help with motivation?

I have depression... and all I wanna do right now is curl up in bed and sleep for the next year... I really do love exercise but am finding it hard to motivate myself atm when I'm so down...



  • Jadesfattorment
    Try taking a break for one day and just relax. Hot tea is really helpful if you like it and it's 0 calories if you add sweetner. Did you know addig nutmeg to your food makes you feel happier? Hot showers and baths are great too, steaming your face is amazing to me. I hope you feel happier soon! Let me know if there is anything I can do. - Jade
  • mrk1day
    mrk1day Posts: 54 Member
    I've been feeling the same way lately too - today was the first day I worked out in over 4 months and it feels good. It's that first week that is always hard. I started with my diet first - went grocery shopping and redid my whole fridge and pantry last week. I slowly started eating healthy and finally had enough motivation today to work out! I went and bought myself some new work out clothes to force myself to start :) If you want to talk to anything, don't hesitate to message me. There are people here to help you. Just reach out to them!
  • CateLouise
    CateLouise Posts: 60 Member
    i get this sometimes too..............not wanting to go to the gym to exercise...........however i find that when i get there i am motivated to do it especially if its a class because its harder to slack off when you have an instructor watching you and when your friends with them like i am for most of my classes

    maybe if you can just find a way to get to the gym then the motivation will come

    or go looking for a really bad picture of you when you weighed that extra 16 kilos and just tell yourself if you dont move you will end up like that again =D
  • BenderFitness
    This may sound silly, but have you tried meditation? Sometimes being aware of what is going on, and acknowledging that it's okay to feel that way without letting it take over your life can be very healing. Depression often leads to guilt, which leads to more depression. It's okay to feel depressed. Many people feel that way. Pick one small goal that you can do despite your depression (even if it's 5 minutes of exercise in your home or whatever you want), and then feel proud of yourself for achieving that goal.
  • kellyn1604
    kellyn1604 Posts: 7 Member
    I have depression too. I often feel so overwhelmed and like such a failure at everything that there doesn't seem to be a point in trying. I also get confused on where to start because there is so much I want to change. Just take baby steps. Start with just stretching. Getting moving even slowly is better than curling up in bed. I have to keep telling myself that even though I feel like crap now the sense of accomplishment I will have later will be worth it. Hang in there. If you need someone to talk to or vent to I am here. Just to let you know some of the things I have been through and survived include my little sister dying 10 years ago, my son being diagnosed with autism last year, and having a tumor (non cancerous) removed from uterus this it's ok to feel overwhelmed and depressed but don't let it consume you. I see doctors and take meds. and there is no shame in getting help and talking it out.