So i haven't logged in like almost a week. I am so discouraged now. I busted my butt to Jillians 30 day shred and have recorded all of my food just to find out that all the weight that I lost came right back. I don't want to stay fat. I want to be skinny again. I need some peeps to stay close to me to help me. I am so sad and would love ANY and ALL help....


  • well you are here so you arent failing, but its a long process and its a hard one, good luck, but really until you get rid of the fail atitude u wont succeed...<3

    its tough but you can do it!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    i have done the same thing. lost it and now trying to lose it again! we can do this! get some exercise if you can and you will be less sad. figure out what you like to do and do it! set mini goals. that is what i had to do. massage, pedi, then when i lose ten lbs i am buying a new purse. whatever you like or do, help yourself get there and we will be here for you!my friends on here are so supportive. i will ask them to add you if you want. they have lost a lot and are helping me to stay focused.
  • You can do it!!! One day at a time I guess. My weight is coming off pretty slow so I understand that! Keep your chin up and keep moving!
  • you can do it... i just fell off the band wagon as well.. as far as keeping track on the site.. but though somedays i felt like i was failing due to the amount of calories i took in or lazyness. i jumped off my butt and rememberd to watch what i ate regardless of putting it all on the site... you just got to keep your head up.. and boost your wheel power. and we are all willing to support. but sometimes your gonna be in a position in which you just gotta support yourself :) you can do it...
  • wjranch
    wjranch Posts: 152
    There is no such thing as "failure" ..... You control your mindset....... if it isn't working for you.... (just like an uncomfortable shirt)....take it off and put on a different one!!!


    Chin up.... You're here right?? That's one small step in the right direction.... Stick with it Girl!
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    We have all been there and we are all here so we haven't failed. Failure is when we just quit and give up. As long as we are trying we are still in the race and guess what? We will win.

    Keep at it and it will pay off in the end.
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    I know exactly where you are, I've been there myself more than once. It's easy to start hating yourself again, but don't! Resist the temptation! The fact that you can recognize these things as slips means that you're still in the game mentally, and that's huge! Don't waste any time thinking about what you should have done, just start again right away and recommit. You can't change what you've already done, but you can control what you're going to do next! It's a long slow road sometimes, but as long as you keep on moving you'll get there. You can do it!
  • kellzroxs
    kellzroxs Posts: 39 Member
    your not alone! i was around 220 and got down to 137 and now im back up to 155-160 its such a nightmare i did tae bo like 2 hrs a day 7 days a week and just recently around mid sept. i just stopped i got so bored with it and started eating bad again i felt so out of control im still trying to get back on track i bought the 30 day shred im starting today actually so hopefully it will work. if u have a workout buddy it makes it easier which i think was also a problem for me none of my friends who are bigger girls wanted to lose weight except me so ive been doing it alone which is why i joined this site to feel less alone in this losing weight thing lol
  • Hi there - I was doing great on here from April until July when I went on vacation, then I lost my mojo... I didn't start eating junk or anything but I wasn't logging and I wasn't really exercising. I didn't gain any weight, but wasn't losing either. I started back up about a month ago & I am getting back on track & have lost 10 lbs since getting back to the routine in October.

    Have you every tried going on to see if there is a walking group in your area? It's a great way to meet other people of the same mind set and gives you a little push to get out there & get moving. There are probably other great groups you could find on there as well like boot camp classes or zumba classes.

    You can do it!!! Just stay consistant, keep logging, and keep moving... and water, water, water!!

    Best of luck to you in your journey! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
  • Thanks. You guys are the best! i REALLY APPRECIATE IT. I really need some additional advice. You see I have 4 children under 5 and I am busy I hardly sit down but I don't record it because it is what I have been doing for a while and I feel that my body has gotten used to it. I also want to make sure that I am not starving myself. When I am hungry I try to eat small but I am just so afraid that if I don't eat enough that I won't loose weight. I need to find a happy medium if anyone else can help with this I would be ever mostly grateful!
  • Thanks. You guys are the best! i REALLY APPRECIATE IT. I really need some additional advice. You see I have 4 children under 5 and I am busy I hardly sit down but I don't record it because it is what I have been doing for a while and I feel that my body has gotten used to it. I also want to make sure that I am not starving myself. When I am hungry I try to eat small but I am just so afraid that if I don't eat enough that I won't loose weight. I need to find a happy medium if anyone else can help with this I would be ever mostly grateful!
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    if you are exercising and doing strength things with it, it could be that you are gaining muscle... which is REALLY good, bc muscles will help burn calories too (i believe) try taking your measurements and compare them.. although my calves got a lot bigger bc of the muscles, only sad part about it for me is that i cant wear my $300 boots any more :-(
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    Whatever you do don't ever look at the scale. I've gone down to a size 6 and haven't lost any more weight. So look at the size of clothes you are wearing and ignore the brainwashing we have received all our lives that its the weight that matters and not how you look.. ;)

    I get discouraged as well for whatever reason I still look the same to myeslf in the mirror, even though obviously there is a big difference between a 14 and a 6. I am trying to get rid of negative habits and form good habits by focusing on the parts I like.
  • I understand the many kids - I have two of my own, and watch 3 more during the day so my days are active. I don't record it either, I figure that is lifestyle. As far as diet, I focus on drinking a whole glass of water when I first get hungry, then wait 15 minutes, then eat. I still get plenty of healthy calories, and the increase in water helps my body to flush my system. When I first made the switch I lost 12 pounds! Good luck!
  • BigDanTX
    BigDanTX Posts: 92 Member
    Ok I am in no way the busy parent that you are and the fact you came back here for help shows how strong you are. Now it's time for me to ramble with some tuff love that'll get me hate mail.

    I read your food log and where are your nutrients?? I've looked back a few weeks and only saw 1 apple. Also you'd take like 5 vitamins one day then skip 2-3 days and then only take one. Are you not logging or just not taking them? You keep saying you're eating healthy things all day. Well don't just eat healthy, eat smart! What is your sodium intake, vitamin A, vitamin C, protien, iron, vitamin D, potassium? Don't just focus on the calories...look at it all! You can come in under you calorie goal and still be eating unhealthy. I'm no saint when it comes to eating right 24/7-365 and yes my log does show it. I have tried to diet many times before, only to fail because I did not do it smart or have help. Here at MFP you have found people that will be there for you to HELP and MOTIVATE you. Keep coming back here and never quit because MFP wont quit on you. My two cents has been said so let the yelling at me start.
  • Do you have a stroller or a wagon that all of the kids can fit in? Or a treadmill? Walking as much as you can 3 -4 times a week maybe and adding in some strength training... you can even use your own body weight... i.e. push ups, leg lifts, etc. if you don't have weights. I have done 30 day shred... I stayed on level 1 the whole 30 days and it took me 35 days because I had to take a day off here and there... it's ok if you have to take a day off as long as you're in the mindset of getting back to it the next day.

    Someone on here said something perfect... you're hungry, drink a big glass of water and wait 15 minutes... a lot of times our body acts as if it is hungry when really we are dehydrated. I was a HUGE drinker of diet coke... addicted to diet coke with lime... I stopped it and replaced it with water. Also, I wasn't a big vegetable eater, but I am now... fill 3/4 of your plate up with veggies and the rest with a lean protein... veggies are very filling.

    The key is to make the commitment and forgive yourself if you aren't perfect 1 day... make up for it the next... logging is important even if you go over your calories, log it! :o)