
TitanianEternal Posts: 16
edited 12:21PM in Chit-Chat
i see alot of people asking for help about what to do in terms of eating for thanksgiving....i.e. portion control/healthy alternatives/ what to or what not to eat.....well the truth is its one day, eat your turkey, eat your sweet taters and mash taters and drink the gravy if u feel the need and then pass out on the couch cause you are soooo full its hard to breath....its one day, and really its one MEAL, just remember to go back to the healthy habits after...if one day of not "perfect" eating kills your weight loss and self control journey then honestly you had probably already doomed to fail at this...but ok my one tip for you guys is this

fill up on turkey so you cant eat any pie....

:devil: love you guys happy thanksgiving :drinker:


  • i see alot of people asking for help about what to do in terms of eating for thanksgiving....i.e. portion control/healthy alternatives/ what to or what not to eat.....well the truth is its one day, eat your turkey, eat your sweet taters and mash taters and drink the gravy if u feel the need and then pass out on the couch cause you are soooo full its hard to breath....its one day, and really its one MEAL, just remember to go back to the healthy habits after...if one day of not "perfect" eating kills your weight loss and self control journey then honestly you had probably already doomed to fail at this...but ok my one tip for you guys is this

    fill up on turkey so you cant eat any pie....

    :devil: love you guys happy thanksgiving :drinker:

    EXACTLY. Everything in moderation.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    ps:excellent idea with the gravy! Life is too damn short.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    so funny! as long as you dont make one meal turn into all weekend long!
  • Right on! Also, I plan on banking some calories this week just so I can relax and enjoy my meal on Thanksgiving. BRING ON THE PUMPKIN PIE!
  • I agree 100% Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Angel87a
    Angel87a Posts: 113
    I agree.. this is my one day... I'm hoping that my healthier eating habits now will prevent me over eating. When the stomach feels full stop! :)
  • I agree with the "banking" of the calories! I've already started. No way i'm giving up my Thanksgiving meal!
  • I'm certain to drink lots of water as well as cutting back on the calories (down 100-200/day) all week. I'm going to go over my daily goal on Thursday, but I'm not going to eat to the point where my stomach aches from being overstuffed.
  • Supercatie80
    Supercatie80 Posts: 1,802 Member
    The other way to offset would be to exercise and burn off some of the extra calories.....then you might even be able to have pie! :devil:
    So when you wake up from lying on the couch in your food coma, go for a brisk walk or a jog, play with your kids outside if you've got 'em, walk or play with the dog, wii exercise, do a work out video, etc. Or, for you crazies, consider it stocking up for shopping until you drop the day after!:tongue:
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I'm cooking dinner and aside from using a bit less salt and a bit less fat in the turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, I am also providing a huge bowl of Steamed veggies. I realize these are not the star of the show for anyone waiting all year for this meal, but I figure after a huge plate of these, I will have very little room for my true loves - the stuffing, sweet potato casserole, and desserts!

    I've been eating clean since I started here in February so while it all feels and tastes great going in, I soon have that "I drank one drink too many" feeling and there are no "backsies" from that! I need to remember how horrible I will feel in the hour following this feast or in the morning when I have a food hangover. I don't drink any more because I feel like crap after more than one drink so I am really hoping to adopt the same philosophy with this type of eating, too.

    Wishing everyone a great holiday and remember: It is being with the people you love and not just about the food!
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    Love your post! I agree wholeheartedly!
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    I agree with you! It's ONE day a's a holiday and a tradition! I rather eat what I want (not going to GORGE myself - but i will probably eat more than what I should) than be measuring, counting, and feeling left out. plus its kind of rude and i dont really want to do that in front of family who's prepared the meal for me!
    Truth is - it's not going to undo everything you've been working on - unless you use it as an excuse to never get back to healthy eating habits!

    Relax, enjoy yourself, don't beat yourself up over it! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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