HI! Great site!

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy this site. I have been on weight watchers for years and it worked for a while then I felt like it kind of turned into a yo-yo diet . I decided to try this site and couldn't be happier. I felt like I could never excercise with WW because it always slowed down your weight loss because they only gave you 1-2 points extra for your activity. But I like to work out alot and this site has really helped me incorperate excercise to my diet and still lose weight! This is my third week and I'm thrilled.


  • janeitg
    janeitg Posts: 33 Member
  • Orrgarde86
    Orrgarde86 Posts: 120 Member
    Good luck, the biggest challenge is to keep it going. I used the site for a few weeks then went off it and now back on etc.

    You can do it!
  • rachel4
    rachel4 Posts: 95 Member
    I agree that this site is AMAZING!
    But I would say first it is the FRIENDS that you make on this site that help out far more than the site itself. Friends in here (total strangers on the street) pick you up when you are down, or they are checking your food diary to make sure you are eating good! the people on this site make it what it is!
    FULL of great people!!!! :):love:
    Good Luck!