dwallior3326 Posts: 98
edited October 5 in Fitness and Exercise
My gym offers spinning classes most days of the week except sundays... I've heard of how good of a workout it is but I'm terrified to try it for the first time. I am afraid I wont be able to keep up! Did anyone else experience this their first time? Let me know!


  • I do spinning classes, is the best.......at first was hard..... you can do it!!!!!!......I did it ......why you don't??????
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    I was afraid to try it too, but now I love it. Go a bit early and tell the instructor that you are new to this. They will help you set up your bike. I have found that when it's too much for me, I just peddle a little slower or I don't increase my gear as much as they say. It's definitely something you have to work up to. I also make sure that I drink plenty of water while doing it! Good luck!
  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    I have done spin off and on for at least 3 years. What I like about it is it's what you make of it. Even if you can't "keep up" you can still keep pedalling. How hard you work is up to you - how fast you pedal, whether you stand or sit, and how much resistance you have. Just getting through a class is a great achievement. I say, go for it!
  • You can always get there early and tell the instructor it is your first time and you will try your best, but you might not be able to keep up. Then she will know and won't expect you to be like the experienced ones. Also, get a bike in the back and remember you will have control of the resistance so don't push yourself too hard the first few times. Ease into it and you'll do fine!
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    the inital first class was HARDDD!!
    but it gets easier and now I love spin classes
    Try it two or three times
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Soo much fun! I roast 500+ cals in an hour.

    Every instructor is different but most with tell you to have 5 levels, 1 being the easiest resistance level for recovery and 5 being all you have at the hardest resistance level for you (some use % to achieve this but you get the point).

    At your first class just try to keep a pace with the instructor and not worry about the resistance too much. Then work up to finding the right resistance settings as you get more comfortable with the classes and instructors.

    Also expect a sore crotch the day after for the first few classes. I wasn't too sore but I heard some horror stories. Investing $10-20 in a gel seat cover may not be a bad idea too but after 3 classes in a week I got use to the seat.
  • Hi - I'm a Spin Instructor. Spin is an absolutely fantastic workout. It is the only workout that comes close to burning as many calories as running. Get to your first class a good 15 minutes early and introduce yourself to the instructor, telling her/him it is your first class. They will set you up on your bike - this is VERY important. Bring a towel and plenty of water. The instructor will take you through a 50-60min ride. Usually there is a 1-2 song warm up, followed by working songs with recovery at various times, followed by a cool down and stretch. You will be told when to stand, sit, climb, and sprint. Go at your own speed for the first few classes. Don't apply too much tension but make sure that if you are going to stand, you have enough tension to hold up your body weight. Remember, it's your ride. Now, it's perfectly normal for your butt to hurt during/after your first and sometimes second class. That will pass.
    Another good thing to do is, if your gym offers a beginner spin class, start with that. It's not necessary, if not available. I never took a beginner class. One other thing, if you should leave early for any reason, please cool down first (let your heart rate come back down) and then make sure to stretch. Best of luck! :)
  • Thanks for all the information! I will definitely get there early and introduce myself. =)
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I love love love spin class - my dad and I used to attend a spin class three times a week together, and it was a fun way to bond and have a little friendly competition :)

    The first day will be difficult, but it's very important that you listen to your body. No one will judge you for taking a quick break, lowering the resistance, or stopping for some water. It's a high-intensity class and a great workout, but you need to be careful not to push yourself too far.

    Like others have said, get there early so you can meet with the instructor and learn how to set up your bike. Have fun! It's a great time and an incredible workout!
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    I am a Spinning newbie myself. Loving it so far, after 3 classes that I have done. I noticed that 2 days after the class my quads are on fire but it seems to have deminished a little bit each time. Just a case of getting used to it, I think and not pushing as hard as the experienced people. I am really quite heavy and it's the out of the saddle climbing work that's the killer for me.

    Hoping to go to my 4th session on Wednesday and will let you know how I get on :)

    My advice = go for it! It's awesome fun and a really great calorie burn...
  • mrrad
    mrrad Posts: 46
    As the spin instructor said arrive early, you will need help setting up your bike.

    Take lots of fluid, I always sweat a bucket....not ladylike but burns fat!

    Go for it!
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    Oh my god you'll want to die whilst you're actually in the class, but when you're done you feel so amazing. I don't know if I push myself too hard when I go but when I'm done I always feel the most exhausted I've ever felt in my whole life. I'd definitely recommend it because even if you don't keep up using the same resistance as you're supposed to you still end up working out for 40 minutes (or however long your class is) solid, and pushing yourself much harder than you ever would working out on your own.
  • roseemb
    roseemb Posts: 85 Member
    I just took my first spinning class this last week, and I loved it! Like you, I was afraid to go and try it, being afraid I woudn't be able to keep up, do it, etc. But it was really great.

    Like others have said, introduce yourself to the instructor and make sure you know how to set up the bike and change gears etc. I definitely needed the water and the towel for sure. Like my instructor told me - take it easy the first time, at least. Do what you can, it is YOUR workout, don't spend time comparing yourself to others. I thought it went by fast, and I was amazed at the calorie burn. The "jumps" (standing up and sitting down quickly) were the toughest part of the work out for me, but I didn't find that my bum hurt too much.

    Good luck - don't be afraid, just do it!
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    I tried spinning about 1 1/2 months ago and became addiced. Don't let fear stop you from walking in. The instructors will definitely help you and understand that everyone will not keep up. Just go at your pace and then eventually you'll build up to it!. Have a great time!
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