
So how do you plan to handle thanksgiving..
Me I plan to plan out what I want to eat. I want to eat in moderation until I am full and have dessert. I am cutting out all sweets until that day so that I can have a slice of cake that I want ....what are yall doing...


  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    This is from a private group but posting here:

    Today at work we had a Thanksgiving potluck. I consumed approximately 907 calories and loved every bite. Normally I would not be concerned because I know I have a very active night coming up. It's Salsa night at my gym and I'll be there for 2.5 hours (1.5 hours after my normal Tuesday night Centergy class).

    The past few weeks I've been traveling for work. I have not weighed in, but I think due to increased sodium (3 meals/out/day even though I was typically within my calorie range). I'm chicken to weigh in, but I feel I don't need to because I already know I'm one notch up in my belt I wear pretty much daily.

    I stayed active during these work trips but I drank and ate more than normal.

    Here's my ATTACK PLAN: for the next few months. Just sharing with you all in the group. Please share yours as we're all here to learn from each other.

    As you learned above, I'm heading into the holidays already up a belt loop/notch.

    1. Stick to the plan of only eating out one dinner/week with friends.

    2. Bring lunch and breakfast and snacks to work each day. IGNORE the gift baskets from clients/partners.

    3. Take Centergy (Power Yoga, good calorie burn) and Zumba each week. If there's a night I can't make it, fit in Jillian Michael's Power Yoga DVD prior to going out.

    4. On weekends get outside. Rake leaves, hike, ride my ATV, snowshoe when the snow falls.

    5. Walk during lunch on days it makes sense (especially on a day I'm missing the gym).

    6. Don't drink every night. (there's beer on tap in my of my husband's many inventions).

    7. Don't go back for seconds (guilty, did that last night, the night before, and today at lunch).

    What about the rest of you???
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Keep it to one day, and pretend it didn't happen
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    I am going to EAT and enjoy! I am going to be THANKFUL that I am able to have this food placed before me. I will stop when I am full. I will eat dessert and maybe seconds if I want. I am making the things that usually get me and putting my "healthy' spin on them. Green bean casserole, corn casserole and spinach gratin. Yummy!!!
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    I'm running a 5K in the morning and plan to lift some weights afterwards.

    After that, I plan to eat as much as I want.

    Thanksgiving is the one day out of the year that I don't really care what I eat and how much.
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    I'm gonna hit the gym before I leave and then once I'm there, my cell phone will be turned off and I will not be logging any food on myfitnesspal. I will eat what I want without gorging myself, try a little bit of everything and save some room for a dessert.

    It's one meal on one day and I plan to enjoy it. I love this holiday so much--not just the food but the time with family and the cool air and the Black Friday sales the next day. I am not going to let my calories set my mood for the day I love!
  • can you please share you corn cassarole recipe and your spinach gratin recipe please and thank you..
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    During Thanksgiving, I will pretty much eat everything, but watching out for obvious calorie-rich foods.

    For example, I may have dessert, but will not have a sample of every dessert on the table. And it will be a small piece.
    Alcohol drinking, I will limit to 2 or 3 drinks at the most.

    Other than that, I will log every food consumed and if I am above my target for the day, I will try to reduce my calorie intake over the next days to compensate.

    So the plan is to enjoy dinner, but not to be an all-food night.
  • Chelkb
    Chelkb Posts: 65 Member
    I will go for a 5 mile run in the morning and I have already logged in the foods I plan to eat, so I know pretty much what the caloric intake will be, but I don't plan on skimping that day. It also helps to plan the rest of my week.