Just joined today

:smile: Hello everyone, my name is Ronda and I am really happy I found this website. One of my friends at CafeMom introduced me to it. I plan to drop 55 pounds, but at this point I will be breaking my goals down to a much more attainable level, say 5 pounds a month. If I exceed this Yay for me, but if not I will not constantly be disappointed, again.


  • RknRonda
    RknRonda Posts: 2
    :smile: Hello everyone, my name is Ronda and I am really happy I found this website. One of my friends at CafeMom introduced me to it. I plan to drop 55 pounds, but at this point I will be breaking my goals down to a much more attainable level, say 5 pounds a month. If I exceed this Yay for me, but if not I will not constantly be disappointed, again.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Welcome. That is an excellent plan. I do that myself.
  • doreenie
    doreenie Posts: 1
    :sad: Hi...call me Doreenie. I'm not sure how to use this site....I will basically track what I'm doing and eating, and TRY to stick to the recommended calorie count, right??? I am not a good dieter, so this will be difficult. I am just quitting Nutrisystem after only 10 days, because their food does not seem to agree with my stomach. Anyone else ever had that problem? I have to lose 20 lbs, which I have gained in the last 3 years. I think I've gained it because I'm bored with my life (stay-home mom, 4 kids.) I definitely eat when I'm bored or sad. Working out is not a problem, because I ALWAYS work out. Can't say I enjoy it, but always do it, out of fear of getting fatter. Anyone out there hear anything here that rings a bell with you???
  • pete
    pete Posts: 76 Member
    Welcome on board! i think you will find that this website is really helpful, and that the community is very encouraging. I found that logging my calories and exercise really helped me to break my bad eating habits. For example, finding time to exercise for me was always a problem, however, ever since i started using this website, i force myself to go on walks or ride my bike every day just to keep stay within my allotted calories! My wife cannot believe how much my eating habits and exercise routine has changed!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Welcome!!! This site is amazing, and if followed, I think the results are great!
    Enjoy the journey...