3 month successes!

Hello everyone! This is my first time on the actual website creating a post. I am addicted to the My Fitness Pal app on my Evo phone so I normally just stick with that. I am on a mission to get back into MY body. I had multiple surgeries due to sports injuries and it just got me out of exercising consistently. In high school, I was one of the top athletes around the nation. I could eat whatever I wanted because I had soccer and softball practices/games to keep me constantly busy. But, when I stopped working out due to my injuries which eventually led to laziness, I, of course, gained a lot of weight...

I had moments where I thought I was getting back into it. I would get this sudden burst of "I want to get in shape!!" but it would die like the tide... I just couldn't find the exercises that I liked! I couldn't even fathom counting my calories. It sounded like a lot of work that I didn't want to do.

Well, ladies and gentleman. I have two sisters who went on amazing weight loss journeys and were living proof that eating right and exercising does actually work. They worked hard and look amazing. They are such great inspirations for me!

December 29th, 2010 my fiance proposed to me! We set our wedding date for July 20th, 2012 so I figured I had PLENTY of time to get in shape to look beautiful for our wedding day. Well, I was good for about a month. I don't think I lost much weight (if any), but I was at least exercising. I didn't change my food habits one bit though. Let me tell you, they weren't good...

It wasn't until August 17th, 2011 that the moment finally hit me where I knew I was going to work hard, eat right, exercise, and be successful. You guessed it. I tried on my wedding dress for the first time. It is absolutely beautiful and I looked beautiful in it. It was very flattering. I didn't look extremely overweight. But, that day I made a pact with myself that today was it. It was the last of my slacker attitude and lifestyle. I was going to change. My little sister showed my the My Fitness Pal app and I fell in love. It was so easy to look up foods and see their nutritional information. Counting calories couldn't be this easy could it? YES! Not once has counting calories been a hassle since I started using this app and trust me I was SO against counting calories before this... A few days ago, it showed that I had logged in 95 days in a row and that is a source of pride for me.

So, August 17th was the initial beginning of my weight loss journey. I started at 252.6 pounds. I didn't look 252.6 pounds. My family never looks as much as we weigh. We are just built think and strong. Even when I was TINY in high school, I still weighed around 160 pounds. Now, I am down to 226.6 pounds, a 26 pound weight loss in 3 months! I have also lost a total of 14.5 inches! Here are my totals below:

Weight Loss Progress:
As of 11/20/2011

Weight: Starting: 252.6
Current: 226.8

Bust: Starting: 39 inches
Current: 38 inches

Waist: Starting: 36 inches
Current: 32.5 inches

Hips: Starting: 52 inches
Current: 44 inches

Right Arm: Starting (10/23/11): 15 inches
Current: 14.5 inches

Left Arm: Starting (10/23/11): 15.5 inches
Current: 15 inches

Right Leg: Starting (10/23/11): 28 inches
Current: 27.5 inches

Left Leg: Starting (10/23/11): 28 inches
Current: 27.5 inches

Total Inches Lost Current: 14.5

I have been using Facebook as a motivational tool. Whenever I come across a big landmark, I post about it on facebook. The positive feedback keeps me motivated and makes me want to work harder. Some people need that positive feedback. You can only go so long, working so hard without positive feedback before you wonder if anyone is noticing!

I wore my first skin tight sweater dress the other day. It was an amazing experience and it really showed off how much work I've done. The other day I was wearing size 22 work pants (they were huge and falling off... literally) so they made me look chunkier than I actually was. I finally stopped putting off the inevitable and purchased new work pants. In the size of 18! I cannot remember the last time I wore pants that had 1 as the first number in the size.

I just want you all to know that it's okay to have bad days or weeks. Sometimes, your body needs those and it can help you! I find that so strange but those days/weeks have worked to my advantage. Don't feel bad if you have a bad day! We're only human and cant be perfect especially with so much else going on in our lives!


  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Wonderful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing your success story.
  • sonalily
    sonalily Posts: 30 Member
    Waaay to go.
    I have a similar timeline, as you :)
    I was proposed to Dec 10th, 2011, and my wedding date is June 30th, 2012.

    I want to look sleek in my wedding dress, not stuffed into it :)

    Good luck
  • PerfectPout
    PerfectPout Posts: 195 Member
    What a journey! Keep up the great work!
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