losing this baby weight

My son is 5months old and my pants still don't button :( I'm ready to get healthy but I really need support I've tried for 5months losing this weight n I think I'm not getting nowhere n I think its because I've been doing it alone so please add me kaysue_15 & we can do this together!!!!


  • graynor
    hey girl! i'm right there with you! I still have 23 lbs to lose! i will add you! we can do it but you definitely need accountability partners!
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    I have lost of all my baby weight so I can tell you it's possible and I GAINED 110 lbs between my kids (ages 2 and 1) it took me 1 year to get all of it off so I can tell you it is very possible

    feel free to add and good luck
  • jbloch
    I'd recommend checking out Lindsay Brin's moms into fitness program. Love it. They just had a deal on it on babysteals.com. Great plan for mom's working to get back into shape and healing some of that pregnancy "damage". And bonus - the work outs are all about 30 min long, and with built in rest/make-up days, it's actually realistic for moms.
  • bigfluffyjujubird
    i have to get my 3 stone off (42 lbs)my daughter is 15 months old in a week i am back at work 4 days a week i need to get shifted! after that maybe another 4lbs and i would be there at my bmi
  • luvbugsmom
    luvbugsmom Posts: 40 Member
    I'm right there with you....My daughter turned 1 at the end of Sept and I've been struggling to lose this baby fat alone too!!! I've got 20-30lbs to lose!!! I know you can do it!!! I'll add you and we can support each other!
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    I am right there with you. The summer of 2007 I weighed 145 and really was happy with how I looked. I got pregnant with my son in August 2007- gained at least 70lbs (I stopped looking once I hit 215) and then kept at 185. I got pregnant with my second son in October 2009 (2nd boy, 3rd child) and was right back at 185 when he was 4 weeks old.

    Right now I have another 12lbs I would like to lose and really want to lose some inches
  • kaysue_15
    kaysue_15 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow thanks guys its good to know I'm not alone! I hope we can all accomplish our goals together :)
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    Hey there,
    I am in the same boat i am very healthy and exercise alot when im not pregnant but during pregnancy my body tends to store weight. I now have 15week old twin boys but due to the twin pregnancy i gained 5 stone and have just short of 2st to go. I am a gym addict so going 4-5 times a week but weight is at a stand still and not moved for 3 weeks so im back to counting calories. I really want to remain motivated until the end when I can fit my legs back into those pre pregnancy jeans!- Friends to help along the way definately a good source of support.
    ALL THE BEST ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE- heres to doing it together and achieving those goals! x
  • Rach0525
    Rach0525 Posts: 2 Member
    I have actually been doing these videos for 3 weeks now. I am losing inches but have not lost one single pound yet. I know it will happen but I am seriously tired of waiting!!
  • SlimBananas
    SlimBananas Posts: 124 Member
    Ugh I know how you feel. I have 50lbs to lose, of baby fat.( 2 kids 16 months apart) so I really didn't have the chance to lose it :( . I love my kids to infinity but the fat & stretch marks I could've passed on lol buty journey is a struggle so feel free to add me it'd be nice to have some extra similar friends :)
  • Gemma_Moo
    Hey guys,

    I have just joined this after seeing how well someone has done healthy eating, exercising and using this site.

    I'm 25 and have 2 daughters (eldest will be 3 in january, youngest was 1 in sept), i gained my weight suring my first pregnancy then when i decided to finally start trying to loose it i lost a stone then found out i was expecting baby number 2 when i re gained that stone (thankfully nothing more)

    Im here now more determined then ever and want to loose 112lbs...

    Good luck everyone and well done to you ladies who have reached your goals xx
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    My son will be one on thanksgiving, and im on the fatness to fitness train. Im a little different in the fact
    That mine is from before pregnancy. I've always been overweight. I only gained 15 lbs in pregnancy cycle and lost
    it all on delivery day. People kept telling me how great I looked. Now, a year later, I feel like I should look
    even better, rather than the same.:ohwell:
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I'm right there with you all too. My daughter is 9 months old and I still have around 10 lbs of baby weight to lose, plus I need to continue on with my original goal of losing about 40 more after that. I had lost 50 lbs for my wedding in August of 2010 and thanks to being fit and healthy, I got pregnant 2 weeks after the wedding and gained 35 lbs... I lost 15 by giving birth and have gradually lost 10 more over the last couple months so I have 10+ to work on to get down to my wedding weight. I know that when I get down to my wedding weight, I will look nothing like I did then because my weight is completely redistributed since becoming a mommy. :) I want to get my body back into shape so I can have healthy future pregnancies and feel confident in myself again. I'd love to get more support from others in the same boat. Feel free to add me anyone!
  • TheCountryMomma
    TheCountryMomma Posts: 98 Member
    I too am right there with ya! Although my little girl is approaching 2 yrs old. Life gets in the way sometimes. This is a great place to get support and a positive environment to stay motivated...i have about 20 to lose before i reach my goal!

    Everyone is invited to add me as a friend, I am on here all the time!!
  • alicia_louise29
    I have an 19month little boy and I gained nearly 3 stone with him and at 5ft2 I was 11stone!!! Crazy! Now its taken me that time to lose 2 and a half which I wasn't really dieting it just came off naturally but I'm struggling with the last 9lbs. I'm trying my best to get it off and finding the motivation for exercise! Feel free to add me if you are too!