Worried about the holidays :(

lboogie138 Posts: 11 Member
So with the holidays approaching, I am worried about my diet. Not for the reasons that you would think. I don't really eat a lot during holiday time, but I get really discouraged when I'm around certain people. I feel like most of the time I live in a little bubble (with working full time and having two kids) and only see a few people on a regular basis. So when I have to be around family and extended family, sometimes I get really depressed b/c I don't look like they do. I know this sounds really stupid, but it really affects me. I've been doing soooo good with my diet the last few weeks and I just don't want anything to knock me off track. Any advice on how to not let such silly things affect me?


  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    usually we're harder on ourselves than others are on us. they're your family and they'll love you at any size. i'd rather let them see my fun-loving side rather than my depressive side. you should be able to let go and have fun in front of your family more than anyone else.
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    I know I was talking with a friend and I told her I wouldnt go if it wasnt going to be at my grandmas... I feel like everyone it picking me apart... lol more so than the Turkey!!!!
  • Don't focus on them; focus on you. You are the important one here. Watch your portions, keep your myftnesspal.com up to date. Move ahead with your life. Its your life; not theirs.
  • You have already lost 5 lbs by working hard! Just remember that and you will get to where you want to be if you keep it up! Try not to worry about everyone else, enjoy the holidays. =] Remember that this journey, this lifestyle change, is for you =]
  • Increase your exercise as much as possible. When you feel yourself getting stressed out, excuse yourself and go take some deep breaths, get out for a walk as soon as you can, do some jumping jacks, push ups. If you can't get to the gym, have a DVD to do....maybe Zumba so you can just let yourself go. The more you exercise, the more your body releases endorphins, natural mood enhancers (anti-depressants - natural high). Take it not one day at a time but sometimes 10 minutes at a time. I always tell myself that I can make it through ANYTHING for 10 minutes. Start your day with a list of positives about YOU. That way when the negatives start to creep into your mind, you have some ammo against them. If you tel yourself that you will not succeed, you will not. If you tell yourself you will gain weight, you will. If you believe the negative things others tell you, they will come to pass. You are beautiful. You are good. You are doing an amazing thing with your life and taking complete control right now. Hold onto that. Believe these things. Yell yourself these things and they will hold. You truly are your own destiny No none has any power over you that you don't give to them. Remember this. Set up a plan of attack in advance as to how you will handle things as they arise. Be prepared. Posting this ws your first step adn it shows that you are strong and in control. Good luck and God Bless! <3
  • lboogie138
    lboogie138 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone, it really means a lot to hear your words. I am trying so hard to change my life right now. One of the things that is at the top of the list is the way I feel about myself. I have two very young daughters (a 3 yr old and a 6 month old) and the last thing I want to teach them is my terrible lack of confidence. I feel like this was something that my mom passed on to me and I do not want to do that to them. I want them to feel confident and strong and know that they can do anything... it's a work in progress :blushing:
    Thanks again everyone!
  • Hey,everyone! Please add me! Iam,worries about the same,thing. Maybe we can keep each other motivated!
  • Wow, I feel like this too- I get so anxious when preparing to go home for the holidays. My folks don't really help things, either. They comment on my weight all of the time. I finally had to ask them to stop, but sometimes they slip and I end up feeling just miserable.

    I know it seems like a small thing to some, but the comments and plate-watching really hurt!
  • As women I think it is very hard not to judge yourself based on everyone else that you see. We are our own worst critics after all. When you feel down, remember all of the hard work that you have done! You have to remember that other women you see are not the same height, build or body style as you. (I know, I know this is easier said than done!) What also might help, even though it might sound silly, buy a new outfit before you go there. When you see yourself dressed up you will feel like the goddess that you are!
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