. I'm contemplating P90x as I know its great for women wanting to strength but also wondering whether it will be useful for my fiance to bulk up as well?

Or does anyone have any other recommendations?


  • The website,, is good. You are able to view both still photos and videos of exercises and can narrow down your work out based on which muscle/muscle group you want to target.
    OURLADYPAULINE Posts: 51 Member
    P90X and soon to come out P90X2 - I highly recommend them. And no I am NOT a beachbody coach trying to sell it LOL

    Just depends how much effort you put into the workouts. has alot of information on the site :)
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    It really depends on what equipment you have access to. P90 is fine for dropping a few pounds and building endurance, but it is not a strength program. and should have programs suited for you.
  • mmhenry28
    mmhenry28 Posts: 163 Member
    It really depends on what equipment you have access to. P90 is fine for dropping a few pounds and building endurance, but it is not a strength program. and should have programs suited for you.

    Do you mean just P90 and not P90x which is what Im interested in. Or are both not good for strength training.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Supreme 90 Day is a good strength training and cheap. If you are thinking P90, maybe try the $20 Supreme 90 day and then try the P90x. I did Supreme 90 day because it was affordable and I thought it was just a knockoff of P90x but this was the only DVD or program that I actually got results.
  • fatgirlslimagain
    fatgirlslimagain Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, I found this website on the weekend.

    They have heaps of youtube vids you can watch. Perfect for your fiance as they shows how to train with no equipment.

    warning - the female trainer is so hot you'll prob have to stop him drooling

  • mmhenry28
    mmhenry28 Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks for that everyone.

    We will be buying some equipment this week. An adjustable bench, adjustable dumbells and weights bar and plates.

    This will be good as we will both be able to use it rather than having to buy a set for me and a set for him.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    New Rules of Lifting is popular - there is a 'for women' version and the exercise logs are the same (or so I understand) so you could buy either book and both follow the same plan.
  • I am 48 years old and am just starting my final 30 days of P90X. The results have been amazing! I have muscle galore and feel like a million bucks. This program is definitely for men and women, just varying amounts of weight and reps, depending on whether you want to bulk or not. I have been doing 8-10 reps, heavy weights and just love the gains I've made. I still do not look like a man though. Can't wait for P90X 2!!!!!:love: