New and Confused .... Help

I have been using my fitness pal for about 2 weeks and its great i have lost 7 pounds since i started i also started going to the gym regularly
My question is if i lose 700 calories at the gym this will take me up to around 2400 calories for that day off days are around 1700 do i need to use the spare calories in my daily allowance or not

Mant thanks in advance



  • Erdfisch
    Erdfisch Posts: 13 Member
    I'm quite new as well, but I've read a bit in the forums (can only recommend that - soo much information) - and the answer in a nutshell is: eat them.

    The number the MFP gives you already has your intended deficit built in. So when you do your cardio, you're using more energy, which you should allow your body to have in order to staying in a healthy region of weight-loss. If you're asking yourself then what the reason there's left for you to go to the gym at all: well, for one, the cardio allows you to eat more on those days where 1700 cals just don't seem enough ;) but far more importantly, staying active and doing regular weight-training to maintain your strength helps your body to actually lose the fat, not those precious muscles.

    Hope I could help, and anyone, please correct me if I'm wrong :)