Stress+Divorce=weight loss

Well I have finally found the secret for me to lose weight....stress. My husband and I are getting divorced, he was in the hospital shortly after we made this decision, I moved, I am trying to keep thing together for our three year old daughter and BOY have I lost weight! It is driving me crazy and has gotten to the point where it is really unhealthy. I have no appetite, when I do eat I often get sick, Im lucky if I get one half-way decent meal a day. What am I supposed to do?


  • Little_Ms_
    Go see a doctor because this isn't normal.

    Most of us are here because stress made us eat. I wish that wasn't the case!

    So please, just go talk with someone, a doctor, social worker, otherwise you won't be able to get back into a routine of eating and thinking well. It is most certainly psychological.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Go see a doctor because this isn't normal.

    Most of us are here because stress made us eat. I wish that wasn't the case!

    So please, just go talk with someone, a doctor, social worker, otherwise you won't be able to get back into a routine of eating and thinking well. It is most certainly psychological.

  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    speak to your doctor because loss of appetite is a very common side affect of depression.

    If you want to be keeping things normal for your 3 year old daughter, then you should at least be eating 2 meals a day with her at a table. She should be seeing you eat your meal. Its important for her to have a healthy role model when it comes to her outlook about food and eating right. I eat breakfast and dinner every single day with my son because I think that's the most important time to be together as a family.
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    Went through the same thing (not the divorce) 7 years ago, go see your Dr. he put me on anti-depressants.
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    I'm actually in the same boat as you. Lots of stress and just started the divorce process. We have 2 kids so I'm trying to keep things as normal as possible. I don't think I'm doing so good though! I lost about 7 lbs right away and couldn't keep anything down. I'm ok now but it's because I forced myself to eat. I do have to admit that its been nothing but junk and fast food though. My family helped me out too. Try and take care of you and your child. I started to read again and draw. Something I haven't done since before our daughter was born. I know it's tough but you will bounce back both from the divorce and the unhealthiness (not sure if that's a word!) of it all.

    Wishing you the best
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    Definitely get some advice! But don't panic.. I also did great losing weight from both my divorces! LOL.. although I was able to attribute it to actually get out on Fri and Sat nights to get dnace my tail off! Unfortunately, when life settled back down and I re-entered a relationship.. and then quit smoing.. that is when I packed on the

    Find something positive to do and make sure you DO talk to someone..even a church support group helps!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I am sorry you are having such a hard time, and I hope things will get easier for you soon.

    That being said I agree with the above post, you sound depressed and too busy to notice it. Your body is letting you know that something is wrong, and you are neglecting it. Please take some time to see a doctor I know sometimes the stress has been their for so long that you just don't want to feel it any more, but your body is telling you it is time to start dealing with it. It has just became too much for it bear.

    you and your family will be in my prayers.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Divorce and stress will for sure make most anyone drop the weight. However you have a little 3yo daughter depending on you draw your strength from her please.. Good Luck.....

    It does break ya heart to see so many little ones get caught up into this stuff we call divorce....
  • Devonanne
    Devonanne Posts: 102 Member
    I went through a divorce five years ago and was incredibly stressed. I lost nearly 10 lbs in the space of a month..eating felt difficult and I often felt unwell. I can relate to what you're going through. I had no place to live and was sleeping on friends' couches for several months. I do agree with the above poster that seeing a doc would be a good idea, but I'd also suggest trying to eat as much nutritious stuff as you can, even if it's tough. When I lost all that weight I was pleased even though it wasn't a healthy way to lose it..but after things leveled out (and they will for you too, even though it may not feel like it right now) I did gain all the weight back and more because I started eating too much. I think my body was trying to overcompensate for the stress and lack of nutrition. I'd urge you to keep trying to eat simple regular meals and snacks, even if it's just soup or fruit or a handful of nuts, etc. I found the simpler the food, the easier it was to eat. You'll get through this - I wish you all the best!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I am sorry to hear this. I get the same exact way when overly stressed. I don't have an appetite at all. I lost so much weight with both of my divorces that I looked like a skeleton. It was scary, but I was eventually able to overcome it on my own. Prayers for you and your little girl.
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    The same thing happened to me when I was going through my divorce. I am normally a stress eater, but for a few months after my divorce I couldn't eat without getting sick. I lost a bunch of weight...unfortunately I wasn't able to keep it off. Eventually my stress level evened out and I started eating again. You could talk to a Dr or someone just to make sure, but it is actually fairly common. My Dr simply suggested that what I was able to eat I needed to make sure was high in nutrition and not empty calories. I am sorry you are going through such a rough gets better. Hang in there and don't forget to take care of you!
  • goddesshanna
    goddesshanna Posts: 69 Member
    This happened to me when I moved away to college. It was a huge change and I like totally freaked out. At the time, I started just going to food service during meal time and trying to eat but still lost 10 lbs. Looking back at it, I know I was in a bad state mentally and I should have gone to the free student mental health center. I know it can feel embarrassing to ask for help, but you shouldn't feel bad about it.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I try to eat but I end up just picking at my food. I know its all in my head and I keep thinking I will get over it and level out. I am on a an antidepressant and have been for a while even prior to this. When I do eat I try very hard to "make it count" ie i am not eating chips and ice cream as comfort.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    This isn't a HEALTHY way to lose weight. I don't believe you should GAIN weight either from stress..but it you aren't exercising or eating right you may be doing more harm than good.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    it happens. i lost 30 lbs in the first month or two post divorce. then i made new friends, found a support system, realized i'm a big girl now and i can do this all by myself, and now i've gained it all back.

    so don't worry... it only lasts a short time. try to eat what you can, and make sure you're taking care of yourself. try a meal replacement drink if it might help.
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    The same thing happened to me! I left my husband the beginning of this year, right away I lost like 10 lbs like that! And now I've lost a total of 40 lbs (some of it came off before I left my husband) and were still in the process of the divorce, 11 months still going. SO it's possible but you need to try to eat something!
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    I try to eat but I end up just picking at my food. I know its all in my head and I keep thinking I will get over it and level out. I am on a an antidepressant and have been for a while even prior to this. When I do eat I try very hard to "make it count" ie i am not eating chips and ice cream as comfort.

    I do know that sometimes pills aren't always the answer, but it could be that your doctor can try a different dosage and maybe it will help or maybe a therapist? I know what you mean--I, too, lose my appetite when I am stressed out. I just recently got off Celexa after being on it for about 5 years. I'm thinking I may need to get back on it, too!

    I haven't ever went through a divorce, but I have went through some awful break ups with ex-boyfriends and an ex-fiance. I had my wedding dress and everything. It was really tough, and I felt physically ill and couldn't eat. Luckily, it got easier and I finally pulled myself together. I'll definitely say a prayer for you and your daughter and hope things get better for you, soon! :)