Newbie Here! Hello everyone....would love some friends!

Hi there! Heard about MFP on Facebook from friends of friends. Thought I would try it out. I have been on the road to a healthier lifestyle and wanted to lose 126lbs. I've lost 71lbs so far from my heaviest and have 55 more to go! I have been working out 6 days a week at my local Lifetime Fitness gym, found ZUMBA and LOVE, LOVE , LOVE it! I am 4 dress sizes smaller! I am amazed at myself when I look at pictures of me before and after, can't wait til the end result.

I noticed the weight to come off slower, and slower. And I have gone back to my old eating habits! :( So its getting tougher and tougher! HELP! I need some good recipes as I hate to cook!

Looking for friends to continue fighting!

Thanks everyone!!


  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    you are more than welcome to add me. im still at the start of my journey but i have really been enjoying zumba too!
  • Denisegp37
    Denisegp37 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! I am new here too and I have about 80 lbs to lose-- 50lbs I gained while pregnant. I had a baby girl in May. I have been working out at the gym but really enjoyed doing zumba videos... not very motivated to workout at home but tomorrow can't go to the gym so will try zumba again.

    Let's support eachother. I have not been doing well w/ my eating but I love to cook and know lots of receipes.
  • Thanks ladies! We can do this! I love being able to input my food. Hopefully this will help me get back to eating better! I am the worst at dieting and have been heavy all my life so its hard to change 35 years of bad habits! I find working out 6 days a week the only way to lose weight!

    Make a schedule of your workouts and just like going to work or taking the kids to school or waking up, make it a MUST do! There are no excuses and everything else just gets scheduled around it!

    My kids are thanksgiving break this week, so they will be home. I hope I am not snacking all day!! UGHH Good thing they like to go to the gym with me. I think I will have them go swimming for a couple hours just so we are not in the house all day!

    Thanks for your support, let me know if you need anything!

    @socialworkerdeni- I need some good dinner recipes! Could you post a few!!?!!
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  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Add MEEEEEE!
  • DGSki
    DGSki Posts: 71 Member
    You can add me as well! You have done a great job so far!! You are gorgeous btw!
  • You are more than welcome to add me too :) I am new to this also and not done my first weigh-in yet eeekkkkk scared!! x
  • scoell
    scoell Posts: 25 Member
    Hang in there. We all go through those "little speed humps". You have done a fantastic job so far. Keep up the good work. We all need to spoil ourselves from tuime to time. We all need a sustainable diet. Not "treating" ourselves from time to time is what makes us crave for those things even more and want to go back to our old ways! I was told that on the weekend, lol!!! It makes sense too.

    Feel free to add! Well done!