Weekend binge eater



  • I try to plan out my meals just like I do during the week. I have a meal planner that I print out and fill in with a general outline of what we're going to eat that week.

    To get around the "it's the weekend, i want to eat everything" problem... I plan fun meals ie, Chicken Sliders with Sweet Potatoe fries. or homemade pizza... etc. Healthier versions of what we used to eat

    That way we end up looking forward to cooking dinner on a Saturday night. I also log everything before I eat it so that I know how much I'm consuming BEFORE i throw it back
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    i cheat on the weekends, but i go like crazy at the gym on saturday and sunday. If i burn 1,000 cals/day that gives me around a total of 2700 cals to eat and i don't feel bad about let's say buffalo wings drenched in blue cheese witha beer!. Don't take everything away, just find a way to make the portions a good size and make sure you earn it!

    I love wings!! That's my #1 "cheat day" food!!:-)

    the hard part is trying to find out what exactly to log for them :-) --way too many options and most places don't list the nturients! i'm an addict to them and i know it. I'll bust my tail at the gym and burn 1,000 calories just to have some.
  • rachel4
    rachel4 Posts: 95 Member
    For me I personally use the weekends as “rest” days and I don’t workout on those days. I also do my grocery shopping on Fridays that way I have all my fruits and veggies on hand to help keep me on track. It is VERY easy to overeat so I TRY to keep my normal meals on hand.
    Good luck! It’s a tough habit to break, especially when we are so good all week :)
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    I won't pretend to have all the answers, but I think I have gotten better - I was totally undoing all my hard work from the week by bingeing on weekends. I was not good about logging on weekends, so now I force myself to log even on weekends. And plan, plan, plan your meals and exercise for the weekends ahead of time....or at least at the beginning of each day. Keep busy and it goes without saying, don't keep junk food around the house. I do think it is important to plan in some treats (ice cream, wine....whatever your treat of choice is) on weekends to keep from going totally bonkers, but with planning the treats can be within or close to your calorie goals.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Most of my weekends are cheat weekends!
    If you have been losing weight and want cheat meals once a week then go for it!
    If you havent then probably want to avoid till your metabolism is better.
  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    I try to stay busy and active all weekend -- it keeps you out of trouble. The worst part is sitting around the house or having the only things on your social agenda involve eating/going out.
  • You're far from alone!!! Its the lack of routine isn't it - if we're at work we're fine. Only thing I found that works is to keep busy so I dont get tempted by the kitchen!
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    I am not a weekend binge-eater, and I also don't allow myself to have a cheat day. For me, it's such a slippery slope that I'm afraid I won't come back. But....that's not to say that I don't enjoy myself on the weekends. I usually spend extra time at the gym on Saturday mornings so I have an extra 600-800 calories to use but only if I need them. Since we're usually out running around or going to see friends on Saturdays, those extra exercise calories have been my saving grace.

    Hope this helps.
  • mindfulmunching
    mindfulmunching Posts: 62 Member
    I think we need to start a weekend binge eating support group lol looks like there's a lot of people doing it with no answer as to why!

    I know I have this problem too. I've started switching over my weigh in days to Sunday mornings. It at least keeps me a little more accountable for what I'm eating Friday and Saturday night. Doesn't always help, but its a slow start

    I am struggling with the same problem and I think changing the weigh in day is the BEST IDEA, thank you!!!!!! I have also decided to log my weekend food as well untill I have met my weight goal. Thank you for your awesome suggestion on weighing in!!!
  • mochalovies
    mochalovies Posts: 192 Member
    well, do you know what causes you to eat the most? (i.e. spending more time on front of the TV, or that you get to 'go out' to eat with the family?, the tought that anything goes?) Once you realize what is the main cause you can tackle it a bit better. I used to go crazy on cheat days, and it got to the point that instead of thinking that I could eat whatever on weekends, I switched to -- "I will have to pay for this later" Once I started to make myself 'pay' for what I did on the weekends I was less likely to go crazy!

    I personally cannot have any goodies in the house... because they will dissappear! NO LIE
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    The thing with cheat meals is to give a boost to your metabolism.
    This def goes for those eating too little!
    The metabolism slows down so you can hold onto fat!
    Do your research on cheat meals and dont feel bad if you have a bad meal every once and a while.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    You beautiful ladies are not alone....GRRRRRRRR!

    I am so good until weekends and I hit EVERY buffet in sight TWICE gaining back those two pounds that I struggled to lose over the week.

    I suggest we all friend each other and over the weekend constantly support each other not to fall into this cycle as we clearly need some reconditioning!
    This 4 sure!
  • renelsa
    renelsa Posts: 2 Member
    Wow guys! Glad to know that I'm not the only one struggling with this. Thanks for the suggestions. I will definitely put some of them into practice starting this weekend. I'll keep you guys posted on the progress. So hopefully I can share what works for me and maybe it will help someone else too.
  • run4life21
    run4life21 Posts: 38 Member
  • The weekends are the worst for most people. What you can do for weekends, is make a list of what you'll eat those days. Remember that protein is super filling. Weekends are personally easy for me, but that's just because I'm really hard on myself. Also, if you're on-the-go, buy on-the-go health foods for those specific times! it's just an excuse to have fat foods.
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 461 Member
    I find that some people are in the mind set of being 'on' and 'off' for eating. If you are 'on' then you are eating 100% and working out on schedule. If you are 'off' then all food is game and there is no stopping. In losing I have learned that I am not perfect and I should not expect perfection all the time. I've also learned to be kind to myself if I do slip up and just keep my head up and move on.