Feeling down...

Just haven't been feeling so good about this whole "lifestyle change" or "diet".

I ate 600 calories in just a stupid pumpkin muffin :-(

I feel as if this whole thing is pointless. Exercising, eating right, and drinking water and choosing the right choices is simply dumb.

Pros about diets:
You feel mentally and physically good
You will probably lose weight and tone
Your in a better mood
You have something to look forward to I guess

Can't what what everyone else is eating
Constant mental battle
Feeling deprived
Harder to go out with friends
Constantly thinking about calories and what not
Getting down on yourself when you don't succeed

GAHHHHH why does this have to be so hard :'-(


  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    Its gets better, I promise. You start to learn what is a good choice and so it isn't such a battle and IMO you start to feel less guily about when you do have that pumpkin muffin.
    Hang in there. Do what you can and forget the rest. Don't stress and just enjoy yourself for the holidays. Eat and enjoy yourself, but listen to your body and stop before you're stuffed and if you think " I shouldn't eat this whole thing" then don't. Have a taste if you must and then celebrate the fact that you had the will to stop. It will be a huge celebration over the guilt!!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Alright, my advice to you...don't make this so difficult and about what you can't have. I have been at this since January 27th and I have never once considered this to be hard because I don't deprive myself. I eat what other people are eating, but I just make sure it fits within my calorie goals. I don't do it every day, most days are very different from the way I used eat, but I do treat myself from time to time. You can add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    if you say it is hard it will be. your mind will put whatever your thinking to good use, therefore, if you are thinking those thoughts then of course it will be hard! you have to look at things differently or you will have a difficult time. make it a challenge. yes you ate the muffin. but if you feel it is pointless then why bother at all? if you change your attitude to can do, then you can do! I have gone thru this many times but I sure am not going to keep feeling this way about myself. right now I can only walk and cant workout at the gym because of my neck. but that isnt going to stop me from losing this wk, no way! because I know I can do it! you can too if you let yourself.
  • shack1157
    shack1157 Posts: 97 Member
    I felt the same way for a long time! Finally I had to make a desicion to eat right and exercise or take meds and worry about becoming Diabetic. I watch friends and family struggle with this also. It is all a state of mind! It can be done and once you get into the swing of it it is a life style you will want and look forward to! Do yourself a favor to avoid problems down stream give it a good try and let your friends know what your doing they should be eagger to help and give support! Add me if you want to but if you don't want support when you deserve it or questions when you are not on I am not the one to add! Good Luck! I did it lost 96 pounds and want to lose 10 more!
  • ski007
    ski007 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't get frustrated. It's not going to be easy at first; you will have your good days and bad days, just try to have more good days. It was hard at first for me, too. But I stuck with it and before I knew it, I was feeling and looking better. I dropped almost 30 pounds the first 4 months.

    Then I hit a wall that almost completely came tumbling down. I gained about 15 pounds in 10 days and have struggled the last couple of months with it. But I stuck with it and I have dropped 6 pounds in the past 2 weeks.

    So, don't lose hope ... just keep with it.
  • thanks everyone for the support!