
Ive been doing Insanity for 3 weeks and 3 days and not 1 lb gone, nor 1" im very upset, however not going to quit!
I first started out in January, with walking, then snowshoeing, then 30DS, then Banish Fat- Boost Metabolism, then No More Trouble Zones i lost 25lbs by April. I then stoped working out with JM beacause of my hrs at work (nights at a processing plant, at crazy hours) then in August i started P90x...i couldnt do it with the hrs of the slowed down then in Sept i tried the Ripped in 30, found it did NOTHING for i figured i was used to JM's moves because in all vidoes theres more then 1 move in the videos. So then i came across Insanity..and here i not following the diet plan (1, i dont like most of the foods, 2. i cant aford some) however i do eat some of the foods that is in the list, just different ways, im also doing a shake for my breakfast. Giving that, there are LOTS of people doing this and having results without following the diet (so dont give me all the drama of following the diet) i dont want to be stuck on a diet..i want a life style change with added exercise like i have been doing..with all the workouts ive done with losing lbs & inches ive never once followed the diet plans, ive cut out the soda, bars, chips, junk, processed foods from the begning..what is happening??? Why cant i lose anything...or is it to soon to tell??? some people say they dont see reults til almost the end of the program...boy i hope tahts the same for me!


  • alannahbelanger
    alannahbelanger Posts: 24 Member
    hi :) i've kind of had the same problem. im almost done, maybe a week to go, and i haven't seen as great of results as others have. im not doing the diet either, and also i haven't followed it exactly 60 days in a row, so that might have something to do with it. i'll probably try it again later and do it right, but anyway. what i have noticed though is that i'm stronger. like i can last longer doing the exercises now, im less out of breath, more flexible, and more energized. so even though it hasn't given me the visible results that i wanted, i can tell that i have changed, at least a little bit. so maybe try focusing on those changes instead, and yes it may be a bit too early to tell, most people see results starting around week 6 or 7 i'd say. hope that helps :)
  • I started seeing a small change in inches/toning but no weight loss with INSANITY until the 2 month and then ONLY after I purchased a HRM so I accurately logged calorie burn and then adjusted my NET calories accordingly. I actually had to start eating more to start losing. Hang in there...there is no way you can complete the 60 day challenge and NOT see at least more toning/definition. I did NOT follow the suggested diet...just ate healthy and within my NET calories according to MFP.
  • Melissag1984
    Melissag1984 Posts: 61 Member
    hi :) i've kind of had the same problem. im almost done, maybe a week to go, and i haven't seen as great of results as others have. im not doing the diet either, and also i haven't followed it exactly 60 days in a row, so that might have something to do with it. i'll probably try it again later and do it right, but anyway. what i have noticed though is that i'm stronger. like i can last longer doing the exercises now, im less out of breath, more flexible, and more energized. so even though it hasn't given me the visible results that i wanted, i can tell that i have changed, at least a little bit. so maybe try focusing on those changes instead, and yes it may be a bit too early to tell, most people see results starting around week 6 or 7 i'd say. hope that helps :)

    Thank You! It makes me feel a lil better that someone out there also isnt have the 'tv' results.
  • I just finished my fourth week. I don't eat the exact meals in the meal plan but I DO count my calories and eat a 40/40/20 carb/protein/fat ratio. I have lost 9 lbs total and my endurance is through the roof.

    Currently, I'm eating between 1300 and 1500 calories a day (my maintanance intake was 2000 calories without exercise) and its all clean, healthy food. I have done the workouts ALMOST religiously, of the 2 days I've missed in the first four weeks, I have either done them on Sunday or doubled up on other days.

    Without doing the diet, you should lose at least a little bit of weight. If you aren't counting your calories, however, you may not be burning enough to see a noticeable difference (especially if you have been eating your maintanance amount and not a deficit).

    I guess I have a few questions:

    1) Are you following the workouts with extreme dedication? If so, have you noticed a change in your overall endurance?

    2) Are you counting your calories or still eating the same as before starting Insanity?
  • Melissag1984
    Melissag1984 Posts: 61 Member
    I started seeing a small change in inches/toning but no weight loss with INSANITY until the 2 month and then ONLY after I purchased a HRM so I accurately logged calorie burn and then adjusted my NET calories accordingly. I actually had to start eating more to start losing. Hang in there...there is no way you can complete the 60 day challenge and NOT see at least more toning/definition. I did NOT follow the suggested diet...just ate healthy and within my NET calories according to MFP.

    Thank you for that!, i dont have a HRM till after xmas, and i have a feeling that my be my issue (or adding issue) i eat....and eat...but healthy and portions....I must say i do feel stronger..but not only did i want that i wanted to lose the lbs and inches :P
  • Melissag1984
    Melissag1984 Posts: 61 Member
    I just finished my fourth week. I don't eat the exact meals in the meal plan but I DO count my calories and eat a 40/40/20 carb/protein/fat ratio. I have lost 9 lbs total and my endurance is through the roof.

    Currently, I'm eating between 1300 and 1500 calories a day (my maintanance intake was 2000 calories without exercise) and its all clean, healthy food. I have done the workouts ALMOST religiously, of the 2 days I've missed in the first four weeks, I have either done them on Sunday or doubled up on other days.

    Without doing the diet, you should lose at least a little bit of weight. If you aren't counting your calories, however, you may not be burning enough to see a noticeable difference (especially if you have been eating your maintanance amount and not a deficit).

    I guess I have a few questions:

    1) Are you following the workouts with extreme dedication? If so, have you noticed a change in your overall endurance?

    2) Are you counting your calories or still eating the same as before starting Insanity?

    1. I have not missed one workout, i follow it to a tee. & I guess yes, now that you mention it, i do feel i can do more, and i dont get too out of breath, but i sweat like crazy, drips on the floor when im doing the floor work.

    2. I am sort of counting calories, im not eating the same as before starting, i have no HRM to calculate burned cals and i try my darndest to keep a accurate count on cals ate. (maybe i need to start doing that, but there are so many sites that tell you different # of cals to be eating its hard to figure out what one works.

    Maybe im new to the whole counting cals, what is the 40/40/20 mean, like carbs, protein, fats yes but where does the "40"come from?
  • Its the percentage of each that I eat...So for my daily caloric intake (no more than 1600 calories) I try to shoot for 40% protein 40% complex carbs, and 20% fat. I don't always hit those numbers but it helps me remember to eat high protein meals with healthy/complex carbs. This is a great site for tracking calories which is the main reason I joined.

    I probably stick to my diet more so than others, however, that doesn't mean that you won't see results if you don't follow the diet to a tee. However, I would recommend figuring out your daily maintanance level and cutting that by at least 500 calories to lose weight. Cutting by 500 calories a day will result in about 1lb a week fat loss. If you have Insanity, the nutrition guide has a formula for figuring these numbers out. Just remember, don't drop below 1200 calories as a woman. Less than 1200 calories makes it difficult to get the nutrients your body needs to operate at optimal levels while doing Insanity.

    Eating ratio's like 40/40/20 may be a little too difficult for some people to calculate which is why a lot of people don't do it. Following the Insanity diet will get you to a ratio similar to this, however its not detrimental to your success if you don't follow it. People have experienced plenty of success on programs like Weight Watchers which don't necessarily break down food into those types of ratios.

    Any more questions feel free to ask. Again, this is something that works for me, but it may not be your optimal option.
  • I have been having a little bit of the same problem. I'm entering week 3 of month 1. I noticed some people lose inches in the first 2 weeks. So today i started following the diet. If you read the nutrition guide it shows gives you the formula to find your caloric needs.
    Mine originally came out 2,400, however since i'm trying to lose weight you get to subtract 500 calories. So i came down to 1,900.
    Which i'm a little more comfortable with.. I did weigh myself though and i'm pretty happy to see I've lost 3lbs. This actually shocked me because i missed two days last week. Well anyway, take pictures. You may not notice change because you look in the mirror every day. Let's see if by following the diet helps =D
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    I would suggest that you think you are burning more than you are. You are also likely eating them all back and not leaving room for the deficit. It could also be that you are building lean muscle mass, but that is counterindicated by the fact that you have no lost inches. I would definately find a way to see exactly how many calories you are burning.

    Maybe try just cutting 200 calories a day, and see what happens. If you were off in your guesses you should see some weight start to come off.