Newbie!! Needs Friends

Good Morning Everyone,
I am looking for some supportive friends(also friends to support) to help me on this journey to loose 100lbs. :smile:


  • Good Morning! I would love to be your friend on here! My name is Amie ... I've been on here for about one month. It's great! My username is arolen24.

    Have a great day!
  • Thanks Miss Amie!! Ive been off and on for about 6 months and Ive decided to get serious!!
  • kez_w84
    kez_w84 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a newbie too, joined today! I need to loose 40lbs and fast!! Any support would be most welcome :) xx
  • Hi, my name is Manda and I would also love to be your friend and to help out with your weight loss journey! My name on here is Bostonldy85
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Good luck, Hon! You can do this!
  • kaysue_15
    kaysue_15 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is kayla n. I joined like 5min ago feel free to add me kaysue_15 because I really need support as well .I am 21 I recenty had a baby n I just can't seem to shake this extra weight I'm looking to lose 30lbs so I can finally be happy in my own skin :)
  • dkllano
    dkllano Posts: 21 Member
    Hi ! My name is Darlene. I too have been off of the site for awhile but back on now. Very serious about staying motivated and getting in shape.I have about 50 lbs to lose. Looking forward to meeting new people and keeping each other motivated.My screen name is dkllano.
  • alisadee
    alisadee Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Welcome, I would like to be your friend also. This is a really good site. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    Hi! My name is Jen and I've been on MFP for about a month now...and I'm struggling, but sticking with it. Having friends to support you who know what you're going through is VERY important! Please feel free to add me as a friend...and that goes for everyone else as well!
  • dragonfly1178
    dragonfly1178 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi there and Welcome! I'm Monica and just want to wish you luck on your journey. Anyone here feel free to add me, more support the better. :flowerforyou:
  • I just joined today and need to loose about the same! Can we be friends?
  • I thought it would be fun to get some friends together who are just getting started. I have over 100 lbs. to lose and know that support is key because I've done it once before. This time I'm concentrating on the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects that change why I eat, but obviously, there has to be a physical component to it too! That's why I'm set up on this sight. Please friend me if you would like to go on this journey together.
  • kellzroxs
    kellzroxs Posts: 39 Member
    i also just started today! i lost 85 pounds and kept it off for awhile but ive recently gained about 15-20 back and then i found this site its so nice to know theres people out there going through the same exact thing you are! i also would like to find sum supportive ppl on here to share tips and things like that
  • baybear14
    baybear14 Posts: 56 Member
    I am pretty new here too and looking for more friends to keep me motivated. Please feel free to add me!
  • Hey! I am new too... (as of last week) This is my first time reading and posting. I am Kdcasey9! My goal is 50lbs. I just had a baby boy :) and ready to lose what I 'already had' lol. I have no friends yet either :( I can use and give support! :)

    So far, I have just been eating right (with the occasional sweet after dinner once or twicw a week)

    I do the slim fast shakes and for the last 4weeks I have not weighed myself, but clothes are getting bigger! :)

    Good luck to you all!!!!!
  • deby32
    deby32 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi also new and needing to lose 100 lbs , any support would be great.
    Please add me deby32 :-)
  • Hello...I'm new also and looking for friends. I need support to lose 40 lbs ASAP and I am willing to give support. You can add me ProudMotherOf3